LHC accelerator physics and technology challenges (p. 3) |
by Evans, Lyndon R |
A Review of New Manifestations of Collective Effects (p. 18) |
by Ruggiero, F |
LEP2 : present and future performance and limitations(p. 38) |
by Hübner, K |
CLIC, a 0.5 to 5 TeV e$^{\pm}$ Compact Linear Collider (p. 58) |
by Delahaye, J P |
Commissioning of SPIRAL (p. 68) |
by Lieuvin, M |
Technology and commercial supply of components for the LHC project (p. 113) |
by Faugeras, Paul E |
Beam Diagnostics Revisited (p. 164) |
by Koziol, Heribert |
Developments in the design of proton and ion accelerators for medical use (p. 207) |
by Bryant, P J |
What did we learn from the extraction experiments with bent crystals at the CERN SPS? (p. 239) |
by Elsener, K |
A Collimation Experiment with Protons at 120 GeV (p. 242) |
by Catalan-Lasheras, N |
Recent luminosity improvements at the SLC (p. 245) |
by Raimondi, Pantaleo |
A new method of RF power generation for two-beam linear colliders (p. 248) |
by Braun, H |
Results on lead ion accumulation in LEAR for the LHC (p. 253) |
by Bosser, Jacques |
Coherent mode analysis of high intensity beams in synchrotrons (p. 282) |
by Machida, S |
A new type of RF cavity for high intensity proton synchrotron using high permeability magnetic alloy (p. 299) |
by Fujieda, M |
State of the Short Dipole Model Program for the LHC (p. 311) |
by Andreyev, N I |
Experience with the LEP vacuum system at energies above 90 GeV and future expectations (p. 314) |
by Billy, J C |
Optics Solutions for the Combined Experimental and Injection Regions in the LHC (p. 329) |
by Brüning, Oliver Sim |
Numerical Simulations for the Beam-Induced Electron Cloud in the LHC Beam Screen (p. 332) |
by Brüning, Oliver Sim |
Preparation of the SPS as LHC injector (p. 335) |
by Collier, Paul |
Exact Phase Advances for a Two-Stage Collimation System (p. 347) |
by Jeanneret, J B |
Momentum Cleaning in the CERN LHC (p. 353) |
by Kaltchev, D I |
Multipacting Tests with Magnetic Field for the LHC Beam Screen (p. 356) |
by Brüning, Oliver Sim |
Beam-Induced Electron Cloud in the LHC and Possible Remedies (p. 359) |
by Baglin, V |
Synchrotron Radiation Effects at LEP (p. 385) |
by Bailey, R |
Energy calibration at LEP using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance probes (p. 388) |
by Bravin, Enrico |
Vertical beam size, non-closure and LEP performance (p. 391) |
by Goddard, B |
A Candidate Low Emittance Lattice for LEP at its Highest Energies (p. 394) |
by Brandt, D |
Recent Results on Energy Calibration at LEP (p. 409) |
by Böge, M |
The effects of LHC civil engineering on the SPS and LEP machines (p. 412) |
by Goddard, B |
LEP Performance at 91.5 GeV (p. 439) |
by Arduini, Gianluigi |
The CLIC Main Linac Bunch Compressor (p. 451) |
by D'Amico, T E |
Second order error calculation package for beam transfer lines (p. 460) |
by Fartoukh, Stéphane David |
Emittance Preservation in the Main LINAC of CLIC (p. 478) |
by Schulte, Daniel |
Beams in the CERN PS complex after the RF upgrades for LHC (p. 505) |
by Blas, A |
The Vivitron evolution of a working accelerator (p. 690) |
by Föhrenbacher, T |
Performance of the RNB linac at KEK-Tanashi (p. 770) |
by Arai, S |
The LEP Pre-Injector as a Multipurpose Facility (p. 859) |
by Potier, J P |
Measurement of the optical parameters of a transfer line using multi-profile analysis (p. 891) |
by Arduini, Gianluigi |
Experimental insertions made of two symmetric triplets (p. 894) |
by D'Amico, T E |
Simulation study of the beam-photoelectron instability in BEPC (p. 957) |
by Guo, Z Y |
The impedance of layered vacuum chambers (p. 963) |
by Keil, Eberhard |
Explanation of Sextupole Instability in CERN PS Booster (p. 969) |
by Blas, A |
Measurement of the Effect on Single Bunch Stability of Changing Transition Energy in the CERN SPS (p. 975) |
