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Cyclotron-Injector CI-5 for JINR Phasotron / Alenitsky, Yu G ; Vorozhtsov, A S ; Vorozhtsov, S B ; Glazov, A A ; Dmitrievskii, V P ; Zaplatin, N L ; Kalinichenko, V V ; Karamysheva, G A ; Kostromin, S A ; Morozov, N A et al.
The separated sector cyclotron CI-5 with the extraction energy of ?$^-$ ions 5 MeV and beam intensity 10-30 mA for injection into the JINR Phasotron is considered. [...]
JINR-P9-2004-170 ; P9-2004-170.
- 2004. - 9 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Cyclotron Cytrack for Membrane Production / Onishchenko, L M ; Alenitsky, Yu G ; Glazov, A A ; Denisov, Yu N ; Dmitrievsky, V P ; Kalinichenko, V V ; Karamysheva, G A ; Morozov, N A ; Samsonov, E V ; Zaplatin, N L
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications, Tokyo, Japan, 18 - 22 Oct 2004, pp.96
Deuteron Cyclotron Complex as Meson and Neutron Generator / Alenitsky, Yu G ; Denisov, J N ; Dmitrievsky, V P ; Dzhelepov, V P ; Glazov, A A ; Kalinichenko, V V ; Onishchenko, L M ; Vorozhtsov, S B ; Zaplatin, N L ; Maltsev, A P et al.
1994 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 4th European Particle Accelerator Conference, London, UK, 27 Jun - 1 Jul 1994, pp.569
High-current cyclotron injector / Vorozhtsov, S B ; Glasov, A A ; Dmitrievsky, V P ; Zaplatin, N L ; Kalinichenko, V V ; Onishchenko, L M
- 1989. - 13 p. CERN library copies
Cyclotron for Beam Therapy Application / Alenitsky, Yu G ; Glazov, A A ; Karamysheva, G A ; Kostromin, S A ; Mitsyn, G V ; Molokanov, A G ; Onishchenko, L M ; Samsonov, E V ; Vorozhtsov, S B ; Zaplatin, N L
The basic parameters of the proton isochronous cyclotron on the fixed energy are considered. [...]
JINR-P9-2005-32 ; P9-2005-32.
- 2005. - 10 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
High-current deuteron cyclotron complex as meson and neutron generator for accelerator driven transmutation technology (ADTT) and energy production / Alenitsky, Yu G ; Borisov, O N ; Chesnov, A F ; Denisov, V Yu ; Dmitrievsky, V P ; Dzhelepov, V P ; Glazov, A A ; Kalinichenko, V V ; Onishchenko, L M ; Vorozhtsov, S B et al.
- 1996. - 10 p.
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The High Current Cyclotron Complex for an Electronuclear Way of Production of Energy / Alenitsky, Yu G ; Glazov, A A ; Dmitrievsky, V P ; Zaplatin, N L ; Kalinichenko, V V ; Onishchenko, L M ; Rusakovitch, N A
2001 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 16th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Applications, East Lansing, MI, USA, 13 - 17 May 2001, pp.434
Computer Modeling of Accelerating Field and Particle Dynamics in Cyclotron-Injector for JINR Phasotron / Kalinichenko, V V ; Karamysheva, G A
Results of 3D electromagnetic field calculations of RF-cavity and of dynamic simulations considering these fields in 5 MeV, 30 mA separated sector cyclotron for injection into JINR Phasotron are presented. [...]
JINR-P9-2002-169 ; P9-2002-169.
- 2002. - 8 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Asynchronous Cyclotron / Tumanyan, A R ; Karamysheva, G A ; Vorozhtsov, S B
- 1997. - 7 p.
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The dynamic calculation in CI-10 cyclotron / Samsonov, E V ; Karamysheva, G A ; Vorozhtsov, S B
- 1999. - 20 p.
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