CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) EPAC '98
Date(s), location 22 - 26 Jun 1998, Stockholm, Sweden
Editor(s) Myers, Stephen (ed.) ; Liljeby, L (ed.) ; Petit-Jean-Genaz, Christine (ed.) ; Poole, John (ed.) ; Rensfelt, K G (ed.)
Imprint Stockholm : [s.n.], 1998 - 2462 p.
ISBN 0750305797
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords FEL - free electron lasers ; accelerators ; beam dynamics ; storage rings ; synchrotron radiation

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C98-06-22
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

LHC accelerator physics and technology challenges (p. 3)
by Evans, Lyndon R
A Review of New Manifestations of Collective Effects (p. 18)
by Ruggiero, F
LEP2 : present and future performance and limitations(p. 38)
by Hübner, K
CLIC, a 0.5 to 5 TeV e$^{\pm}$ Compact Linear Collider (p. 58)
by Delahaye, J P
Commissioning of SPIRAL (p. 68)
by Lieuvin, M
Technology and commercial supply of components for the LHC project (p. 113)
by Faugeras, Paul E
Beam Diagnostics Revisited (p. 164)
by Koziol, Heribert
Developments in the design of proton and ion accelerators for medical use (p. 207)
by Bryant, P J
What did we learn from the extraction experiments with bent crystals at the CERN SPS? (p. 239)
by Elsener, K
A Collimation Experiment with Protons at 120 GeV (p. 242)
by Catalan-Lasheras, N
Recent luminosity improvements at the SLC (p. 245)
by Raimondi, Pantaleo
A new method of RF power generation for two-beam linear colliders (p. 248)
by Braun, H
Results on lead ion accumulation in LEAR for the LHC (p. 253)
by Bosser, Jacques
Coherent mode analysis of high intensity beams in synchrotrons (p. 282)
by Machida, S
A new type of RF cavity for high intensity proton synchrotron using high permeability magnetic alloy (p. 299)
by Fujieda, M
State of the Short Dipole Model Program for the LHC (p. 311)
by Andreyev, N I
Experience with the LEP vacuum system at energies above 90 GeV and future expectations (p. 314)
by Billy, J C
Optics Solutions for the Combined Experimental and Injection Regions in the LHC (p. 329)
by Brüning, Oliver Sim
Numerical Simulations for the Beam-Induced Electron Cloud in the LHC Beam Screen (p. 332)
by Brüning, Oliver Sim
Preparation of the SPS as LHC injector (p. 335)
by Collier, Paul
Exact Phase Advances for a Two-Stage Collimation System (p. 347)
by Jeanneret, J B
Momentum Cleaning in the CERN LHC (p. 353)
by Kaltchev, D I
Multipacting Tests with Magnetic Field for the LHC Beam Screen (p. 356)
by Brüning, Oliver Sim
Beam-Induced Electron Cloud in the LHC and Possible Remedies (p. 359)
by Baglin, V
Synchrotron Radiation Effects at LEP (p. 385)
by Bailey, R
Energy calibration at LEP using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance probes (p. 388)
by Bravin, Enrico
Vertical beam size, non-closure and LEP performance (p. 391)
by Goddard, B
A Candidate Low Emittance Lattice for LEP at its Highest Energies (p. 394)
by Brandt, D
Recent Results on Energy Calibration at LEP (p. 409)
by Böge, M
The effects of LHC civil engineering on the SPS and LEP machines (p. 412)
by Goddard, B
LEP Performance at 91.5 GeV (p. 439)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
The CLIC Main Linac Bunch Compressor (p. 451)
by D'Amico, T E
Second order error calculation package for beam transfer lines (p. 460)
by Fartoukh, Stéphane David
Emittance Preservation in the Main LINAC of CLIC (p. 478)
by Schulte, Daniel
Beams in the CERN PS complex after the RF upgrades for LHC (p. 505)
by Blas, A
The Vivitron evolution of a working accelerator (p. 690)
by Föhrenbacher, T
Performance of the RNB linac at KEK-Tanashi (p. 770)
by Arai, S
The LEP Pre-Injector as a Multipurpose Facility (p. 859)
by Potier, J P
Measurement of the optical parameters of a transfer line using multi-profile analysis (p. 891)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
Experimental insertions made of two symmetric triplets (p. 894)
by D'Amico, T E
Simulation study of the beam-photoelectron instability in BEPC (p. 957)
by Guo, Z Y
The impedance of layered vacuum chambers (p. 963)
by Keil, Eberhard
Explanation of Sextupole Instability in CERN PS Booster (p. 969)
by Blas, A
Measurement of the Effect on Single Bunch Stability of Changing Transition Energy in the CERN SPS (p. 975)
by Bohl, T
Study of Different Operating Modes of the 4th RF Harmonic Landau Damping System in the CERN SPS (p. 978)
by Bohl, T
First Experiments on Stochastic Cooling of Heavy Ion Beams at the ESR (p. 1052)
by Caspers, Friedhelm
NERO : a code for evaluation of nonlinear resonances in 4D symplectic mappings(p. 1186)
by Todesco, Ezio
Space-charge simulations using parallel algorithms (p. 1189)
by Giovannozzi, Massimo
Study of the dynamic aperture of the 4D quadratic map using invariant manifolds (p. 1274)
by Giovannozzi, Massimo
Beam Threading in the LHC (p. 1277)
by Grote, H
Measurement of the beam decoherence due to the octupole magnetic fields at the photon factory storage ring (p. 1288)
by Kobayashi, Y
Lifetime measurement of ATF damping ring (p. 1318)
by Okugi, T
Long term stability in hadron colliders in presence of synchrotron oscillations and tune ripple (p. 1333)
by Scandale, Walter
Long term estimates for sorting strategies of the LHC dipoles (p. 1336)
by Scandale, Walter
Transverse emittance blow-up from dipole errors in proton machines (p. 1365)
by Vos, L
Effect of very low frequency ground motion on the LHC (p. 1368)
by Vos, L
Radiation-damage study of a monocrystalline tungsten positron converter (p. 1394)
by Artru, X
REXEBIS : a charge breeder for the REX-ISOLDE post accelerator(p. 1412)
by Axelsson, J
SRRC/ANL high current L-band single cell photocathode RF gun (p. 1441)
by Ho, C H
First Results from Betatron Matching Monitors Installed in the CERN PSB and SPS (p. 1488)
by Bovet, Claude
First observation of micro-bunch structure of the 100 MHz HIMAC-injector linac beam by a thin SEEM (p. 1503)
by Fujita, Y
A Hilbert Transform Spectrometer Using a High-$T_{c}$ Josephson Junction for Bunch Length Measurements at the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 1509)
by Geitz, M A
Tomographic Measurements of Longitudinal Phase Space Density (p. 1520)
by Hancock, S
Suppression of bunched beam induced heating at the DCCT toroid (p. 1526)
by Honda, T
Non-Intercepting Bunch Length Monitor for Picosecond Electron Bunches (p. 1559)
by Braun, Hans Heinrich
Real-Time Monitoring of Beam-Beam Modes at LEP (p. 1568)
by Berrig, O E
The BOM 1000 Turn Display : a Tool to Visualize the Transverse Phase-Space Topology at LEP(p. 1571)
by Morpurgo, G
Electro-Magnetic Bunch Length Measurement in LEP (p. 1626)
by Vos, L
Results concerning the new control system of the Vivitron based on an object oriented database (p. 1670)
by Baumann, R
SPS Beams for LHC : RF Beam Control to Minimize Rephasing in the SPS(p. 1702)
by Baudrenghien, P
The Q-Loop : a Function Driven Feedback System for the Betatron Tunes During the LEP Energy Ramp(p. 1717)
by Berrig, O E
Global feedback system for photon factory storage ring (p. 1726)
by Obina, T
Beam loading experiment with short bunched electron beams for new type of accelerating RF system of high intensity proton synchrotron (p. 1770)
by Hashimoto, Y
The PS 80 MHz cavities (p. 1773)
by Grier, D G
The new low frequency accelerating systems for the CERN PS booster (p. 1782)
by Krusche, A
Commissioning of the PEP-II high power RF systems (p. 1805)
by Rimmer, R A
The quadrupole resonator : Construction, RF System Field Calculations and First Applications(p. 1852)
by Chiaveri, Enrico
The Quadrupole Resonator, Design Considerations and Layout of a New Instrument for the RF Characterization of Superconducting Surface Samples (p. 1855)
by Brigant, E
The 120 MW X-band klystron development at KEK (p. 1894)
by Chin, Y H
Model of Dipole Field Variations in the LEP Bending Magnets (p. 1925)
by Bravin, Enrico
Training Study on Superconducting Coils of the LHC Sextupole Corrector Magnet (p. 1984)
by Bajko, M
Magnetic Performance of First low-$\beta$ dipole corrector prototype, MCBX (p. 1996)
by Ang, Z
Testing of the large bore single aperture 1-meter superconducting dipoles made with phenolic inserts (p. 2008)
by Boschmann, H
Performance of the 1-meter models of the 70 mm aperture quadrupole for the LHC low-beta insertions (p. 2011)
by Bottura, L
Genetic Algorithms for the Optimal Design of Superconducting Accelerator Magnets (p. 2014)
by Ramberger, S
ROXIE : A Computer Code for the Integrated Design of Accelerator Magnets(p. 2017)
by Russenschuck, Stephan
Experience with different constructions of superconducting corrector magnets for the LHC (p. 2020)
by Salminen, J
Field-shape imperfections of the CERN-LHC dipole arising from mechanical deformations and component tolerances (p. 2023)
by Scandale, Walter
Final focus superconducting magnet system for the interaction region of KEKB (p. 2038)
by Ogitsu, T
Manufacturing features and performances of long models and first prototype for the LHC project (p. 2041)
