CERN Accelerating science

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Crystal Collimation Studies at the Tevatron (T-980) / Mokhov, N V (Fermilab) ; Annala, G E (Fermilab) ; Apyan, A (Fermilab) ; Carrigan, R A (Fermilab) ; Drozhdin, A I (Fermilab) ; Johnson, T R (Fermilab) ; Legan, A M (Fermilab) ; Reilly, R E (Fermilab) ; Shiltsev, V (Fermilab) ; Still, D A (Fermilab) et al.
Bent-crys­tal chan­nel­ing is a tech­nique with a po­ten­tial to in­crease the beam-ha­lo col­li­ma­tion ef­fi­cien­cy at high-en­er­gy col­lid­ers. First mea­sure­ments at the Teva­tron in 2005 have shown that using a 5-mm sil­i­con crys­tal to de­flect the pro­ton beam halo onto a sec­ondary col­li­ma­tor im­proves the sys­tem per­for­mance by re­duc­ing the ma­chine impedance, beam loss­es in the col­lid­er de­tec­tors and ir­ra­di­a­tion of the su­per­con­duct­ing mag­nets, all in agree­ment with sim­u­la­tions. [...]
FERMILAB-CONF-09-173-APC.- 2010 Published version from PAC09: PDF;
In : Particle Accelerator Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 04 - 08 May 2009, pp.WE1GRC05
Beam Losses and Background Loads on Collider Detectors Due to Beam-Gas Interactions in the LHC / Drozhdin, A I (Fermilab) ; Mokhov, N V (Fermilab) ; Striganov, S I (Fermilab)
With a ful­ly-op­er­a­tional high-ef­fi­cient col­li­ma­tion sys­tem in the LHC, nu­cle­ar in­ter­ac­tions of cir­cu­lat­ing pro­tons with resid­u­al gas in the ma­chine beam pipe can be a major sources of beam loss­es in the vicin­i­ty of the col­lid­er de­tec­tors, re­spon­si­ble for the ma­chine-in­duced back­grounds. Re­al­is­tic mod­el­ing of elas­tic and in­elas­tic in­ter­ac­tions of 7-TeV pro­tons with nu­clei in the vac­u­um cham­ber of the cold and warm sec­tions of the LHC ring - with an ap­pro­pri­ate pres­sure pro­file - is per­formed with the STRUCT and MARS15 codes. [...]
FERMILAB-CONF-09-172-APC.- 2010 Published version from PAC09: PDF;
In : Particle Accelerator Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 04 - 08 May 2009, pp.WE6PFP027
Electron Lens for Beam-Beam Compensation at LHC / Valishev, A (Fermilab) ; Shiltsev, V (Fermilab)
Head-on beam-beam ef­fect may be­come a major per­for­mance lim­i­ta­tion for the LHC in one of the up­grade sce­nar­ios. Given the vast ex­pe­ri­ence gained from the op­er­a­tion of Teva­tron elec­tron lens­es, a sim­i­lar de­vice pro­vides sig­nif­i­cant po­ten­tial for mit­i­ga­tion of beam-beam ef­fects at the LHC. [...]
FERMILAB-CONF-09-171-AD-APC.- 2010 Published version from PAC09: PDF;
In : Particle Accelerator Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 04 - 08 May 2009, pp.WE6PFP034
Embedded Collimator Beam Position Monitors / Bertarelli, A (CERN) ; Boccard, C (CERN) ; Dallocchio, A (CERN) ; Gasior, M (CERN) ; Gentini, L (CERN) ; Nosych, A (CERN)
The LHC col­li­ma­tion sys­tem is cru­cial for safe and re­li­able op­er­a­tion of pro­ton beams with 350 MJ stored en­er­gy. Cur­rent­ly the col­li­ma­tor set-up is per­formed by ob­serv­ing beam loss­es when ap­proach­ing the colli­ma­tor jaws to the beam. [...]
CERN-BE-2011-023.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 3 p. - Published in : Conf. Proc.: C11-05-16.4 (2011) , pp. MOPD18 Fulltext: PDF; Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, 16 - 18 May 2011, pp.80
Recent Progress on the Design of a Rotatable Copper Collimator for the LHC Collimation Upgrade / Smith, J C (SLAC) ; Keller, L (SLAC) ; Lundgren, S (SLAC) ; Markiewicz, T W (SLAC) ; Lari, L (EPFL-ISIC ; CERN)
The Phase II up­grade to the LHC col­li­ma­tion sys­tem calls for com­ple­ment­ing the 30 high ro­bust Phase I graphite col­li­ma­tors with 30 high Z Phase II col­li­ma­tors. One op­tion is to use metal­lic ro­tat­able col­li­ma­tors and this de­sign will be dis­cussed here. [...]
