Experimental results on large angle elastic pp scattering at the CERN ISR
/ Kwak, N (CERN) ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; Brandt, A ; Broll, C ; Coignet, G ; Dibon, Heinz ; Eichinger, H ; Favier, Jean ; Flügge, G et al.
New experimental results are presented on proton-proton elastic scattering at centre-of-mass energies square root s=23 GeV and square root s=62 GeV. The data are obtained using the Split Field Magnet detector at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. [...]
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 58 (1975) 233-6
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A study of the charge-exchange reaction $pp \to n\Delta^{++} (1232)$ at ISR energies
/ De Kerret, H (CERN) ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques (Annecy, LAPP) ; Bartl, Walter (Vienna, OAW) ; Brandt, A (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Broll, C (Annecy, LAPP) ; Coignet, G (Annecy, LAPP) ; Dibon, Heinz (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Eichinger, H (Vienna, OAW) ; Favier, Jean (Annecy, LAPP) ; Flügge, G (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) et al.
A study is reported of the charge-exchange reaction pp to n Delta /sup ++/(1232) at the CERN intersecting storage rings (ISR) in the energy range square root s=23 to 53 GeV. From the analysis of the energy dependence of the total cross-section, of the differential cross- section d sigma /dt and of the decay angular distributions evidence is found that pion exchange is dominant up to square root s=23 GeV and that ( rho +A/sub 2/) exchange dominates the reaction for square root s>or=30 GeV, as described by simple Regge-pole models. [...]
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 69 (1977) 372-6
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Evidence for a change of slope in large-t elastic proton-proton scattering at square root s=53 GeV
/ De Kerret, H ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; Brandt, A ; Broll, C ; Büsser, F W ; Coignet, G ; Dibon, Heinz ; Eichinger, H ; Favier, Jean et al.
New experimental results are presented on proton-proton elastic scattering in the range of momentum transfer 4 GeV/sup 2/<-t<10 GeV /sup 2/ at the centre-of-mass energy of square root s=53 GeV. The data have been obtained using the split-field magnet detector at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. [...]
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 68 (1977) 374-6
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Large t elastic proton-proton scattering at square root s=53 GeV
/ De Kerret, H (CERN) ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques (Orsay, IPN) ; Bartl, Walter (Vienna, OAW) ; Brandt, A (U. Hamburg) ; Broll, C (Orsay, IPN) ; Büsser, F W (U. Hamburg) ; Coignet, G (Orsay, IPN) ; Dibon, Heinz (U. Hamburg) ; Eichinger, H (Vienna, OAW) ; Favier, Jean (Orsay, IPN) et al.
New experimental results are presented on proton-proton elastic scattering in the range of momentum transfer 0.8 GeV/sup 2/<-t<9 GeV /sup 2/ at a centre-of-mass energy of square root s=53 GeV. The data are obtained using the Split-Field-Magnet Detector at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1976 - 6 p.
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 62 (1976) 363-365
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Study of hadronic events in pp collisions at square root s=62 GeV and comparison with hadronic events in e/sup +/e/sup -/ collisions
/ Breakstone, A ; Crawley, H B ; Doroba, K ; Drijard, Daniel ; Fabbri, F L ; Firestone, A ; Fischer, H G ; Frehse, H ; Geist, W ; Gokieli, R et al.
Presents an analysis of minimum bias events from proton-proton collisions at square root s=62 GeV in the CERN ISR. The authors remove the effects of both the leading protons and compare the B=0 mesonic residue of the events to the hadronic events of similar energy produced in e/sup +/e/sup -/collisions. [...]
- Published in : Z. Phys. C 11 (1981) 203-9
A measurement of the cross section of the reaction $pp \rightarrow n\Delta^{++} (1232)$ at ISR energies
/ Kwak, N (CERN) ; Nagy, E (CERN) ; Regler, Meinhard (CERN) ; Schmidt-Parzefall, W (CERN) ; Schubert, Klaus R (CERN) ; Winter, Klaus (CERN) ; Brandt, A (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Dibon, Heinz (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Flügge, G (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Niebergall, F (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) et al.
A measurement of the cross section of the charge-exchange reaction pp to Delta /sup ++/(1232)n at square root s=23, 31 and 45 GeV at the CERN-ISR is reported. The energy dependences continues to follow a power law p/sub lab//sup -n/ with n=1.94+or-0.03 indicating dominance of one-pion exchange at the lowest ISR energy; there is some evidence for deviation from this at the higher ISR energies. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1976 - 11 p.
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 62 (1976) 359-362
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Analysis of the charge-exchange reaction $pp \rightarrow (p\pi^{+}) (p\pi^{-}$ and of \delta^{++}\delta^{0}$ production at the CERN ISR
/ Goggi, Giorgio V (CERN) ; Cavalli-Sforza, M (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Conta, C (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Fraternali, M (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Impellizzeri, F (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Mantovani, G C (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Pastore, F (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Rimoldi, A (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Rossini, B (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia)
The results of a systematic analysis of charge-exchange double dissociation in proton-proton collisions at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings are presented. The data cover the entire ISR energy range between square root s=23 GeV and square root s=63 GeV at five standard energies. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1978 - 46 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 143 (1978) 365-394
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The leading-baryon effect in Lambda /sub b//sup 0/ production in proton-proton interactions at square root s=62 GeV
/ Basile, M ; Bonvicini, G ; Cesare, P D ; Cifarelli, L ; Contin, A ; D'Ali, G ; Esposito, B ; Giusti, P ; Massam, Thomas ; Nania, R et al.
The measurement of the longitudinal-momentum production distribution of the 'beauty'-flavoured baryon Lambda /sub b//sup 0/, in the reaction pp to e/sup +/+ Lambda /sub b//sup 0/+anything at square root s=62 GeV, shows clear evidence for a leading-baryon effect in Lambda /sub b//sup 0/ production. A comparison with the data on Lambda /sub c //sup +/, Lambda /sub s//sup 0/ and Lambda /sub s//sup 0/ production is also given. [...]
- Published in : Nuovo Cimento A: 65 ser.2 (1981) , no. 3, pp. 408-13
The leading effect in Lambda /sub c//sup +/ production at square root s=62 GeV in proton-proton collisions
/ Basile, M ; Cifarelli, L ; Contin, A ; D'Ali, G ; Di Cesare, P ; Esposito, B ; Giusti, P ; Massam, Thomas ; Palmonari, F ; Romeo, G C et al.
The first measurement of the longitudinal momentum distribution of the charmed baryon Lambda /sub c//sup +/ produced in the reaction pp to Lambda /sub c//sup +/+e/sup -/+anything is reported. The experiment has been carried out at a centre-of-mass energy of square root s=62 Ge V. [...]
- Published in : Nuovo Cimento, Lett.: 30 ser.2 (1981) , no. 16, pp. 487-92
Measurement of associated charm production in pp interactions at square root s=62 GeV
/ Basile, M ; Cifarelli, L ; Contin, A ; D'Ali, G ; Di Cesare, P ; Esposito, B ; Giusti, P ; Massam, Thomas ; Nania, R ; Palmonari, F et al.
The associated charm production has been studied in pp interactions at square root s=62 GeV. The comparison of the measured production cross- section and the e/sup -// pi /sup -/ ratio with various theoretical models and with existing inclusive e/ pi measurements allows one to conclude that the most likely interpretation of the associated production is in terms of a charmed baryon Lambda /sub c//sup +/ produced forward, plus the D meson produced centrally. [...]
- Published in : Nuovo Cimento A: 63 ser.2 (1981) , no. 2, pp. 230-42