by Billan, J
Measurements of the LHC Corrector Magnets at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures (p. 2044)
by Ang, Z
Development and Test Results of a low-$\beta$ Quadrupole Model for the Large Hadron Collider (p. 2047)
by Ajima, Y
High Current, Low Voltage Power Converter [20kA, 6V] : LHC Converter Prototype(p. 2059)
by Jørgensen, H E
The pulsed power converters of the beam transfer lines at DAPHNE/INFL-LNF (p. 2079)
by Sanelli, C
The simultaneous and nearly-collinear $K^{0}$ beams for experiment NA48 (p. 2100)
by Biino, C
Study of emittance blow-up sources between the PS booster and the 26 GeV PS (p. 2111)
by Jansson, A
Beam transfer to and Injection into LHC (p. 2117)
by Hilaire, A
Influence of nonlinear multipole fields on beam loss in the slow extraction from JHF main ring (p. 2143)
by Tomizawa, M
Photoelectron Yield and Photon Reflectivity from Candidate LHC Vacuum Chamber Materials with Implications to the Vacuum Chamber Design (p. 2169)
by Baglin, V
Mechanical and Vacuum Stability Design Criteria for the LHC Experimental Vacuum Chambers (p. 2202)
by Collins, I R
First experiments with a 100 period superconductive undulator with a period length of 3.8 mm (p. 2234)
by Fritz, M
Final report on hard tube pulser activities at DESY (p. 2269)
by Bieler, M
Upgrading of the SPS injection kicker system for LHC requirements (p. 2275)
by Ducimetière, L
Cascade Simulations for the LHC Betatron Cleaning Insertion (p. 2298)
by Azhgirey, L S
Radiation Dose for Equipment in the LHC Arcs (p. 2301)
by Wittenburg, K
The CEDAR Project (p. 2330)
by Pettersson, Thomas Sven
The information system for LHC parameters and layouts (p. 2339)
by Wildner, E
A Betatron core for optimised slow extraction in a proton/ion medical synchrotron (p. 2368)
by Knaus, P
An Alternative Scheme for Heavy Ion Driven Inertial Fusion (p. 2404)
by Schönauer, Horst Otto
$DA\phiNE$ linac operational performance (e proc. 764-766)
by Boni, R
Linear and Nonlinear Evolution of Longitudinal Instabilities in the ESR (e-proc. 1002)
by Hofmann, I
Experimental Study of Impedances and Instabilities at the VEPP-4M Storage Ring (e-proc. 1005)
by Kiselev, V
Limits to Shortening Bunch Lengths by Reducing Momentum Compaction Factors in Electron or Positron Storage Rings (e-proc. 1008)
by Soutome, K
Coupled Bunch Instability Calculations for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 1011)
by Pasotti, C
Simulation of the Effects of Longitudinal Broad-band Impedances on an Electron-cooled Bunched Ion Beam (e-proc. 1014)
by Katayama, T
Instability of Electron Beams at DSR (e-proc. 1017)
by Inabe, N
Beam-Beam Instability in Presence of Beam Cooling (e-proc. 1023)
by Batygin, Y K
Spin Depolarization by the Beam-Beam Effect (e-proc. 1026)
by Batygin, Y K
Accelerator Schemes based on Lasers and Plasmas (e-proc. 103)
by Miné, P
The CRYRING Superconducting Electron Cooler (e-proc. 1031)
by Danared, H
Performance Test at the SIS Electron Cooling Device (e-proc. 1034)
by Groening, L
Simulation Study of Stochastic Cooling for ACR at RIKEN MUSES (e-proc. 1037)
by Wakasugi, M
Simulation Study of Three-Dimensional Laser Cooling Schemes for Fast Stored Beams (e-proc. 1040)
by Iwashita, Y
Limits to Bunched Beam Laser Cooling (e-proc. 1043)
by Bowe, P
Observed Limits to Laser-Cooling of a Stored Ion Beam (e-proc. 1046)
by Bowe, P
Successful MeV-range electron beam recirculation (e-proc. 1049)
by Crawford, A C
Muon Dynamics and Ionization Cooling at Muon Colliders (e-proc. 1055)
by Parsa, Z
A Moment Equation Approach to a Muon Collider Cooling Lattice (e-proc. 1058)
by Celata, C
The Modified Betatron Prototype Dedicated to Electron Cooling (e-proc. 1061)
by Korotaev, Yu V
Lowest Temperatures in Cooled Heavy Ion Beams at the ESR (e-proc. 1064)
by Beckert, Karl
The Particle Dynamics in the Low Energy Storage Rings with Longitudinal Magnetic Field (e-proc. 1067)
by Meshkov, I N
Cooling Force Measurements for the Superconducting Electron Cooler at the Storage Ring TARN II (e-proc. 1070)
by Katayama, I
Electron cooling of PB$^{54+}$ ions in the low energy ion ring (LEIR) (e-proc. 1073-1075)
by Bosser, Jacques
Kinetics of 3-D Ionization Cooling of Muons (e-proc. 1076)
by Vsevolozhskaya, T A
Preliminary Study of Electron Cooling Possibility of Hadronic Beams at PETRA (e-proc. 1079)
by Balewski, K
Muon collider progress (e-proc. 108)
by Noble, R J
Evaluation of Femtosecond X-Rays Produced by Inverse Compton Scattering under Linear and Nonlinear Interactions between a Low Emittance Electron Beam and an Intense Polarized Laser Light (e-proc. 1082)
by Endo, A
Electron Cooler driven Transverse Resonances (e-proc. 1085)
by Ziemann, V
High-Order Optics with Space-Charge: Analytical Approach (e-proc. 1091)
by Andrianov, S N
Self-Consistent Beam Equilibrium and Halo-Free Beam Transport (e-proc. 1094)
by Batygin, Y K
Stationary Self-Consistent Distribution of Bunched Beam in RF Field (e-proc. 1097)
by Batygin, Y K
Accuracy and Efficiency of 2D and 3D Fast Poisson's Solvers for Space Charge Field Calculation of Intense Beam (e-proc. 1100)
by Batygin, Y K
Beam Dynamics in a Proposed 350 MHZ SC Linac for Waste Transmutation and Energy Production (e-proc. 1103)
by Bellomo, G
Optimization of RFQ Design (e-proc. 1106)
by Lagniel, J M
A Particle-in-Cell Model for Space Charge Dynamics in Rings (e-proc. 1109)
by Galambos, J D
A 3-D Touschek Scattering Theory (e-proc. 1112)
by Kim, C H
On Energy Equipartition Induced by Space Charge in Bunched Beams (e-proc. 1118)
by Lagniel, J M
Error Effects and Parameter Analysis for a HIDIF DTL (e-proc. 1121)
by Deitinghoff, H
Measurement of Space Charge-Dynamics Effects in a FODO Channel (e-proc. 1124)
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves
Laminar Flow in Non-relativistic Intense Proton Beams (e-proc. 1127)
by Rosenzweig, J
Generation of Emittance Conserving non-KV Distributions in Periodic Focusing Channels (e-proc. 1130)
by Struckmeier, J
A High Voltage Extractor with Photocathodes (e-proc. 1133)
by Giove, D
Beam Loading Issues For Sns Storage Ring (e-proc. 1136)
by Weng, W T
Longitudinal Space Charge Effect for SNS (e-proc. 1139)
by Weng, W T
On Emittance Growth in Space-Charge Dominated Beams (e-proc. 1142)
by Zuev, Yu
Simulation of Accumulation Process in the ITEP TWAC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1147)
by Alexeev, N N
Beam Lines Design Codes: Dynamic Modeling Approach (e-proc. 1150)
by Andrianov, S N
Some Problems of Optimization Procedure for Beam Lines (e-proc. 1153)
by Andrianov, S N
LIAR - a computer program for the modeling and simulation of high performance linacs (e-proc. 1156)
by Assmann, R W
Development of the Nonstationary Model for Beam Dynamic Simulation in Multisectional Accelerators (e-proc. 1159)
by Ayzatsky, M I
Limits in the Design of Short Solenoids Into Matching to RFQs (e-proc. 1162)
by Bailey, C P
New Features in the Simulation of Ion Extraction with IGUN (e-proc. 1165)
by Becker, R
SPS and LHC Tune Control Studies using the "Fast Map" Tool (e-proc. 1168)
by Jensen, L
Symplectic Propagation of the Map, Tangent Map and Tangent Map Derivative through Quadrupole and Combined-Function Dipole Magnets without Truncation (e-proc. 1171)
by Cary, J R
Status of MAPA (Modular Accelerator Physics Analysis) and the Tech-X Object-Oriented Accelerator Library (e-proc. 1174)
by Cary, J R
Accurate and Efficient Computation of Synchrotron Radiation in the Near Field Region (e-proc. 1177)
by Chubar, O
HERA Upgrade Plans (e-proc. 118)
by Gianfelice-Wendt, E
RF Parameters for Rectangular Accelerating Structures (e-proc. 1180)
by Henke, H
The Particle Beam Optics Laboratory (PBO Lab (Trade Mark)): A New Education and Training Aid (e-proc. 1183)
by Brown, N A
Uncorrelated Emittance Growth in the TTF-FEL Bunch Compression Sections Due to Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and Space Charge Effects (e-proc. 1192)
by Dohlus, M
Boundary Integral Equation Approach to Time Domain Calculation of Accelerator Electromagnetic Fields (e-proc. 1195)
by Isoda, M
A Linear Scaling Space-Charge Routine Using Wavelets (e-proc. 1198)
by Knaus, P
DYNAMION The Code for Beam Dynamics Simulations in High Current Ion Linac (e-proc. 1201)
by Kolomiets, A A
A Comparison of 4-Rod and 4-Vane RFQ Fields (e-proc. 1204)
by Letchford, A
3D Calculations for the MAX II Lattice Magnets (e-proc. 1207)
by Lindgren, L J
Beam Dynamics Simulation Code for the Oak Ridge Spallation Neutron Source Ring (e-proc. 1210)
by Beebe-Wang, J
Design of the Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets of the PRAMES (e-proc. 1213)
by Kukarnikov, S I
Code to Study the High Intensity Beam Dynamics in the Ion Linear Accelerators (e-proc. 1216)
by Moiseev, V A
Simulation of the Transverse Microwave Instability of an Intense Ion Beam (e-proc. 1218)
by Moiseev, V A
Modeling Flat Fields, Created by Smooth Poles (e-proc. 1221)
by Mytsykov, A