SLAC-PUB-13743.- 2010 Published version from PAC09: PDF;
In : Particle Accelerator Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 04 - 08 May 2009, pp.WE6RFP030
Coherent Diffraction Radiation as a Tool for Longitudinal Beam Profile Diagnostics at CTF3 / Lekomtsev, K (Oxford U., JAI) ; Blair, G A (Oxford U., JAI) ; Boorman, G E (Oxford U., JAI) ; Karataev, V (Oxford U., JAI) ; Micheler, M (Oxford U., JAI) ; Corsini, R (CERN) ; Lefèvre, T (CERN)
Com­pact Lin­ear Col­lid­er (CLIC) is a mul­ti-TeV elec­tron-positron col­lid­er for par­ti­cle physics based on an in­no­va­tive two-beam ac­cel­er­a­tion scheme. The CLIC Test Fa­cil­i­ty 3 (CTF3, CERN) aims to demon­strate fea­si­bil­i­ty of this con­cept. [...]
2010 Published version from LINAC10: PDF;
In : 25th Linear Accelerator Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 12 - 17 Sep 2010, pp.TUP099
Electromagnetic Simulations of an Embedded BPM in Collimator Jaws / Boccard, C (CERN) ; Gasior, M (CERN) ; Nosych, A (CERN)
Next gen­er­a­tion of the LHC col­li­ma­tors will be equipped with but­ton beam po­si­tion mon­i­tors (BPMs) em­bed­ded into the col­li­ma­tor jaws. Such a so­lu­tion will im­prove the ac­cu­ra­cy of the jaw align­ment with respect to the beam and re­duce the beam time nec­es­sary for the collima­tor setup. [...]
CERN-BE-2011-022.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 3 p. - Published in : Conf. Proc.: C11-05-16.4 (2011) , pp. MOPD15 Fulltext: PDF; Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, 16 - 18 May 2011, pp.71
Prospects for Integrating a Hollow Electron Lens into the LHC Collimation System / Smith, J C (SLAC) ; Assmann, R (Fermilab ; CERN) ; Previtali, V (Fermilab ; CERN) ; Shiltsev, V (Fermilab ; CERN) ; Valishev, A (Fermilab ; CERN)
It has been pro­posed to use a hol­low elec­tron lens with the LHC beam col­li­ma­tion sys­tem*. The hol­low elec­tron beam would be used as a beam scrap­er and po­si­tioned at a clos­er σ than the pri­ma­ry col­li­ma­tors to in­crease the halo par­ti­cle dif­fu­sion rate strik­ing the pri­maries. [...]
FERMILAB-CONF-09-412-APC.- 2010 Published version from PAC09: PDF;
In : Particle Accelerator Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 04 - 08 May 2009, pp.WE6RFP031
EMMA Commissioning / Muratori, B D (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Daresbury) ; Jones, J K (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Daresbury) ; Saveliev, Y M (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Daresbury) ; Smith, S L (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Daresbury) ; Tzenov, S I (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Daresbury) ; Holder, D J (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Liverpool U.) ; Berg, J S (Brookhaven) ; Keil, E (CERN) ; Johnstone, C (Fermilab) ; Koscielniak, S R (TRIUMF)
EMMA (Elec­tron Ma­chine with Many Ap­pli­ca­tions) is a pro­to­type non-scal­ing elec­tron FFAG to be host­ed at Dares­bury Lab­o­ra­to­ry. NS-FFAGs re­lat­ed to EMMA have an un­prece­dent­ed po­ten­tial for med­i­cal ac­cel­er­a­tors for car­bon and pro­ton hadron ther­a­py. [...]
2010 Published version from PAC09: PDF;
In : Particle Accelerator Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 04 - 08 May 2009, pp.FR5REP109
LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System Verification Applications / Dehning, B (CERN) ; Fadakis, E (CERN) ; Zamantzas, C (CERN) ; Jackson, S (CERN)
The LHC Beam Loss Mon­i­tor­ing (BLM) sys­tem is one of the most com­plex in­stru­men­ta­tion sys­tems de­ployed in the LHC. In ad­di­tion to protecting the col­lid­er, the sys­tem also needs to pro­vide a means of di­ag­nos­ing ma­chine faults and de­liv­er a feed­back of loss­es to the control room as well as to sev­er­al sys­tems for their setup and analysis. [...]
CERN-BE-2011-028.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 3 p. - Published in : Conf. Proc.: C11-05-16.4 (2011) , pp. TUPD44 Fulltext: PDF; Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, 16 - 18 May 2011, pp.404

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