by Bohl, T |
Study of Different Operating Modes of the 4th RF Harmonic Landau Damping System in the CERN SPS (p. 978) |
by Bohl, T |
First Experiments on Stochastic Cooling of Heavy Ion Beams at the ESR (p. 1052) |
by Caspers, Friedhelm |
NERO : a code for evaluation of nonlinear resonances in 4D symplectic mappings(p. 1186) |
by Todesco, Ezio |
Space-charge simulations using parallel algorithms (p. 1189) |
by Giovannozzi, Massimo |
Study of the dynamic aperture of the 4D quadratic map using invariant manifolds (p. 1274) |
by Giovannozzi, Massimo |
Beam Threading in the LHC (p. 1277) |
by Grote, H |
Measurement of the beam decoherence due to the octupole magnetic fields at the photon factory storage ring (p. 1288) |
by Kobayashi, Y |
Lifetime measurement of ATF damping ring (p. 1318) |
by Okugi, T |
Long term stability in hadron colliders in presence of synchrotron oscillations and tune ripple (p. 1333) |
by Scandale, Walter |
Long term estimates for sorting strategies of the LHC dipoles (p. 1336) |
by Scandale, Walter |
Transverse emittance blow-up from dipole errors in proton machines (p. 1365) |
by Vos, L |
Effect of very low frequency ground motion on the LHC (p. 1368) |
by Vos, L |
Radiation-damage study of a monocrystalline tungsten positron converter (p. 1394) |
by Artru, X |
REXEBIS : a charge breeder for the REX-ISOLDE post accelerator(p. 1412) |
by Axelsson, J |
SRRC/ANL high current L-band single cell photocathode RF gun (p. 1441) |
by Ho, C H |
First Results from Betatron Matching Monitors Installed in the CERN PSB and SPS (p. 1488) |
by Bovet, Claude |
First observation of micro-bunch structure of the 100 MHz HIMAC-injector linac beam by a thin SEEM (p. 1503) |
by Fujita, Y |
A Hilbert Transform Spectrometer Using a High-$T_{c}$ Josephson Junction for Bunch Length Measurements at the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 1509) |
by Geitz, M A |
Tomographic Measurements of Longitudinal Phase Space Density (p. 1520) |
by Hancock, S |
Suppression of bunched beam induced heating at the DCCT toroid (p. 1526) |
by Honda, T |
Non-Intercepting Bunch Length Monitor for Picosecond Electron Bunches (p. 1559) |
by Braun, Hans Heinrich |
Real-Time Monitoring of Beam-Beam Modes at LEP (p. 1568) |
by Berrig, O E |
The BOM 1000 Turn Display : a Tool to Visualize the Transverse Phase-Space Topology at LEP(p. 1571) |
by Morpurgo, G |
Electro-Magnetic Bunch Length Measurement in LEP (p. 1626) |
by Vos, L |
Results concerning the new control system of the Vivitron based on an object oriented database (p. 1670) |
by Baumann, R |
SPS Beams for LHC : RF Beam Control to Minimize Rephasing in the SPS(p. 1702) |
by Baudrenghien, P |
The Q-Loop : a Function Driven Feedback System for the Betatron Tunes During the LEP Energy Ramp(p. 1717) |
by Berrig, O E |
Global feedback system for photon factory storage ring (p. 1726) |
by Obina, T |
Beam loading experiment with short bunched electron beams for new type of accelerating RF system of high intensity proton synchrotron (p. 1770) |
by Hashimoto, Y |
The PS 80 MHz cavities (p. 1773) |
by Grier, D G |
The new low frequency accelerating systems for the CERN PS booster (p. 1782) |
by Krusche, A |
Commissioning of the PEP-II high power RF systems (p. 1805) |
by Rimmer, R A |
The quadrupole resonator : Construction, RF System Field Calculations and First Applications(p. 1852) |
by Chiaveri, Enrico |
The Quadrupole Resonator, Design Considerations and Layout of a New Instrument for the RF Characterization of Superconducting Surface Samples (p. 1855) |
by Brigant, E |
The 120 MW X-band klystron development at KEK (p. 1894) |
by Chin, Y H |
Model of Dipole Field Variations in the LEP Bending Magnets (p. 1925) |
by Bravin, Enrico |
