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J/$\psi$ Production as a Function of Charged Particle Multiplicity in pp Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The ALICE collaboration reports the measurement of the inclusive J/psi yield as a function of charged particle pseudorapidity density dN_{ch}/deta in pp collisions at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV at the LHC. J/psi particles are detected for p_t > 0, in the rapidity interval |y| < 0.9 via decay into e+e-, and in the interval 2.5 < y < 4.0 via decay into mu+mu- pairs. [...]
arXiv:1202.2816; CERN-PH-EP-2012-021.- Geneva : CERN, 2013-07-16 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 712 (2012) 165-175 Draft (restricted): PDF; Elsevier Open Access article : PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter Technical Design Report / ALICE Collaboration
The ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter technical design is reported..
CERN-LHCC-2008-014 ; ALICE-TDR-14.
- 2008. (Technical design report. ALICE ; 14)
Production of pions, kaons and protons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 900 GeV with ALICE at the LHC / ALICE Collaboration
The production of $\pi^+, pi^-, K^+, K^-$, p, and $\bar{p}$ at mid-rapidity has been measured in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 900 GeV with the ALICE detector. Particle identification is performed using the specific energy loss in the inner tracking silicon detector and the time projection chamber. [...]
arXiv:1101.4110; CERN-PH-EP-2010-085; CERN-PH-EP-2010-085.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 30 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 71 (2011) 1655 Author list: TEX; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Inclusive J/$\psi$ production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.76 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The ALICE Collaboration has measured inclusive J/psi production in pp collisions at a center of mass energy sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV at the LHC. The results presented in this Letter refer to the rapidity ranges |y|<0.9 and 2.5<y<4 and have been obtained by measuring the electron and muon pair decay channels, respectively. [...]
arXiv:1203.3641; CERN-PH-EP-2012-055; CERN-PH-EP-2012-055; CERN-PH-EP-2012-055.- Geneva : CERN, 2012-12-05 - 12 p. Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: arXiv:1203.3641 - PDF; 1203.3641 - PDF; External link: Preprint
Performance of the ALICE VZERO system / ALICE Collaboration
ALICE is an LHC experiment devoted to the study of strongly interacting matter in proton--proton, proton--nucleus and nucleus--nucleus collisions at ultra-relativistic energies. The ALICE VZERO system, made of two scintillator arrays at asymmetric positions, one on each side of the interaction point, plays a central role in ALICE. [...]
arXiv:1306.3130; CERN-PH-EP-2013-082; CERN-PH-EP-2013-082.- Geneva : CERN, 2013 - 20 p. - Published in : JINST 8 (2013) P10016 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-PH-EP-2013-082 - PDF; arXiv:1306.3130 - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
D meson elliptic flow in non-central Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76TeV / ALICE Collaboration
Azimuthally anisotropic distributions of $D^0, D^+$ and $D^{*+}$ mesons were studied in the central rapidity region (|y| < 0.8) in Pb-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV per nucleon-nucleon collision, with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The second Fourier coefficient $\nu_2$ (commonly denoted elliptic flow) was measured in the centrality class 30-50% as a function of the D meson transverse momentum $p_T$, in the range 2-16 GeV/c. [...]
arXiv:1305.2707; CERN-PH-EP-2013-085; CERN-PH-EP-2013-085.- Geneva : CERN, 2013-09-05 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 102301 APS Open Access article: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-PH-EP-2013-085 - PDF; arXiv:1305.2707 - PDF; External link: Preprint
Neutral pion and $\eta$ meson production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=0.9 TeV and $\sqrt{s}$=7 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The first measurements of the invariant differential cross sections of inclusive $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ meson production at mid-rapidity in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=0.9$ TeV and $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV are reported. The $\pi^0$ measurement covers the ranges $0.4<p_T<7$ GeV/$c$ and $0.3<p_T<25$ GeV/$c$ for these two energies, respectively. [...]
arXiv:1205.5724; CERN-PH-EP-2012-001; CERN-PH-EP-2012-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2013-07-16 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 717 (2012) 162-172 Draft (restricted): PDF; Elsevier Open Access article : PDF; Fulltext: arXiv:1205.5724 - PDF; CERN-PH-EP-2012-001 - PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Charmonium and $e^+e^-$ pair photoproduction at mid-rapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The ALICE Collaboration at the LHC has measured the $J/\psi$ and $\psi$' photoproduction at mid-rapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV. The charmonium is identified via its leptonic decay for events where the hadronic activity is required to be minimal. [...]
arXiv:1305.1467; CERN-PH-EP-2013-066; CERN-PH-EP-2013-066.- 2013-11-09 - 26 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 73 (2013) 2617 Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
Charged kaon femtoscopic correlations in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV / ALICE Collaboration
Correlations of two charged identical kaons (K$^{ch}$ K$^{ch}$) are measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=7 TeV by the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). One-dimensional K$^{ch}$ K$^{ch}$ correlation functions are constructed in three multiplicity and four transverse momentum ranges. [...]
arXiv:1212.5958; CERN-PH-EP-2012-337; CERN-PH-EP-2012-337.- Geneva : CERN, 2013-03-25 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 052016 APS Open Access article: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-PH-EP-2012-337 - PDF; arXiv:1212.5958 - PDF; External link: Preprint
Mid-rapidity anti-baryon to baryon ratios in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV measured by ALICE / ALICE Collaboration
The ratios of yields of anti-baryons to baryons probes the mechanisms of baryon-number transport. Results for anti-proton/proton, anti-$\Lambda/\Lambda$, anti-$\Xi^{+}/\Xi^{-}$ and anti-$\Omega^{+}/\Omega^{-}$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV, measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC, are reported. [...]
arXiv:1305.1562; CERN-PH-EP-2013-080; CERN-PH-EP-2013-080.- Geneva : CERN, 2013 - 33 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 73 (2013) 2496 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint

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