Interactive and Programmable Environment for Accelerator Modeling And Simulation (e-proc. 1224)
by Decking, W
Mathematical Models for Accelerating Structures of Safe Energetical Installation (e-proc. 1227)
by Drivotin, O I
Present Status of KEKB Project (e-proc. 123)
by Kurokawa, S I
Self-Consistent Simulation of the CSR Effect (e-proc. 1230)
by Bohn, C L
Computer Simulations of Inductive Output Tubes (e-proc. 1233)
by Schütt, P
Efficient C++ Libary for Differential Algebra (e-proc. 1236)
by Shasharina, S
Computer Code Library for Simulation and Optimization of Electron and Ion Beam Particle Dynamics (e-proc. 1239)
by Alexandrov, V
On Computer Modelling of Primary Transducers in Electron Radiation Diagnostics (e-proc. 1242)
by Karasyov, S P
General Particle Tracer: A 3D Code for Accelerator and Beam Line Design (e-proc. 1245)
by Van der Geer, S B
Filling and beam loading in TESLA superstructures (e-proc. 1248)
by Dohlus, M
Impact of the HERA Luminosity Upgrade on the Electron Spin Polarization (e-proc. 1253)
by Berglund, M
Phase Modulation Induced Particle Diffusion (e-proc. 1256)
by Ball, M
Stochastic Control of Beam Dynamics (e-proc. 1259)
by Cufaro-Petroni, Nicola
Lifetime Studies at the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 1262)
by Byrd, J
Momentum Aperture of the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 1265)
by Decking, W
A Review of High Beam Current RFQ Accelerators and Funnels (e-proc. 128)
by Schneider, J D
Coherent Synchrotron Oscillation Excited by a Ripple of a Klystron Power Supply (e-proc. 1280)
by Hara, M
Slow Extraction Method for the Cooler Injector Synchrotron (e-proc. 1283)
by Kang, X
Emittance Growth of a Beam owing to Coulomb Interaction of Charged Particles Moving through a Drift Path (e-proc. 1286)
by Khoruzhiy, V M
Emittance Manipulations at BESSY I (e-proc. 1297)
by Kuske, P
Rhic Progress Report (e-proc. 13)
by Peggs, S
Numerical Simulation of Space Charge Compensation in Intense Low Energy Proton Beams (e-proc. 1300)
by Lemaire, J L
Longitudinal relaxation oscillations beyond the threshold of hom induced instabilities (e-proc. 1303)
by Limborg, C
Generation of Femtosecond X-Ray Pulses and Other Laser-Electron Beam Experiments at DELTA (e-proc. 1306)
by Khan, S
Tune Value Evaluation for Combined Function Lattice (e-proc. 1309)
by Iwashita, Y
Nonsynchronous Electron Transportation in Traveling Wave of Linac (e-proc. 1312)
by Alferov, P
High Frequency Properties of Wake Fields in TESLA Cavities (e-proc. 1315)
by Weiland, T
Ion Beam Focusing by Plasma Gun (e-proc. 1321)
by Belan, V
An impedance boundary condition for computing impedances in complex-shaped perforated beam pipes (e-proc. 1324-1326)
by Petracca, S
Transverse RF Focussing in Jefferson Lab Superconducting Cavities (e-proc. 1327)
by Krafft, G A
Overview of Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser Projects (e-proc. 133)
by Walker, R P
First Beam Test Result of RFQ Electric Tune Controller at HIMAC Synchrotron (e-proc. 1330)
by Ano, S
Increasing the Life Time of SR Sources by RF Phase Modulation (e-proc. 1339)
by Hertel, N
The Superconducting Accelerating Structure Geometry and Beam Dynamics of SVAAP (e-proc. 1342)
by Komarova, V V
Bunch Compression in the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS at GSI (e-proc. 1347)
by Blasche, K
The Transverse Wakefields in the TESLA-FEL Transfer Line (e-proc. 1350)
by Weiland, T
Initial Operation of the Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1353)
by Diviacco, B
Magnet Alignment and Closed Orbit Distortion of the SPring-8 Storage Ring (e-proc. 1356)
by Kumagai, N
Mode Matching Technique for a Lossy Pill-box Cavity (e-proc. 1359)
by Masullo, M R
The Amplitude Dependent Spin Tune and the Invariant Spin Field in High Energy Proton Accelerators (e-proc. 1362)
by Barber, D P
Effects of Superconducting Magnet on the Beam Dynamics in SRRC/TLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1371)
by Wang, M H
Mastering of Beam Losses at the ESRF (e-proc. 1374)
by Günzel, T
Measurements of Coherent Damping and Tune Shifts with Amplitude at LEP (e-proc. 1377-1379)
by Müller, A S
Theory of a Transverse Feedback System with a Nonlinear Transfer Function (e-proc. 1380)
by Zhabitsky, V M
Low Emittance Beam Extraction from Laser-Driven Multicharged Ion Sources (e-proc. 1385)
by Anderson, O A
High Capture Efficiency for the Polarized Beam at MAMI by RF-Synchronized Photoemission (e-proc. 1388)
by Aulenbacher, K
Operation and Recent Development of ECR Ion Sources at the FLNR (JINR) Cyclotrons (e-proc. 1391)
by Kutner, V B
New Performances of the CW High-Intensity Light Ion Source (SILHI) (e-proc. 1397)
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves
Extraction and Low Energy Transport of Negative Ions (e-proc. 1400)
by Jakob, A
Ion Charge State Increase 1+ > N+ for the Acceleration of Alkali and Metallic Radioactive Ion Beams (e-proc. 1403)
by Bouly, J L
Some Methods of Generation of Multicharged Ions of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes (e-proc. 1406)
by Lamzin, E A
A Study of Electron Strings and their Use for Efficient Production of Highly Charged Ions (e-proc. 1409)
by Rensfelt, K G
Recent Developments at IonCooler Rings (e-proc. 141)
by Reistad, D
The Pulsed Polarized Electron Source For Nuclear Physics Experiments at AmPS (e-proc. 1415)
by De Jager, C W
Further development of RIKEN 18 GHz ECRIS (e-proc. 1418)
by Biri, S
Design and Initial Results of a High Current EBIS Test Stand (e-proc. 1421)
by Alessi, J
A DC Proton Injector for Use in High-Current CW Linacs (e-proc. 1424)
by Bolme, G
Modeling of Ion Production in ECR Ion Sources (e-proc. 1427)
by Shirkov, G
The New Polarized Beam Injection at MAMI (e-proc. 1430)
by Aulenbacher, K
Study of a Trapped Ion Source (e-proc. 1433)
by Boggia, A
Results From A Double Vlasov Model For Negative Ion Extraction From Volume Sources (e-proc. 1436)
by Olsen, D K
The Injection System Calculation for SVAAP (e-proc. 1444)
by Komarova, V V
Experimental Results from an Injector for an IR FEL (e-proc. 1447)
by Bohn, C L
High Power Test of GaAs Photocathode in RF Gun (e-proc. 1450)
by Aleksandrov, A V
Thermal Design of an RFQ Cell for the Radio Frequency Quadrupole under Construction for ISIS (e-proc. 1453)
by Murdoch, G R
Emission and emittance measurements of electron beams generated from CU and diamond photocathodes (e-proc. 1456)
by Nassisi, V
The SLS Test Facility First Results (e-proc. 1459)
by Dohan, D
Progress on Intense Proton Beam Dynamics and Halo Formation (e-proc. 146)
by Pabst, M
The RF-Gun Based Injector for the Tesla Test Facility Linac (e-proc. 1462)
by Schreiber, S
A Combined Injector and FEL Facility at MAX-lab (e-proc. 1468)
by Eriksson, M
An S-Band Test Cavity for a Field Emission Based RF-Gun (e-proc. 1471)
by Gasper, A
83 MHz Electron Gun System (e-proc. 1474)
by Whitham, K
Estimation of the Particle Density in Transverse Phase Space Using a Multi-Wire Profile Monitor (e-proc. 1479)
by Adachi, T
Fast and Flexible BPM-System: Valuable Commissioning Tool for the BESSY II (e-proc. 1482)
by Bakker, R J
Electron Beam Diagnostic using Bremsstrahlung at Electron-Proton Collider (e-proc. 1485)
by Bashmakov, Yu A
A Combined Function Beam Emittance and Profile Measuring System for the ISIS 665 keV H- Pre-Injector (e-proc. 1491)
by Clarke-Gayther, M A
The SRS Multipole Wiggler Vacuum Vessel Protection System (e-proc. 1494)
by Balmer, J A
New Features of the Elettra BPM System (e-proc. 1497)
by De Monte, R
Beam Diagnostics for the upgraded UNILAC at GSI (e-proc. 1500)
by Peters, A
A Preliminary Study on High Precision Photon Beam Position Monitor Design for Local Feedback Systems (e-proc. 1506)
by Galimberti, A
A Review of difficulties in achieving short bunches in storage rings (e-proc. 151)
by Limborg, C
Beam Emittance Measurements on the Race Track Microtron (e-proc. 1512)
by Georgsson, M
Design of a Schottky-Signal Detector for Use at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) (e-proc. 1514)
by Barry, W
New BPM system and its calibration for upgraded PF ring (e-proc. 1517-1519)
by Haga, K
Development of High Resolution Multi-bunch BPM (e-proc. 1523)
by Hayano, H
Design and Implementation of a Digital Receiver Based Tune Monitor (e-proc. 1529)
by Chen, Jenny
Bunch-by-Bunch Intensity, Position Monitor for the Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 1532)
by Chen, C S
An Ionization Detector of Synchrotron Beam Spatial Parameters: Possible Applications (e-proc. 1535)
by Artemiev, A N
Investigation of the Rise of Compensation of High Perveance Ion Beams using a Time-Resolving Ion Energy Spectrometer (e-proc. 1538)
by Lakatos, A
Design and Tests of a New Microwave Beam Position Monitor for the Undulator of the TTF-FEL (e-proc. 1541)
by Kamps, T
The New Beam Position Monitoring System of ELSA (e-proc. 1544)
by Husmann, D
Diagnostic System for the LLS. Beam Position Monitors (e-proc. 1547)
by Pérez, F
Destructive Beam Profile Monitor Electronics using Gated Current Integrators (e-proc. 1550)