Training Study on Superconducting Coils of the LHC Sextupole Corrector Magnet (p. 1984) |
by Bajko, M |
Magnetic Performance of First low-$\beta$ dipole corrector prototype, MCBX (p. 1996) |
by Ang, Z |
Testing of the large bore single aperture 1-meter superconducting dipoles made with phenolic inserts (p. 2008) |
by Boschmann, H |
Performance of the 1-meter models of the 70 mm aperture quadrupole for the LHC low-beta insertions (p. 2011) |
by Bottura, L |
Genetic Algorithms for the Optimal Design of Superconducting Accelerator Magnets (p. 2014) |
by Ramberger, S |
ROXIE : A Computer Code for the Integrated Design of Accelerator Magnets(p. 2017) |
by Russenschuck, Stephan |
Experience with different constructions of superconducting corrector magnets for the LHC (p. 2020) |
by Salminen, J |
Field-shape imperfections of the CERN-LHC dipole arising from mechanical deformations and component tolerances (p. 2023) |
by Scandale, Walter |
Final focus superconducting magnet system for the interaction region of KEKB (p. 2038) |
by Ogitsu, T |
Manufacturing features and performances of long models and first prototype for the LHC project (p. 2041) |
by Billan, J |
Measurements of the LHC Corrector Magnets at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures (p. 2044) |
by Ang, Z |
Development and Test Results of a low-$\beta$ Quadrupole Model for the Large Hadron Collider (p. 2047) |
by Ajima, Y |
High Current, Low Voltage Power Converter [20kA, 6V] : LHC Converter Prototype(p. 2059) |
by Jørgensen, H E |
The pulsed power converters of the beam transfer lines at DAPHNE/INFL-LNF (p. 2079) |
by Sanelli, C |
The simultaneous and nearly-collinear $K^{0}$ beams for experiment NA48 (p. 2100) |
by Biino, C |
Study of emittance blow-up sources between the PS booster and the 26 GeV PS (p. 2111) |
by Jansson, A |
Beam transfer to and Injection into LHC (p. 2117) |
by Hilaire, A |
Influence of nonlinear multipole fields on beam loss in the slow extraction from JHF main ring (p. 2143) |
by Tomizawa, M |
Photoelectron Yield and Photon Reflectivity from Candidate LHC Vacuum Chamber Materials with Implications to the Vacuum Chamber Design (p. 2169) |
by Baglin, V |
Mechanical and Vacuum Stability Design Criteria for the LHC Experimental Vacuum Chambers (p. 2202) |
by Collins, I R |
First experiments with a 100 period superconductive undulator with a period length of 3.8 mm (p. 2234) |
by Fritz, M |
Final report on hard tube pulser activities at DESY (p. 2269) |
by Bieler, M |
Upgrading of the SPS injection kicker system for LHC requirements (p. 2275) |
by Ducimetière, L |
Cascade Simulations for the LHC Betatron Cleaning Insertion (p. 2298) |
by Azhgirey, L S |
Radiation Dose for Equipment in the LHC Arcs (p. 2301) |
by Wittenburg, K |
The CEDAR Project (p. 2330) |
by Pettersson, Thomas Sven |
The information system for LHC parameters and layouts (p. 2339) |
by Wildner, E |
A Betatron core for optimised slow extraction in a proton/ion medical synchrotron (p. 2368) |
by Knaus, P |
An Alternative Scheme for Heavy Ion Driven Inertial Fusion (p. 2404) |
by Schönauer, Horst Otto |
$DA\phiNE$ linac operational performance (e proc. 764-766) |
by Boni, R |
Linear and Nonlinear Evolution of Longitudinal Instabilities in the ESR (e-proc. 1002) |
by Hofmann, I |
Experimental Study of Impedances and Instabilities at the VEPP-4M Storage Ring (e-proc. 1005) |
by Kiselev, V |
Limits to Shortening Bunch Lengths by Reducing Momentum Compaction Factors in Electron or Positron Storage Rings (e-proc. 1008) |
by Soutome, K |
Coupled Bunch Instability Calculations for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 1011) |
by Pasotti, C |
Simulation of the Effects of Longitudinal Broad-band Impedances on an Electron-cooled Bunched Ion Beam (e-proc. 1014) |
by Katayama, T |
