CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,025 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.70 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Device for the measurement of the median plane position / Abrosimov, N K ; Eliseev, V A ; Ryabov, G A
- 1971. - 8 p.
Measurement and correction of the magnetic field of the A F Ioffe physico-technical institute 1 GeV synchro-cyclotron / Abrosimov, N K ; Eliseev, V A ; Petrov, I A ; Ryabov, G A
- 1971. - 11 p.
A 30 per cent beam extraction on the 1 GeV synchro-cyclotron at Gatchina / Abrosimov, N K ; Chernov, N R ; Eliseev, V A ; Ryabov, G A ; Volchenkov, V A
- 1975. - 25 p.
Measurements and correction of the magnetic fields of the 1 GeV synchrocyclotron of the A F Ioffe physico-technical institute; 1, shaping the radical fall-off and correcting azimuthal non-uniformities / Abrosimov, N K ; Eliseev, V A ; Petrov, I A ; Ryabov, G A ; Tkach, I I
IPTI-129 ; CERN-Trans-71-7.
- 1971. - 17 p.
Design and Modeling the Spiral Magnetic Structure for 80 MeV H^- Isochronous Cyclotron / Abrosimov, N K ; Artamonov, S A ; Eliseev, V A ; Riabov, G A
In : 15th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications in CAEN, Caen, France, 14 - 19 Jun 1998, pp.518-521
Design and Optimization the Magnet and Magnetic Structure for 80 MeV H<sup>-</sup> Isochronous Cyclotron / Abrosimov, N K ; Artamonov, S A ; Eliseev, V A ; Riabov, G A
1998 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 - 26 Jun 1998, pp.e-proc. 1928
Further studies of the macroscopic nuclear surface response / Abrosimov, V I ; Randrup, J
- 1988. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
Dynamics of inner radiation belt electrons and the sporadic space radio emission / Abrosimov, A T
In : 22nd International Cosmic-ray Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 11 - 23 Aug 1991, pp.640-643
System for increasing the pulse-duration of the proton beam in the 1 GeV synchrocyclotron of the Leningrad Nuclear Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences / Abrosimov, N K ; Devyaterikov, R P ; Kotov, A G ; Kulikov, A V ; Mikheev, G F ; Chernov, N N
- 1973. - 21 p.
Design And Experimental Investigation Of The 200-900 Mev Proton Beam Obtained By The Moderation Of 1000 Mev Protons In The Degrader / Abrosimov, N K ; Eliseev, V A ; Ivanov, E M ; Mironov, Yu T ; Riabov, G A ; Tverskoy, M G ; Vovchenko, V G
The application of the Monte-Carlo method for calculation of the proton beam lines with degraders is described. The calculation procedure consists of two parts. [...]
2004 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 19th Russian Accelerator Conference, Dubna, Russian Federation, 4 - 9 Oct 2004, pp.252

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