by Leontein, S
Electronics for the TTFL Cavity-type Beam Position Monitor (e-proc. 1553)
by Lorenz, R
Recent Observations on the APS Storage Ring Using Synchrotron Radiation Monitors (e-proc. 1556)
by Borland, M
A Fast Residual-Gas Ionization Monitor for Intense Stored Heavy Ions (e-proc. 1562)
by Hoffmann, T
A Measurement of Beam Size of the ATF Damping Ring with the SR-Interferometer (e-proc. 1565)
by Mitsuhashi, T
Beta-matching and damping observation by SR monitor at ATF DR (e-proc. 1574-1576)
by Naito, T
Fast Inorganic Scintillators for Beam Diagnostics at Extreme High Vacuum (e-proc. 1577)
by Kérek, A
Measuring and Characterizing Ultrashort Bunches in the Jefferson Lab Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. 1580)
by Krafft, G A
Multipactoring in the Beam Phase Monitor at MMF (e-proc. 1583)
by Puntus, V A
Vibration Measurements on the MAX-II Beam (e-proc. 1586)
by Röjsel, P
Design and Calibration of IQ-Mixers (e-proc. 1589)
by Sabah, S
Optical Techniques in Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 159)
by Ferianis, M
Electron Beam Diagnostics for the Swiss Light Source (e-proc. 1592)
by Schlott, V
DSP based Accelerator Applications at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY (e-proc. 1595)
by Bechstedt, U
A Coaxial Beam Position Monitor for the TESLA-FEL and Some Error Estimations (e-proc. 1598)
by Scholz, T
Wave-Optical Properties of Synchrotron Radiation and Electron Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 1601)
by Smolyakov, N V
Upgrade of the BPM Readout Electronics for the ATF Damping Ring (e-proc. 1607)
by Hayano, H
A Cryogenic Current Measuring Device for the Low-Intensity Beam at the Storage Ring TARN II (e-proc. 1610)
by Katayama, I
Wide Range Extracted Beam Intensity Measurement at the IHEP (e-proc. 1613)
by Afonin, A G
Bunch by Bunch Precision Measurement of Fast Extraction Efficiency at IHEP 70 GeV Proton Synchrotron (e-proc. 1615)
by Afonin, A G
The U-70 Machine Continuous Beam Loss Monitoring (e-proc. 1617)
by Gres, V N
Measurements of the Betatron Functions and Phases in RHIC (e-proc. 1620)
by Kewisch, J
A Possible Synchrotron Light Beam Profile Monitor in RHIC (e-proc. 1623)
by Courant, E
Development of the ISIS Synchrotron Diagnostics (e-proc. 1629)
by Adams, D J
Diagnostics of Subpicosecond Electron Beam by Michelson Interferometer and Femtosecond Streak Camera (e-proc. 1632)
by Sugahara, J
Electron Beam Characterization by Undulator Radiation (e-proc. 1635)
by Andersson, Å
A Detection System for Highly Charged Ions which have undergone Charge Exchange in the CRYRING Electron Cooler (e-proc. 1638)
by Kérek, A
Emittance Control of a Beam by Shaping the Transverse Charge Distribution, using a Tomography Diagnostic (e-proc. 1641)
by Babzien, M
Model-Independent Analysis with BPM Correlation Matrices (e-proc. 1644)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Tevatron Lattice Function Measurement using TBT Data (e-proc. 1647)
by Yang, M J
Fieldbus Communication in Control System of FLNR (e-proc. 1653)
by Aleinikov, V V
Control Systems for Technological Linacs (e-proc. 1656)
by Boriskin, V
Control Integration for the Injector in SRRC (e-proc. 1658)
by Chen, C S
Implementation and performance of the DA$\phi$NE timing system (e-proc. 1661-1663)
by Di Pirro, G
Compensation Scheme of Elliptical Polarization from Bending Magnet at SRRC (e-proc. 1664)
by Chen, C T
A New Control System for Beamline 5D on the SRS at Daresbury (e-proc. 1667)
by Corker, B
DA$\phi$NE control system status and performance (e-proc. 1673-1675)
by Di Pirro, G
Rapidly Installable High Performance Control System Facilitates BESSY II Commissioning (e-proc. 1676)
by Bakker, R J
ConSys A New Control System for ASTRID and ELISA (e-proc. 1679)
by Worm, T
The LLS Magnet Test Facility as an Evaluation of the Accelerator Control System Requirements (e-proc. 1682)
by Beltran, D
The CORBA IDL Interface for Accelerator Control (e-proc. 1685)
by Plesko, M
An Object Oriented Control System for the Third Storage Ring RF Unit at the ESRF (e-proc. 1688)
by David, C
Review of Feedback Systems (e-proc. 169)
by Balewski, K
First Experiences with the Control System for the Accelerator of ANKA (e-proc. 1691)
by Schieler, H
Nuclotron Main Magnet Power Supply Control System (e-proc. 1694)
by Gorchenko, V
Initial Commissioning Results From the PEP-II Transverse Coupled-Bunch Feedback Systems (e-proc. 1699)
by Barry, W
RF Beam Control System for the Brookhaven Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, RHIC (e-proc. 1705)
by Brennan, J M
Development of the RF Kicker for the Longitudinal Feedback System at SRRC (e-proc. 1708)
by Chang, L H
An Improved Closed Orbit Servo for Energy Ramps on the SRS at Daresbury (e-proc. 1711)
by Hill, S F
Development of Local Orbit Feedback for Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 1714)
by Chen, J R
Analysis of the Heavily Beam-loaded SOLEIL RF System (e-proc. 1720)
by Mosnier, A
A New COD Correction Method For Orbit Feedback (e-proc. 1723)
by Kamiya, Yu
A Fast Global Feedback System to Correct the Beam Position Deviation in the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1729)
by Plouviez, E
System Identification for the Digital RF Control System at the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1732)
by Hüning, M
Adaptive Feed Forward for Digital RF Control System for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1735)
by Liepe, M
Experience with the Control of the Vector Sum at the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1738)
by Gamp, A
RF Feedback Systems for SC Cavities (e-proc. 174)
by Mosnier, A
Recent Improvements in Vertical Orbit Feedback at the Daresbury SRS (e-proc. 1741)
by Smith, S L
An Automated Tuning Mechanism for the Eindhoven Racetrack Microtron (e-proc. 1744)
by Botman, J I M
The Low-Level RF System for KEKB (e-proc. 1749)
by Akai, K
Research of the Accelerator RF System with Biperiodic Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1752)
by Bogdanovich, B Yu
Commissioning of the Third RF Acceleration Unit for the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1755)
by David, C
Operational Experience with the ELETTRA RF System (e-proc. 1758)
by Bocciai, M
Low Level RF System for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 1761)
by Svandrlik, M
RF System for the ANKA Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 1764)
by Einfeld, D
A New 500 MHz Fifth Harmonic RF System for Super-ACO (e-proc. 1767)
by Godefroy, J M
HOM Coupler for the Damped Cavity of High Brilliance SR Source (e-proc. 1776)
by Kamiya, Yu
A Four-Port Launcher for a Multi-moded DLDS Power Distribution System (e-proc. 1779)
by Kroll, N M
Design and Operation of First-and Second-Harmonic Coaxial Gyroklystrons for Advanced Accelerator Applications (e-proc. 1784)
by Castle, M
Design of a 95 GHz, Multi-Megawatt Gyroklystron Amplifier for Advanced Accelerators (e-proc. 1787)
by Arjona, M R
Superconducting Niobium Films for RF Cavities (e-proc. 179)
by Darriulat, Pierre
A 35 MHz Re-Buncher RF Cavity for ISAC at TRIUMF (e-proc. 1790)
by Li, D
Design, Fabrication and RF Measurement of a MM-Wave Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1793)
by Apel, R
MA-loaded cavity for barrier bucket experiment (e-proc. 1796-1798)
by Fujieda, M
RF System for the VEPP-5 Damping Ring (e-proc. 1799)
by Alinovsky, N
Field Measurement of the ELETTRA Cavity Higher Order Modes (e-proc. 1802)
by Pasotti, C
A Third-Harmonic RF Cavity for the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 1808)
by Rimmer, R A
MOSFET RF Power Amplifier for Accelerator Applications (e-proc. 1811)
by Godefroy, J M
RF System of the Prague Medical Synchrotron (e-proc. 1814)
by Makoveev, V K
The ANKA RF Cavities (e-proc. 1817)
by Pasotti, C
Layout of the ANKA RF System (e-proc. 1820)
by Einfeld, D
Ferrite Test Cavity For Muses (e-proc. 1823)
by Katayama, T
Optimization and Experimental Characterization of a Broadband Circular Waveguide to Coaxial Transition (e-proc. 1826)
by Küchler, S
Design of Ferrite Loaded High Voltage Barrier Cavity (e-proc. 1829)
by Brennan, J M
Better RF Cavities for HERA/PETRA (e-proc. 1832)
by Zaplatin, E N
Opportunity of Development of Niobium Coated Copper Cavity (e-proc. 1837)
by Balalykin, N I
Review of Experience with HOM Damped Cavities (e-proc. 184)
by Padamsee, H
Experimental Results on the Stainless Steel Prototype of a Superconducting RFQ (e-proc. 1840)
by Andreev, V
Engineering Development of Superconducting RF Linac for High-Power Applications (e-proc. 1843)
by Dominic Chan, K C
On-line Performance of the LNL Mechanically Damped Superconducting Low Beta Resonators (e-proc. 1846)
by Zviagintsev, V
A New Fabrication and Stiffening Method of SRF Cavities (e-proc. 1849)
by Bousson, S
Study on Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonator for CW Intense Ion Linac (e-proc. 1858)
by Kakutani, N
Thermal Behaviour of SRF Cavities at High Gradients (e-proc. 1861)