Instability of Electron Beams at DSR (e-proc. 1017) |
by Inabe, N |
Beam-Beam Instability in Presence of Beam Cooling (e-proc. 1023) |
by Batygin, Y K |
Spin Depolarization by the Beam-Beam Effect (e-proc. 1026) |
by Batygin, Y K |
Accelerator Schemes based on Lasers and Plasmas (e-proc. 103) |
by Miné, P |
The CRYRING Superconducting Electron Cooler (e-proc. 1031) |
by Danared, H |
Performance Test at the SIS Electron Cooling Device (e-proc. 1034) |
by Groening, L |
Simulation Study of Stochastic Cooling for ACR at RIKEN MUSES (e-proc. 1037) |
by Wakasugi, M |
Simulation Study of Three-Dimensional Laser Cooling Schemes for Fast Stored Beams (e-proc. 1040) |
by Iwashita, Y |
Limits to Bunched Beam Laser Cooling (e-proc. 1043) |
by Bowe, P |
Observed Limits to Laser-Cooling of a Stored Ion Beam (e-proc. 1046) |
by Bowe, P |
Successful MeV-range electron beam recirculation (e-proc. 1049) |
by Crawford, A C |
Muon Dynamics and Ionization Cooling at Muon Colliders (e-proc. 1055) |
by Parsa, Z |
A Moment Equation Approach to a Muon Collider Cooling Lattice (e-proc. 1058) |
by Celata, C |
The Modified Betatron Prototype Dedicated to Electron Cooling (e-proc. 1061) |
by Korotaev, Yu V |
Lowest Temperatures in Cooled Heavy Ion Beams at the ESR (e-proc. 1064) |
by Beckert, Karl |
The Particle Dynamics in the Low Energy Storage Rings with Longitudinal Magnetic Field (e-proc. 1067) |
by Meshkov, I N |
Cooling Force Measurements for the Superconducting Electron Cooler at the Storage Ring TARN II (e-proc. 1070) |
by Katayama, I |
Electron cooling of PB$^{54+}$ ions in the low energy ion ring (LEIR) (e-proc. 1073-1075) |
by Bosser, Jacques |
Kinetics of 3-D Ionization Cooling of Muons (e-proc. 1076) |
by Vsevolozhskaya, T A |
Preliminary Study of Electron Cooling Possibility of Hadronic Beams at PETRA (e-proc. 1079) |
by Balewski, K |
Muon collider progress (e-proc. 108) |
by Noble, R J |
Evaluation of Femtosecond X-Rays Produced by Inverse Compton Scattering under Linear and Nonlinear Interactions between a Low Emittance Electron Beam and an Intense Polarized Laser Light (e-proc. 1082) |
by Endo, A |
Electron Cooler driven Transverse Resonances (e-proc. 1085) |
by Ziemann, V |
High-Order Optics with Space-Charge: Analytical Approach (e-proc. 1091) |
by Andrianov, S N |
Self-Consistent Beam Equilibrium and Halo-Free Beam Transport (e-proc. 1094) |
by Batygin, Y K |
Stationary Self-Consistent Distribution of Bunched Beam in RF Field (e-proc. 1097) |
by Batygin, Y K |
Accuracy and Efficiency of 2D and 3D Fast Poisson's Solvers for Space Charge Field Calculation of Intense Beam (e-proc. 1100) |
by Batygin, Y K |
Beam Dynamics in a Proposed 350 MHZ SC Linac for Waste Transmutation and Energy Production (e-proc. 1103) |
by Bellomo, G |
Optimization of RFQ Design (e-proc. 1106) |
by Lagniel, J M |
A Particle-in-Cell Model for Space Charge Dynamics in Rings (e-proc. 1109) |
by Galambos, J D |
A 3-D Touschek Scattering Theory (e-proc. 1112) |
by Kim, C H |
On Energy Equipartition Induced by Space Charge in Bunched Beams (e-proc. 1118) |
by Lagniel, J M |
Error Effects and Parameter Analysis for a HIDIF DTL (e-proc. 1121) |
by Deitinghoff, H |
Measurement of Space Charge-Dynamics Effects in a FODO Channel (e-proc. 1124) |
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves |
Laminar Flow in Non-relativistic Intense Proton Beams (e-proc. 1127) |
by Rosenzweig, J |
Generation of Emittance Conserving non-KV Distributions in Periodic Focusing Channels (e-proc. 1130) |
by Struckmeier, J |
A High Voltage Extractor with Photocathodes (e-proc. 1133) |
by Giove, D |
Beam Loading Issues For Sns Storage Ring (e-proc. 1136) |
by Weng, W T |
Longitudinal Space Charge Effect for SNS (e-proc. 1139) |
by Weng, W T |
On Emittance Growth in Space-Charge Dominated Beams (e-proc. 1142) |
