CERN Accelerating science

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Bibliography on the analyses of optical atomic spectra , v.1 : The spectra of hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, scandium, ; v.2 : The spectra of chromium, manganese, iron, coblt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, krypton, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, zirconium and niobium ; v.3 : The spectra of molybendum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, antimony, tellurium, iodine, xenon, cesium, barium, lathanum-hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold ; v.4 The spectra of lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, luthetium-actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium,. / Moore, Charlotte E
NBS-SP-306-1 ; NBS-SP-306-2 ; NBS-SP-306-3 ; NBS-SP-306-4. - Washington, DC : US. Nat. Bureau Stand. Inst. Basic Stand., 1968. - 4 v.

CERN library copies
Atomic energy levels : as derived from the analyses of optical spectra , v.1 : The spectra of hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, scandium ; v.2 : The spectra of chromium, manganese, iron, coblt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, krypton, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, zirconium and niobium ; v.3 : The spectra of molybendum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, antimony, tellurium, iodine, xenon, cesium, barium, lathanum-hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold. . - 2nd ed. / Moore, Charlotte E (ed.)
NSDRS-NBS-35-1 ; NSDRS-NBS-35-2 ; NSDRS-NBS-35-3. - Washington, DC : US. Nat. Bureau Stand., 1971. - 359 p. ; 259 p. ; 282 p.

CERN library copies
Book cover Atomic energy levels : the rare-earth elements ; the sprectra of lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium... / Hagan, Lucy
NSRDS-NPS-60. - Washington, DC : US. Nat. Bureau Stand., 1978. - 411 p.

CERN library copies
Discovery of isomers in dysprosium, holmium, and erbium isotopes with N=94 to 97 / Swan, TPD (Surrey U.) ; Walker, P M (Surrey U. ; CERN) ; Podolyak, Zs (Surrey U.) ; Reed, M W (Surrey U.) ; Dracoulis, G D (Australian Natl. U., Canberra) ; Lane, G J (Australian Natl. U., Canberra) ; Kibedi, T (Australian Natl. U., Canberra) ; Smith, M L (Australian Natl. U., Canberra)
2012 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) 024313 APS published version, local copy: PDF;
Resonance Laser Ionisation of Lanthanides: A case study of Praseodymium and Europium at CERN / Van Dingenen, Babet
Nuclear physics is the field that studies the nuclear force, nuclear structure, and nuclear reactions [...]
CERN-THESIS-2024-261 - 2024 - 102.

Nonideal Undulator Spectra / Kim, S H
- 1985.
Motivic symmetric spectra / Jardine, J F
Record from Univ. Illinois
8. Recommendations of the Finance Committee to Council as to the Financing of the 1965 Supplementary Programme
Recommandations du Comité des Finances au Conseil au sujet du financement du programme supplémentaire pour 1965
28th Session of Council ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF
9. Expenditure in Excess of Provisions
Dépassements de crédits
64th Meeting of Finance Committee ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF
10. List of Participants
Liste des participants
64th Meeting of Finance Committee ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF

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