by Bousson, S
HOM damping in SOLEIL Superconducting Cavity (e-proc. 1864)
by Mosnier, A
DC Field Emission of Nb Samples Prepared in TESLA Cavities (e-proc. 1867)
by Göhl, A
SC Beta Graded Cavity Design for a Proposed 350 MHZ Linac for Waste Transmutation and Energy Production (e-proc. 1870)
by Barni, D
Surface Resistance Measurements of Superconducting Samples with Vacuum Insulated Thermometers (e-proc. 1873)
by Chel, S
Design of a 3rd Harmonic Superconducting Cavity for Bunch Lengthening in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1879)
by Pasotti, C
Status of the Tesla Power Coupler Development Programme in France (e-proc. 1882)
by Chel, S
Improvements of Superconducting Cavity Performances at High Accelerating Gradients (e-proc. 1885)
by Charrier, J P
Experience with Permanent Magnets in the Fermilab 8 GeV Line and Recycler Ring (e-proc. 189)
by Foster, G W
Design of a High Efficiency 1 MW CW Klystron at 700 MHz for Low Energy Demonstrator Accelerator (e-proc. 1891)
by Bowler, D
New Results of the 7 GHz Pulsed Magnicon Amplifier Investigation (e-proc. 1897)
by Kozyrev, E
Mode Launcher Design for the Multi-moded DLDS (e-proc. 1900)
by Ko, K
Design of the Cooling System for a 25 kW Landau Cavity at SRRC (e-proc. 1903)
by Chang, S S
Long-Pulse 1.3 GHz Magnicon (e-proc. 1906)
by Ganguly, A K
Cathode Modulation of High Power RF Output Triodes of the ISIS Linac (e-proc. 1909)
by Brady, B
Design and Test Results of the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) RF Systems (e-proc. 1912)
by Bradley, J
Development of Millimeter-Wave FEM for Electron-Positron Colliders (e-proc. 1915)
by Kaminsky, A A
Output Cavity Studies for a Low Voltage mm-Wave Sheet Beam Klystron (e-proc. 1918)
by Bruns, W
Radiation Resistant Microsensors of Magnetic Field (e-proc. 1923)
by Belkov, A I
Design and Optimization the Magnet and Magnetic Structure for 80 MeV H- Isochronous Cyclotron (e-proc. 1928)
by Abrosimov, N K
Three Dimensional Design of the Bending Magnets for a 1.5 GeV-Double Sided Microtron (e-proc. 1931)
by Ludwig-Mertin, U
Pole Profile Optimization of VLHC Transmission Line Magnet (e-proc. 1934)
by Kashikhin, V
The Design of the IFUSP Main Race-Track Microtron Accelerator End Magnets (e-proc. 1937)
by Kassab, L R P
Technology of Cryogenics for Storage Rings (e-proc. 194)
by Lierl, H
Magnetic Measurement of the VSX Prototype Magnets (e-proc. 1940)
by Kamiya, Yu
Observation of Mode Resonance Structure in Synchrotron Magnet String (e-proc. 1943)
by Aoki, T
The Magnetic Field Measuring Of The Excharm Spectrometer (e-proc. 1946)
by Aleev, A N
Magnet Field Measurement for KEK B-factory (e-proc. 1948)
by Masuzawa, M
Preliminary Results of the KEKB Quadrupole Magnet Measurements (e-proc. 1951)
by Masuzawa, M
Analysis of the Multipurpose Sextupole of SOLEIL using Halbach's Perturbation Theory and the POISSON Code (e-proc. 1954)
by Peaupardin, P
Normal Conducting QN Quadrupole for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 1957)
by Bondarchuk, E
Magnet Prototypes for ANKA (e-proc. 1960)
by Einfeld, D
Normal Conducting QI and QJ Quadrupoles for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 1963)
by Bogatov, N
A New Design For An Active-Passive Septum Magnet (e-proc. 1966)
by Traveria, M
Modelling the Fringe Fields of a Multipole Device (e-proc. 1969)
by Botman, J I M
Normal Conducting QM Quadrupole for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 1972)
by Bondarchuk, E
A Resistive Combined Function Magnet Suitable for Use Inside the HERA ep Interaction Regions (e-proc. 1975)
by Parker, B
HERA: Towards Higher Proton Beam Energies (e-proc. 1981)
by Bacher, R
Study of the Power Deposition in the LHC Low-Beta Inner Triplet for a Nb3Sn Design (e-proc. 1987)
by Ambrosio, G
Nb3Sn Magnets for a MUON Collider (e-proc. 1990)
by Green, M
Magnetic Design of Dipoles for LHC Insertion Regions (e-proc. 1993)
by Gupta, R
The Muon g-2 Storage Ring Magnet (e-proc. 1999)
by Lee, Y Y
Non-Evaporable Getters : from Pumping Strips to Thin Film Coatings (e-proc. 200)
by Benvenuti, C
Field quality of the final-focus superconducting magnets for KEKB interaction region (e-proc. 2002)
by Ogitsu, T
Field Calculation and Measurement of a Full-Length Snake Magnet for RHIC (e-proc. 2005)
by Katayama, T
Design and Fabrication of Racetrack Coil Accelerator Magnets (e-proc. 2026)
by Chow, K
Analysis of magnetic measurements of short model quadrupoles for the LHC low beta insertions (e-proc. 2029)
by Bossert, R
Test Results of Short Model Quadrupoles for the LHC Low-Beta Insertions (e-proc. 2032)
by Bossert, R
Development of a High-Gradient Quadrupole Magnet with a NB3SN Cable (e-proc. 2035)
by Bogdanov, I
Possibility of Resonant Excitation of the JHF 3-GeV Synchrotron Magnets Using A Multi-Network (e-proc. 2053)
by Adachi, T
Upgrade of the ISIS Pre-injector EHT Generator (e-proc. 2056)
by Barratt, P J
Performance of the White Circuits of the BESSY II Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 2062)
by Bürkmann, K
Design and Testing of a Low Cost Modulating Current System for Determination of SRS Quadrupole Misalignment (e-proc. 2065)
by Griffiths, S A
Application of the Superconducting Power Cables in the RHIC Project (e-proc. 2068)
by Lambiase, R F
Power Converters for the LLS Synchrotron Accelerator Magnet System (e-proc. 2070)
by Beltran, D
A Proposed 46kV 350kW Crowbar-Less Klystron Power Supply (e-proc. 2073)
by Przybyla, J S
DA$\phi$NE magnet power supply system (e-proc. 2076-2078)
by Ricci, R A
Power Supply System for the RIKEN-MUSES Project (e-proc. 2082)
by Katayama, T
Magnet power supply system for KEKB accelerator (e-proc. 2085-2087)
by Akiyama, A
X-ray Radiation Intensity Increase by means of a Discrete Targets in a Magnetic Field (e-proc. 2094)
by Alferov, P
External Injection into Phasotron (Computer Simulation) (e-proc. 2097)
by Onishchenko, L M
H- Painting Injection for the JHF 3-GeV Synchrotron (e-proc. 2103)
by Igarashi, S
Plasma Lens with a Current Density Depended on External Magnetic Field (e-proc. 2106)
by Belan, V
Massless Septum with Hybrid Magnet (e-proc. 2109)
by Iwashita, Y
First Results on Study of Optimal Crystal Extraction at 70 GeV IHEP Accelerator (e-proc. 2114)
by Afonin, A G
First Patient Treatment at GSI with Heavy Ions (e-proc. 212)
by Kraft, G
Slow Extraction System of Stretcher Ring, KSR (e-proc. 2120)
by Inoue, M
Design of Slow Extraction System at Booster Synchrotron for MUSES (e-proc. 2123)
by Katayama, T
Injection Simulation Study at Accumulator Cooler Ring at RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 2126)
by Ohtomo, K
An Electrostatic Beam Splitter for the PSI 590 MeV-1 MW Proton Beam Line (e-proc. 2129)
by Mariani, E
The q/m-Separator for REX-ISOLDE (e-proc. 2132)
by Habs, D
The Injection Scheme for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 2135)
by Einfeld, D
Phase Space Painting Of Charge Exchange Injection in the KEK Booster (e-proc. 2137)
by Kitagawa, K
Beam Injection System for the PRAgue MEdical Synchrotron (e-proc. 2140)
by Molodozhentsev, A Yu
Booster Gold Beam Injection Efficiency and Beam Loss (e-proc. 2149)
by Ahrens, L A
Safety Relief Valve to Protect the Cold Masses of the LHC (e-proc. 2155)
by Dörrenbach, C
Low Temperature Instrumentation for Superconducting Accelerators (e-proc. 2158)
by Romanov, S V
Photodesorption and Power Testing of the SR Crotch-Absorber for BESSY-II (e-proc. 2163)
by Anashin, V
How Much Pumping does an Electron Storage Ring REALLY Need? (e-proc. 2166)
by Bialowons, W
Synchrotron Radiation Projects of Industrial Interest (e-proc. 217)
by Marks, N
Vacuum Beam Losses in the Axial Injection Systems of the FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (e-proc. 2172)
by El-Shazly, M N
The Improvements of Vacuum Performance at Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 2175)
by Chen, J R
Status of the ESRF Vacuum System (e-proc. 2178)
by Kersevan, R
Beam-gas Lifetime Measurement in the PLS Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 2181)
by Park, C D
A New Technique for Thin-Film Coating of Vacuum Vessels with Metal or Carbon Containing Non-Evaporable Getters (e-proc. 2184)
by Marquardt, N
Storage Ring Bake-out Efficiency from the Accelerator Parameters Point of View (e-proc. 2187)
by Miertusova, J
Vacuum Performance Characteristic of a 5m-long Pump Free Insertion Device Vacuum Chamber for ELETTRA (e-proc. 2190)
by Miertusova, J
New Development in Undulator Vessels at E.S.R.F. (e-proc. 2193)
by Rouvière, N
Vacuum System for the Swiss Light Source (e-proc. 2196)
by Heidenreich, G
Beam Loss due to the Charge Exchange with the Residual Gas In The FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (e-proc. 2199)
by El-Shazly, M N
Recent Insertion Devices Produced at Danfysik A/S (e-proc. 2207)
by Badker, F
Design of a High Field Strength 3.4 Tesla Wiggler for the SRRC Storage Ring (e-proc. 2210)
by Chang, C H
Development of Quasiperiodic Undulators at the ESRF (e-proc. 2213)
