CERN Accelerating science

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f$_{0}$(975) meson and the K$\overline{K}$ threshold effects / Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P ; Lesniak, L
INP-1554-PH ; PAK-INP-1554-PH.
- 1991. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
$\pi\pi$ and K$\overline{K}$ channel coupling; 2, the f$_{0}$ (975) meson and K$\overline{K}$ threshold effects / Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P ; Lesniak, L
- 1991. - 30 p.
CERN library copies
pi.pi and K$\overline{K}$ channel coupling and scalar mesons / Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P ; Lesniak, L
- 1989. - 23 p.
CERN library copies
The K$\overline{K}$ system at low relative energies and the problem of the f$_{0}$(975) and a$_{0}$(983) mesons / Frascaria, R
- 1992. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Approximations for the treatment of final state interactions in nuclear knock out form factors / Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P ; Lesniak, L
- 1985. - 32 p.
CERN library copies
The q$^{2}\overline{q}$sup(2) mesons, a$_{0}$(980), f$_{0}$(975) and QCD vacuum / Dorokhov, A E ; Kochelev, N I ; Zubov, Yu A
E2-89-867 ; JINR-E2-89-867.
- 1989. - 6 p.
CERN library copies
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and superdeformed nuclei / Amado, R D ; Bijker, R ; Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P
- 1991. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics, the Pauli principle and nucleon alpha scattering / Amado, R D ; Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P
PR-89-12 ; PSI-PR-89-12.
- 1989. - 7 p.
CERN library copies
Bose-Einstein pion correlations in $\overline{N}$N annihilations / Amado, R D ; Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P ; Locher, M P ; Lu, Y
- 1994. - 11 p.
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Nuclear structure effects in high momentum transfer reactions / Cannata, F ; Dedonder, J P ; Guruitz, S A
- 1982. - 32 p.
CERN library copies

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