by Zuev, Yu |
Simulation of Accumulation Process in the ITEP TWAC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1147) |
by Alexeev, N N |
Beam Lines Design Codes: Dynamic Modeling Approach (e-proc. 1150) |
by Andrianov, S N |
Some Problems of Optimization Procedure for Beam Lines (e-proc. 1153) |
by Andrianov, S N |
LIAR - a computer program for the modeling and simulation of high performance linacs (e-proc. 1156) |
by Assmann, R W |
Development of the Nonstationary Model for Beam Dynamic Simulation in Multisectional Accelerators (e-proc. 1159) |
by Ayzatsky, M I |
Limits in the Design of Short Solenoids Into Matching to RFQs (e-proc. 1162) |
by Bailey, C P |
New Features in the Simulation of Ion Extraction with IGUN (e-proc. 1165) |
by Becker, R |
SPS and LHC Tune Control Studies using the "Fast Map" Tool (e-proc. 1168) |
by Jensen, L |
Symplectic Propagation of the Map, Tangent Map and Tangent Map Derivative through Quadrupole and Combined-Function Dipole Magnets without Truncation (e-proc. 1171) |
by Cary, J R |
Status of MAPA (Modular Accelerator Physics Analysis) and the Tech-X Object-Oriented Accelerator Library (e-proc. 1174) |
by Cary, J R |
Accurate and Efficient Computation of Synchrotron Radiation in the Near Field Region (e-proc. 1177) |
by Chubar, O |
HERA Upgrade Plans (e-proc. 118) |
by Gianfelice-Wendt, E |
RF Parameters for Rectangular Accelerating Structures (e-proc. 1180) |
by Henke, H |
The Particle Beam Optics Laboratory (PBO Lab (Trade Mark)): A New Education and Training Aid (e-proc. 1183) |
by Brown, N A |
Uncorrelated Emittance Growth in the TTF-FEL Bunch Compression Sections Due to Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and Space Charge Effects (e-proc. 1192) |
by Dohlus, M |
Boundary Integral Equation Approach to Time Domain Calculation of Accelerator Electromagnetic Fields (e-proc. 1195) |
by Isoda, M |
A Linear Scaling Space-Charge Routine Using Wavelets (e-proc. 1198) |
by Knaus, P |
DYNAMION The Code for Beam Dynamics Simulations in High Current Ion Linac (e-proc. 1201) |
by Kolomiets, A A |
A Comparison of 4-Rod and 4-Vane RFQ Fields (e-proc. 1204) |
by Letchford, A |
3D Calculations for the MAX II Lattice Magnets (e-proc. 1207) |
by Lindgren, L J |
Beam Dynamics Simulation Code for the Oak Ridge Spallation Neutron Source Ring (e-proc. 1210) |
by Beebe-Wang, J |
Design of the Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets of the PRAMES (e-proc. 1213) |
by Kukarnikov, S I |
Code to Study the High Intensity Beam Dynamics in the Ion Linear Accelerators (e-proc. 1216) |
by Moiseev, V A |
Simulation of the Transverse Microwave Instability of an Intense Ion Beam (e-proc. 1218) |
by Moiseev, V A |
Modeling Flat Fields, Created by Smooth Poles (e-proc. 1221) |
by Mytsykov, A |
Interactive and Programmable Environment for Accelerator Modeling And Simulation (e-proc. 1224) |
by Decking, W |
Mathematical Models for Accelerating Structures of Safe Energetical Installation (e-proc. 1227) |
by Drivotin, O I |
Present Status of KEKB Project (e-proc. 123) |
by Kurokawa, S I |
Self-Consistent Simulation of the CSR Effect (e-proc. 1230) |
by Bohn, C L |
Computer Simulations of Inductive Output Tubes (e-proc. 1233) |
by Schütt, P |
Efficient C++ Libary for Differential Algebra (e-proc. 1236) |
by Shasharina, S |
Computer Code Library for Simulation and Optimization of Electron and Ion Beam Particle Dynamics (e-proc. 1239) |
by Alexandrov, V |
On Computer Modelling of Primary Transducers in Electron Radiation Diagnostics (e-proc. 1242) |
by Karasyov, S P |
General Particle Tracer: A 3D Code for Accelerator and Beam Line Design (e-proc. 1245) |
by Van der Geer, S B |
Filling and beam loading in TESLA superstructures (e-proc. 1248) |
by Dohlus, M |
