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CERN Document Server 2,032 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა: ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.73 წამი. 
Approaching the r-process "waiting point" nuclei below $^{132}$Sn: quadrupole collectivity in $^{128}$Cd / Behrens, Tinstitute et al. - ISOLDE.
Approved: 05 December 2008.-
Status: Finished
Experiment: IS477
Approaching the r-process "waiting point" nuclei below $^{132}$Sn : quadrupole collectivity in $^{128}$Cd / Kröll, T (spokesperson) (Physik-Department E12, TU München) ; Fraile-Prieto, L M (resp.) (CERN)
CERN-INTC-2007-013 ; INTC-P-226.
- 2007.
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Approaching the r-processs "waiting point" nuclei below $^{132}$Sn : quadrupole collectivity in $^{128}$Cd / Kröll, Th (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Krücken, R (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Behrens, T (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Bildstein, V (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Fästermann, T (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Gernhäuser, R (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Mahgoub, M (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Maierbeck, P (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Wimmer, K (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Thirolf, P (Munich U.) et al.
CERN-INTC-2008-036 ; INTC-CLL-003.
- 2008.
Original Document (INTC-P-226) - Fulltext
Nuclear physics constraints to bring the astrophysical r-process to the "waiting point" / Kratz, K L /ISOLDE Collaboration
1988 - Published in : Rev. Mod. Astron.: 1 (1988) , pp. 184
Laser spectroscopy of cadmium isotopes: probing the nuclear structure between the neutron 50 and 82 shell closures / Hammen, Minstitute et al. - ISOLDE.
Approved: 02 December 2009.-
Status: Finished
Experiment: IS497
$\beta$-decay study of very neutron-rich Cd isotopes with a chemically selective laser ion source / Hannawald, M Winstitute - ISOLDE.
Approved: 05 April 2001.-
Status: Finished
Experiment: IS393
Neutron-Rich Silver Isotopes Produced by a Chemically Selective Laser Ion-Source: Test of the R-Process " Waiting-Point " Concept / Hannawald, M Winstitute - ISOLDE.
Approved: 17 June 1993.-
Status: Finished
Experiment: IS333
Beta-decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich Cd isotopes - ISOLDE.
Approved: 02 December 2020.-
Status: Completed on 18 March 2021
Experiment: IS685
Decay properties of N=82 to 84 cadmium r-process nuclides / ISOLDE Collaboration
A chemically selective laser ion source has been applied in a decay study of very neutron rich Cd isotopes at CERN/ISOLDE. For the classical N=82 r-process "waiting-point" isotope /sup 130/Cd, a more precise half-life of 162+or-7 ms and a beta -delayed neutron branch of P/sub n/=(3.5+or-1.0) % were determined. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2001 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 688 (2001) 578-80
Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich odd-$A$ Cd isotopes / Tengblad, Oinstitute et al. - ISOLDE.
Approved: 30 November 2011.-
Status: Completed on 25 May 2020
Experiment: IS524

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