by Chavanne, J
Construction of Elliptical Undulators for ELETTRA (e-proc. 2216)
by Bracco, R
Magnet Sorting Algorithms for the SRRC EPU5.6 (e-proc. 2219)
by Chang, C H
High-Power Accelerators: Key Players in a Power-Hungry and Peace-Hungry World during the Coming Century? (e-proc. 222)
by Mileikowsky, C
Field Optimization Algorithm for the Various Variably Polarization Undulator with Changing Phase (e-proc. 2222)
by Chang, C H
The Commissioning Results of 1 m Prototype EPU5.6 in SRRC (e-proc. 2225)
by Chang, C H
Magnetic design and light characteristics of a Wiggler for the LLS (e-proc. 2228)
by Juanhuix, J
The Control Performance of Elliptically Polarizing Undulator at SRRC (e-proc. 2231)
by Chen, C S
Brainstorming on New Permanent Magnet Undulator Designs (e-proc. 2237)
by Diviacco, B
Driving Mechanism of an APPLE-2 Type Variable Polarizing Undulator for the Gap and Phase Variation (e-proc. 2240)
by Bizen, T
Fabrication and Magnetic Field Measurement of an APPLE-2 Type Variable Polarizing Undulator (e-proc. 2243)
by Bizen, T
Insertion Devices R&D at KSRS (e-proc. 2246)
by Khlebnikov, A S
A Short-Period Strong Focusing Undulator Scheme (e-proc. 2249)
by Khlebnikov, A S
Magnetic Design and light characteristics of the LLS Undulators (e-proc. 2252)
by Juanhuix, J
Construction and Testing of an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler for ELETTRA (e-proc. 2255)
by Bracco, R
Electron Cooling at ACR in Muses Project (e-proc. 2258)
by Katayama, T
Characterization of Undulator I411 on MAX II (e-proc. 2261)
by Bässler, M
Upgrade of the Insertion Device Magnetic Measurement Facility at Sincrotrone Trieste (e-proc. 2264)
by Bracco, R
A Very Fast Kicker Magnet: A New Approach (e-proc. 2272)
by Kumada, M
Measurements on a Fast 66 kV Resonant Charging Power Supply for the LHC Inflectors (e-proc. 2278)
by Barnes, M J
Design of a Gate-Turn-Off (GTO) Switch for Pulsed Power Application (e-proc. 2281)
by Despe, O
Solid-State Switch Modulator Deck For The MIT-Bates S-Band Transmitter (e-proc. 2284)
by Campbell, R
Installation and alignment of the DA$\phi$NE accelerators (e-proc. 2289-2291)
by Biscari, C
New Radiation Monitoring System for the ESRF (e-proc. 2295)
by Berkvens, P
DA$\phi$NE commissioning Team (e-proc. 23-27)
by Biscari, C
Polymerconcrete for Radiation Background Shielding of Detectors at Hadron Colliders (e-proc. 2304)
by Sergeyev, I A
The Correlation between the Beam Orbit Stability and the Utilities at SRRC (e-proc. 2309)
by Chen, C R
IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility): A High Intensity Deuteron Beam Application (e-proc. 231)
by Martone, M
An Experimental Method of Aberration Correction for High Resolution Mass Spectrometers (e-proc. 2312)
by Belmont, J L
Beam Halo Collection for the JHF 3-GeV Synchrotron (e-proc. 2315)
by Irie, Y
On the Thermal Deformation Analyses of CVD Silicon-Carbide Mirror (e-proc. 2318)
by Lin, M C
Practical Evaluation of a New CBI Avoidance System on the SRS (e-proc. 2321)
by McIntosh, P A
High Brightness Low Frequency SR From a 2/g Deviation ID (e-proc. 2324)
by Méot, F
The DA$\phi$NE water cooling system (e-proc. 2327-2328)
by Pellegrino, L
New Structural Design of SCDTL Structures for the TOP Linac (e-proc. 2333)
by Messina, G
Beam Loss Collection on the ESS Accumulator Rings (e-proc. 2336)
by Warsop, C M
The EBIS Option for Hadron Therapy (e-proc. 2345)
by Becker, R
Accelerator Control for the GSI Cancer Therapy Project (e-proc. 2348)
by Eickhoff, H
Computer Controlled Beam Alignment for the GSI Therapy Project (e-proc. 2351)
by Franczak, B J
Progress report on the Construction of the Proton Therapy Equipment for MGH (e-proc. 2354)
by Bailey, J
Secondary Beam Course for the Medical Use at HIMAC (e-proc. 2357)
by Kanai, T
Final Beam Transport Channel for TWAC Calculation (e-proc. 2360)
by Barkhudaryan, A V
Planar System Replacing GANTRY for Protons and Carbon Ions Beams Transportation (e-proc. 2362)
by Kats, M M
Study of GANTRY Optics for Proton and Carbon Ion Beams (e-proc. 2365)
by Kats, M M
Proposal of a Compact High Brightness Laser Synchrotron Light Source for Medical Applications (e-proc. 2371)
by Ogata, A
Assessing the Suitability of a Medical Cyclotron as an Injector for an Energy Upgrade (e-proc. 2374)
by Dykes, D M
Design of a Carbon Injector for a Medical Accelerator Complex (e-proc. 2377)
by Ratzinger, U
A Single Pulse Method for Measuring the Release Curves of Radioactive Nuclear Beam Targets (e-proc. 2383)
by Bennett, J R J
The High Intensity Radioactive Beam Facility at TRIUMF (e-proc. 2386)
by Baartman, R
Development of New Electron Irradiation Based Technology for Technetium-99m Production (e-proc. 2389)
by Dikiy, N P
Isochronous cyclotron for thermonuclear reactors driving (e-proc. 2395-2397)
by Alenitsky, Yu G
Multi-Beam Pulsed Accelerator for Electron Beam Processing System (e-proc. 2398)
by Dolbilov, G V
Monoenergetic Neutron Beam Facility at TSL (e-proc. 2401)
by Blomgren, J
Safe Atomic Energetical Installation with Ion Linac (e-proc. 2407)
by Svistunov, Yu A
Initial Commissioning of Dedicated SR Ring "AURORA-2S" for X-ray Lithography (e-proc. 2413)
by Hori, T
Aluminum Ion Implantation using a Variable Energy RFQ Implanter (e-proc. 2419)
by Amemiya, K
Application of the Particle Backscattering Method for the Certification of the Oxide Protective Coatings at the Surface of Al Alloys (e-proc. 2422)
by Bespalova, O V
Electron Accelerators with Concentrated Beam Ejection to Atmosphere and their Application in Beam Extra-Vacuum Technologies (e-proc. 2425)
by Gorshkov, O A
Accelerating Structure with Separated Modular Resonators Working in 300MHz Frequency Band, for High Power Electron Accelerator, ATENA (e-proc. 2428)
by Bigolas, J
Application of Electrostatic Tandem in Almaty for Analysis of Berillium Foils and Radioactive Particulates (e-proc. 2433)
by Arzumanov, A
Formation of F2- Colour Centers in LiF Monocrystals by Electron Irradiation (e-proc. 2436)
by Baltateanu, N
SIRIUS A Radioactive Nuclear Beam Facility for ISIS (e-proc. 2439)
by Broome, T A
Tandem Accelerator Facility at Inshas (e-proc. 2442)
by Comsan, M N H
The WASA Facility at the CELSIUS Storage Ring (e-proc. 2447)
by Ekström, C
Development of a Scanning System for Proton Therapy in Uppsala (e-proc. 2450)
by Grusell, E
Fundamental Research of Subpicosecond Time Resolved X-Ray Diffractometry Using Electron Linac (e-proc. 2452)
by Harano, H
X-rays Produced by Means of a Proton Beam for Analysis of the Multilayer X-ray Mirrors (e-proc. 2455)
by Baranov, A M
Study of Polarization X-Ray Bremsstrahlung of Fast Electrons in Media with Different Microstructure (e-proc. 2458)
by Blazhevich, S
Materials Science Applications of Heavy Ion Beams from the Gustaf Werner Cyclotron (e-proc. 2460)
by Van Veldhuizen, E J
Performance of Schottky Mass Spectrometry at the ESR (e-proc. 256)
by Beckert, Karl
Recent Developments in HELIOS Compact Synchrotrons (e-proc. 259)
by Crosland, N C E
Start of Commissioning of the High Brilliance Synchrotron Light Source BESSY II (e-proc. 262)
by Abo-Bakr, M
Experimental Studies of Laser Guiding in Plasma Channels (e-proc. 265)
by Leemans, W P
First Successful Operation of the FUSION FEM (e-proc. 268)
by Van der Geer, C A J
Landau Cavities at MAX II (e-proc. 273)
by Andersson, Å
Study of the Fast Beam-Ion Instability in the Pohang Light Source (e-proc. 276)
by Huang, J Y
A Particle Core Model for Space Charge Dynamics in Rings (e-proc. 279)
by Galambos, J D
Review of Orbit Control (e-proc. 28)
by Bocchetta, C J
Production of High Current-High Charge States Ion Beams with the Superconducting ECR Ion Source SERSE (e-proc. 287)
by Ciavola, G
Development of High Current Polarized H- Ion Sources at TRIUMF (e-proc. 290)
by Dutto, G
The DRIFT Source : A Negative Ion Source Module for DC Multi-Amperes Ion Beams (e-proc. 293)
by Delogu, G
Multi-Bunch Longitudinal Dynamics and Diagnostics via a Digital Feedback System at PEP-II, DAFNE, ALS and SPEAR (e-proc. 296)
by Hindi, H
Test Results on the Superconducting 9-cell 1.3 GHz Cavities for the TESLA Test Facility Linac (e-proc. 302)
by Pekeler, M
A Multi-Moded RF Delay Line Distribution System for the Next Linear Collider (e-proc. 305)
by Adolphsen, C
Superconducting Magnets for use inside the HERA ep Interaction Regions (e-proc. 308)
by Anerella, M
A Novel Fast Switching Linear/Helical Undulator (e-proc. 317)
by Chavanne, J
Status of the HIDIF Study (e-proc. 323)
by Prior, C R
Pep-ii Status Report (e-proc. 33)
by Dorfan, J M
Feasibility Study For A High-Beta Insertion Optics in the LHC for the TOTEM Experiment (e-proc. 338)
by Faus-Golfe, A
Status of the SNS Injection System (e-proc. 341)
by Galambos, J D
Bunched Beam Echos in the AGS (e-proc. 350)
by Brennan, J M
A Lattice for the 50 GeV Muon Collider Ring (e-proc. 362)
by Weishi, W
Results from Betatron Phase Measurements in RHIC during the Sextant Test (e-proc. 365)
by Connoly, R
Absorbers for the High Luminosity Insertions of the LHC (e-proc. 368)
by Hoyer, E H
RF System Concepts for a Muon Cooling Experiment (e-proc. 371)
by Moretti, A
First results from measurements of modes in the HERA-B vertex chamber excited by the proton beam (e-proc. 374)
by Klefenz, F
RHIC Longitudinal Parameter Revision (e-proc. 377)
by Kewisch, J
US-LHC IR Magnet Error Analysis and Compensation (e-proc. 380)
by Pilat, F
Design of Minimum Emittance Lattices (e-proc. 397)
by Jeon, D
VEPP-4M Collider: Status and Plans (e-proc. 400)
by Kiselev, V
The Project of a Multifunctional Accelerator Storage Ring Complex (e-proc. 403)
by Bulyak, E
New Developments at the ASTRID Storage Ring (e-proc. 406)
by Møller, S P
Performance and operation of the DA$\phi$NE accumulator (e-proc. 415-417)
by Biagini, M E
New e Injection Scheme with Fast Stripe Kickers for HERA (e-proc. 418)
by Rümmler, J
Luminosity Upgrade Possibilities for the PEP-II B-Factory (e-proc. 421)
by Seeman, J
Dynamic Aperture in the Luminosity Upgraded HERA-e Lattice (e-proc. 424)
by Sen, T
Design of the HERA-e Lattice and Chromaticity Correction for the Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 427)
by Berglund, M
Results of the CESR Upgrade (e-proc. 43)
by Rubin, D L
Dynamic Beam Based Calibration of Beam Position Monitors (e-proc. 430-432)
by Dehning, Bernd
Acceleration of Polarized Electrons in ELSA (e-proc. 433)
by Drachenfels, W V
Commissioning of the BESSY II Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 436)
by Abo-Bakr, M
Improvements in Emittance Wakefield Optimization for the SLAC Linear Collider (e-proc. 445)
by Assmann, R W
A Fast and Accurate Phasing Algorithm for the RF Accelerating Voltages of the SLAC Linac (e-proc. 448)
by Assmann, R W
Status of the SLC Linac (e-proc. 454)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Characterizing Transverse Beam Jitter in the SLC Linac (e-proc. 457)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Experimental Coupling of 35 GHz RF-cavities with an Intense Bunched Electron Beam (e-proc. 463)
by Gardelle, J
Diagnosis of the Low Emittance Beam in ATF DR Extraction Line (e-proc. 466)
by Kashiwagi, S
Beam Development in ATF Damping Ring (e-proc. 469)
by Kubo, K
New Scheme of Two Beam Accelerator Driver on Base on Linear Induction Accelerator (e-proc. 472)
by Elzhov, A V
The Tesla Test Facility Linac Status Report (e-proc. 475)
by Schreiber, S
BEPC Upgrades and Tau-Charm Factory Design (e-proc. 48)
by Wu, Y
Impedance Measurement of ATF DR (e-proc. 481)
by Hayano, H
Quantum Suppression of Beamstrahlung for Future Linear Colliders (e-proc. 484)
by Xie, M
First Bunch Length Studies in the SLC South Final Focus (e-proc. 487)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Status Report on the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Project (e-proc. 493)
by Alonso, J R
Commissioning of the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchrotron (e-proc. 496)
by Berg, G P
SIS Operation at High Beam Intensities (e-proc. 499)
by Bär, R
Random and Systematic Field Errors in the SNS Ring: A Study of Their Effects and Compensation (e-proc. 502)
by Gardner, C J
Operation of the ESR at Transition Energy (e-proc. 511)
by Beckert, Karl
New Developments at CELSIUS (e-proc. 514)
by Bengtsson, M
Simulations of Ultra Short Single Bunch Operation on 150 MeV Microtron (e-proc. 517)
by Hori, T
Conceptual Design of a Booster PS for DESY-III (e-proc. 520)
by Ivanov, S
New Installations and Beam Measurements at MAMI (e-proc. 523)
by Aulenbacher, K
Progress Report for the CRYRING Facility (e-proc. 526)
by Källberg, A
MUSES Project of RIKEN RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 529)
by Katayama, T
Linear Collider Projects at DESY (e-proc. 53)
by Brinkmann, R
Design of Dedicated Proton Synchrotron for PRAgue Radiation Oncology Center (e-proc. 532)
by Prokesh, K
Acceleration of Multiple-Charged Ions at HIMAC (e-proc. 535)
by Kanazawa, M
Colliding or Merging Beam Section (e-proc. 538)
by Noda, A
The Performance of COSY (e-proc. 541)
by Bechstedt, U
CYCLONE44: a Radioactive Ion Beam Postaccelerator-Mass Separator (e-proc. 544)
by Colson, J M
Lattice Design of NIRS Small Ring for Heavy Ions (e-proc. 547)
by Ohtomo, K
Commissioning of the Electron Cooling Device in the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS (e-proc. 550)
by Blasche, K
The Stochastic Cooling System and its Application to Internal Experiments at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (e-proc. 553)
by Bechstedt, U
Results of the TRITRON Project (e-proc. 556)
by Cazan, A
Charge Exchange Extraction at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR at GSI (e-proc. 559)
by Beckert, Karl
Synchrotron Radiation in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields (e-proc. 565)
by Bashmakov, Yu A
Present Performance and Future Objectives at ELETTRA (e-proc. 568)
by Bocchetta, C J
Progress with the SRS Upgrade Project (e-proc. 571)
by Clarke, J A
Design of the SPEAR 3 Magnet Lattice (e-proc. 574)
by Corbett, J
Recent Accelerator Development at MAXlab (e-proc. 577)
by Eriksson, M
Measurements of Ground- and Girder-Vibrations at BESSY II (e-proc. 579)
by Feikes, J
Operation Results of Compact SR Ring "AURORA-2D" with 7 Tesla Wiggler (e-proc. 581)
by Hori, T
The SLS Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 584)
by Gough, C H
New Operational Aspects at ELETTRA (e-proc. 587)
by Bocchetta, C J
Operation of the photon factory with a high brilliance optics (e-proc. 590-592)
by Katoh, M
Issues for the Next Phase Operation in PLS (e-proc. 593)
by Kwon, M
Status of Pohang Light Source (e-proc. 596)
by Ko, I S
Status of the SOLEIL Project (e-proc. 599)
by Level, M P
Design of a Booster for the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS) (e-proc. 602)
by Jahnel, L
Beam Parameters and Automatic Stability Measurement System using a Pin-hole Detector (e-proc. 605)
by Lee, T H
Operation Experience and Performance Statistics of TLS at SRRC (e-proc. 608)
by Ching, J
Status of the Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator Facility (e-proc. 611)
by Berges, U
An Update on the DIAMOND Light Source Project (e-proc. 614)
by Clarke, J A
The 2.5 GeV Booster Synchrotron for the SOLEIL Project (e-proc. 617)
by Loulergue, A
Beam Based Alignment Of C-Shaped Quadrupole Magnets (e-proc. 620)
by Portmann, G
The Swiss Light Source Accelerator Complex: An Overview (e-proc. 623)
by Boksberger, H U
First Year Operation of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 626)
by Jahnel, L
Lifetime Issues for Third Generation Light Sources (e-proc. 629)
by Ropert, A
The Japan Linear Collider Project (e-proc. 63)
by Kihara, M
Status of the 2.5 GeV Light Source ANKA (e-proc. 635)
by Einfeld, D
Operational Status of the Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 638)
by Chen, J R
The Proposed Racetrack Lattice for the Synchrotron Light Source "ASTRID II" (e-proc. 641)
by Senichev, Y
SLS Lattice Finalization and Magnet Girder Design (e-proc. 644)
by Rivkin, L
A Lattice for the Future Project of the VUV and Soft X-Ray High Brilliance Light Source (VSX) (e-proc. 647)
by Kamiya, Yu
Status of KSRS (e-proc. 650)
by Krylov, Yu
Coherency of Magnetic-Bremsstrahlung Emitters and Prospects for the X-ray FELs (e-proc. 655)
by Bulyak, E
Orbit Correction by Dispersion Minimization in an Undulator with Superimposed FODO Lattice (e-proc. 658)
by Castro, P
Effect of Energy-Phase Correlation on the Coherent Emission from an RF Modulated Electron Beam (e-proc. 661)
by Doria, A
Analysis of 3D Helical Wiggler Radiation From Electron Trajectory Using Lienard-Wiechert Fields (e-proc. 664)
by Gouard, P
Progress of the FELICITA I Free-Electron-Laser Experiment at DELTA (e-proc. 667)
by Quick, H
The Super-ACO Storage Ring Free Electron Laser Operating with an Harmonic RF Cavity (e-proc. 670)
by Billardon, M
Free Electron Laser and Storage Ring Microwave Instability (e-proc. 673)
by Dattoli, Giuseppe
The VUV Free Electron Laser based on the TESLA Test Facility at DESY (e-proc. 676)
by Rossbach, J
Operation of the Super-Aco Free Electron Laser with a Feedback Damping Quadrupolar Coherent Synchrotron Oscillation (e-proc. 679)
by Billardon, M
GENEPI: A High Intensity Deuteron Accelerator for Pulsed Neutron Production (e-proc. 685)
by De Conto, J M
The Flat Corona Triode and Intermediate Shields in Electrostatic Generators (e-proc. 688)
by Dzagurov, O B
High-voltage Structure Development for the EGP-15 Tandem (Project) (e-proc. 693)
by Rezvykh, K A
The Obninsk EGP-15 Tandem (Status and Development) (e-proc. 696)
by Romanov, V A
Beam Optics of the SINGAP 1 MeV 100 mA D- DC Accelerator for Thermonuclear Fusion (e-proc. 699)
by Desgranges, C
Possibilities to Apply Linear Electron Accelerators as a Pulsed Neutron Sources (e-proc. 705)
by Angelescu, T
Present design of ELIOS electron linac injector of SOLEIL SR ring (e-proc. 708)
by Chaput, R
Status of the VE-RFQ Injector for the ISL Cyclotron (e-proc. 711)
by Engels, O
Commissioning of the KEKB 8-GeV e- /3.5-GeV e+ Injector Linac (e-proc. 713)
by Akasaka, N
Hamiltonian Calculations on Particle Motion in Linear Electron Accelerators (e-proc. 716)
by Botman, J I M
Beam Dynamics Design of a Proton Linac for the Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 719)
by Hasegawa, K
Conceptual Design of MUSES 300 MeV Electron LINAC (e-proc. 722)
by Kamino, Y
Design Study of a Multiple-Beam RFQ Version of a High-Current Linac Injector for a Neutron Source (e-proc. 725)
by Inoue, M
The REX-ISOLDE Linac (e-proc. 728)
by Bongers, H
Design and first operation of the electrostatic storage ring, ELISA (e-proc. 73)
by Møller, S
Design Study of 15 MeV High Current RF Focused Deuteron Linac for ITEP Neutron Generator (e-proc. 731)
by Balabin, A I
Development of Superconducting Single Cell Cavity for a Proton Linac in the Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 734)
by Akaoka, N
Testing the ISAC LEBT and 35 MHz RFQ in an Intermediate Configuration (e-proc. 737)
by Baartman, R
Methods of Ion Focusing and Acceleration in RF Field Containing Nonsynchronous Harmonics (e-proc. 740)
by Masunov, E S
Portable Linac Using a CW Magnetron as Power Source (e-proc. 743)
by Bégin, L
High Intensity Proton Accelerator for Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 746)
by Akaoka, N
Development of an Injector Section for the High Intensity Proton Accelerator at JAERI (e-proc. 749)
by Hasegawa, K
The IASA Racetrack Microtron Facility: A Progress Report (e-proc. 752)
by Barbarosou, M
Injector of High-current Multicharge Heavy Ions Beam for the TWAC Project (e-proc. 755)
by Andreev, V A
The New LNL Injector PIAVE, based on a Superconducting RFQ (e-proc. 758)
by Andreev, V
RFQ-Accelerators for Radioactive Ion Beams (e-proc. 767)
by Habs, D
Theoretical Study of the 100 MeV Linac, Injector of the SR Ring SOLEIL (e-proc. 773)
by Bourat, C
Femtosecond Electron Beam Generation by the S-band Laser Photocahthode RF Gun and Linac (e-proc. 776)
by Harano, H
The High Current Injector at the MPI f?r Kernphysik in Heidelberg (e-proc. 779)
by Cee, R
Light Source Performance Achievements (e-proc. 78)
by Laclare, J L
A New High Duty Factor RFQ Injector for ISIS (e-proc. 782)
by Bessler, U
A New Structure of Linear Accelerator (e-proc. 785)
by Zhao, Y
A High Current, High Gradient, Laser Excited, Pulsed Electron Gun (e-proc. 791)
by Batchelor, K
A Space Accelerator Station for Planet Substance Analysis (e-proc. 797)
by Bogdanovich, B Yu
TEVATRON Luminosity Upgrade Project (e-proc. 8)
by Marriner, J P
The State of Development of the Linear Ion Accelerator with RF Field Excitation Using Doppler Effect (e-proc. 800)
by Butenko, V
Simulation of Ion Acceleration in a Two-beam Electron-Ion Accelerator (e-proc. 803)
by Butenko, V
Instability of Long Driving Beams in Plasma Wakefield Accelerators (e-proc. 806)
by Lotov, K V
Recent Progress of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Experiments at KEK/U. Tokyo/JAERI (e-proc. 809)
by Ogata, A
Universal Accelerating Complex for the Custom Examination (e-proc. 812)
by Alferov, P
Space-time Compression of Atom Beam in the Distance Analysis of Planets Surfaces (e-proc. 815)
by Bogdanovich, B Yu
Intensity Effects on Inverse Bremsstrahlung Electron Acceleration (e-proc. 818)
by Pakter, R
About the Realization of Laser Acceleration Schemes based on Plasmoids in RF Wells (e-proc. 821)
by Dzergach, A I
Far-Field Acceleration Scheme (e-proc. 824)
by Smirnov, A V
Numerical Studies of Wake Excitation in Plasma Channels (e-proc. 827)
by Shadwick, B A
Is the High Gain FEL the 4th Generation Light Source? (e-proc. 83)
by Pellegrini, C
Capillary Waveguide for Laser Acceleration in Vacuum, Gases and Plasmas (e-proc. 830)
by Xie, M
Solution to the Einstein and Poincar? Paradox of Superluminal Addition of Velocities (e-proc. 835)
by Baranauskas, V
A Conceptual Design of the Proton Storage Ring for the Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 844)
by Kinsho, M
Study of Laser Injection of Electrons into Plasma Wakefields (e-proc. 847)
by Lee, P B
The Low Energy Positron Storage Ring for Positronium Generation : Status and Developments(e-proc. 853)
by Troubnikov, G
Polarization Effects at a Muon Collider (e-proc. 856)
by Parsa, Z
Colliding Crystalline Beams (e-proc. 862)
by Wei, J
New Concepts for a Compact 5 TeV Collider (e-proc. 865)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Precision Energy Measurements in a Muon Collider using Polarization (e-proc. 871)
by Rossmanith, R
Initial Design of a 13 MeV Cyclotron for Positron Emission Tomography: Design of the Dee System (e-proc. 874)
by Oh, S
DA$\phi$NE main ring optics (e-proc. 879-881)
by Bassetti, M
Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory FEL Industrial Applications (e-proc. 88)
by Neil, G R
Performances of the SOLEIL Lattice in the Presence of Errors (e-proc. 882)
by Brunelle, P
Nonlinear Dynamics in Nuclotron (e-proc. 885)
by Dinev, D
Searching for Big Linear Perturbations in Synchrotrons (e-proc. 888)
by Dinev, D
Design of Double Storage Rings at MUSES (e-proc. 897)
by Inabe, N
Orbit Response Measurements in the Commissioning of the BESSY II Booster Synchrotron and Storage Ring (e-proc. 900)
by Bakker, R J
Dynamic Aperture Studies for the SRRC Storage Ring with Gaussian Sextupoles (e-proc. 903)
by Lee, J C
Estimation of Vertical Dispersion and Betatron Coupling for SOLEIL (e-proc. 906)
by Loulergue, A
Calibration of Quadrupole Magnets via Response Matrix Fitting (e-proc. 909)
by Farvacque, L
Modelling of a Linearly Coupled Machine using the Coupled-Response Matrix (e-proc. 912)
by Nagaoka, R
Studies of Beam Position Stability in SOLEIL Storage Ring (e-proc. 915)
by Laclare, J L
Correction of Vertical Dispersion and Betatron Coupling for SOLEIL Storage Ring (e-proc. 918)
by Payet, J
Dynamic Aperture Studies at the ESRF (e-proc. 921)
by Ropert, A
Higher Order Formula for Nonlinear Dispersion (e-proc. 924)
by Soutomem, K
Experimental Studies of Beam Dynamics near the Linear Coupling Resonance (e-proc. 927)
by Jahnel, L
A Review of Linac and Beam Transport Systems for Transmutation (e-proc. 93)
by Lagniel, J M
Nonlinear Effects in Accelerator Physics : from Scale to Scale via Wavelets(e-proc. 930)
by Zeitlin, M G
Wavelet Approach to Hamiltonian, Chaotic and Quantum Calculations in Accelerator Physics (e-proc. 933)
by Zeitlin, M G
Calculations of the Short-Range Longitudinal Wakefields of the NLC Linac (e-proc. 939)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Head-Tail Mode Instability Caused by Feedback (e-proc. 942)
by Berg, J S
Betatron Motion with Logarithm-like Perturbation in Storage Rings (e-proc. 945)
by Bulyak, E
Tracking Studies in the Longitudinal Phase Space for the TESLA Damping Ring Design (e-proc. 948)
by Brinkmann, R
Beam Blow-up Calculations for RTM and DSM (e-proc. 951)
by Shvedunov, V I
Beam Dynamics in Super-ACO with a New 500 MHz Fifth Harmonic RF System (e-proc. 954)
by Billardon, M
Collective Effects at ELETTRA (e-proc. 960)
by Bocchetta, C J
Simulation of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instabilities in BESSY-II (e-proc. 966)
by Khan, S
Measurement of high Q RF cavity impedance with beam (e-proc. 972)
by Limborg, C
A Review of Spallation Neutron Source Accelerators (e-proc. 98)
by Gardner, I S K
Contributions to EPAC-98 by members of the ISIS Facility (e-proc. 98)
by Adams, D
Effect of Vacuum Chamber Tapering on Impedance Budget in Storage Rings (e-proc. 981)
by Mosnier, A
Reduction In Resistive-Wall Impedance of Insertion-Device Vacuum Chamber By Copper Coating (e-proc. 984)
by Kamiya, Yu
Landau Damping of Longitudinal Instabilities for the Operation of the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 987)
by Jacob, J
Coupled Bunch Modes Measurement System at ELETTRA (e-proc. 990)
by Pasotti, C
Impedance, Loss Factor and Beam Stability Calculations for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 993)
by Pérez, F
Calculation of Impedance from Multibunch Synchronous Phases: Theory and Experimental Results (e-proc. 996)
by Hindi, H
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Transverse Single Bunch Instabilities at ESRF (e-proc. 999)
by Besnier, G
Why is Basic Research Important for Society?
by Svedberg, B
The Match of a High Energy Accelerator and of Energy from Nuclei : A Wedlock against Nature or a Realistic, "Cleaner" Energy Source?
by Rubbia, Carlo
How can Small and Medium-sized Companies Play a Role in Future Accelerator Projects
by Nielsen, B R
The Nobel Prize Accelerator
by Bárány, A
Linear Collider Projects and their Possible Impact on Industry
by Leenen, M
Development of the Next Generation Linear Collider at SLAC
by Burke, D L
The U.S. Department of Energy Grand Challenge in Computational Accelerator Physics
by Ryne, R
Lasing at Wavelength of 226 nm with the OK-4/Duke Storage Ring FEL
by Litvinenko, V N

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1997-07-14, last modified 2024-02-23