Impact of the HERA Luminosity Upgrade on the Electron Spin Polarization (e-proc. 1253) |
by Berglund, M |
Phase Modulation Induced Particle Diffusion (e-proc. 1256) |
by Ball, M |
Stochastic Control of Beam Dynamics (e-proc. 1259) |
by Cufaro-Petroni, Nicola |
Lifetime Studies at the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 1262) |
by Byrd, J |
Momentum Aperture of the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 1265) |
by Decking, W |
A Review of High Beam Current RFQ Accelerators and Funnels (e-proc. 128) |
by Schneider, J D |
Coherent Synchrotron Oscillation Excited by a Ripple of a Klystron Power Supply (e-proc. 1280) |
by Hara, M |
Slow Extraction Method for the Cooler Injector Synchrotron (e-proc. 1283) |
by Kang, X |
Emittance Growth of a Beam owing to Coulomb Interaction of Charged Particles Moving through a Drift Path (e-proc. 1286) |
by Khoruzhiy, V M |
Emittance Manipulations at BESSY I (e-proc. 1297) |
by Kuske, P |
Rhic Progress Report (e-proc. 13) |
by Peggs, S |
Numerical Simulation of Space Charge Compensation in Intense Low Energy Proton Beams (e-proc. 1300) |
by Lemaire, J L |
Longitudinal relaxation oscillations beyond the threshold of hom induced instabilities (e-proc. 1303) |
by Limborg, C |
Generation of Femtosecond X-Ray Pulses and Other Laser-Electron Beam Experiments at DELTA (e-proc. 1306) |
by Khan, S |
Tune Value Evaluation for Combined Function Lattice (e-proc. 1309) |
by Iwashita, Y |
Nonsynchronous Electron Transportation in Traveling Wave of Linac (e-proc. 1312) |
by Alferov, P |
High Frequency Properties of Wake Fields in TESLA Cavities (e-proc. 1315) |
by Weiland, T |
Ion Beam Focusing by Plasma Gun (e-proc. 1321) |
by Belan, V |
An impedance boundary condition for computing impedances in complex-shaped perforated beam pipes (e-proc. 1324-1326) |
by Petracca, S |
Transverse RF Focussing in Jefferson Lab Superconducting Cavities (e-proc. 1327) |
by Krafft, G A |
Overview of Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser Projects (e-proc. 133) |
by Walker, R P |
First Beam Test Result of RFQ Electric Tune Controller at HIMAC Synchrotron (e-proc. 1330) |
by Ano, S |
Increasing the Life Time of SR Sources by RF Phase Modulation (e-proc. 1339) |
by Hertel, N |
The Superconducting Accelerating Structure Geometry and Beam Dynamics of SVAAP (e-proc. 1342) |
by Komarova, V V |
Bunch Compression in the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS at GSI (e-proc. 1347) |
by Blasche, K |
The Transverse Wakefields in the TESLA-FEL Transfer Line (e-proc. 1350) |
by Weiland, T |
Initial Operation of the Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1353) |
by Diviacco, B |
Magnet Alignment and Closed Orbit Distortion of the SPring-8 Storage Ring (e-proc. 1356) |
by Kumagai, N |
Mode Matching Technique for a Lossy Pill-box Cavity (e-proc. 1359) |
by Masullo, M R |
The Amplitude Dependent Spin Tune and the Invariant Spin Field in High Energy Proton Accelerators (e-proc. 1362) |
by Barber, D P |
Effects of Superconducting Magnet on the Beam Dynamics in SRRC/TLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1371) |
by Wang, M H |
Mastering of Beam Losses at the ESRF (e-proc. 1374) |
by Günzel, T |
Measurements of Coherent Damping and Tune Shifts with Amplitude at LEP (e-proc. 1377-1379) |
by Müller, A S |
Theory of a Transverse Feedback System with a Nonlinear Transfer Function (e-proc. 1380) |
by Zhabitsky, V M |
Low Emittance Beam Extraction from Laser-Driven Multicharged Ion Sources (e-proc. 1385) |
by Anderson, O A |
High Capture Efficiency for the Polarized Beam at MAMI by RF-Synchronized Photoemission (e-proc. 1388) |
by Aulenbacher, K |
Operation and Recent Development of ECR Ion Sources at the FLNR (JINR) Cyclotrons (e-proc. 1391) |
by Kutner, V B |
New Performances of the CW High-Intensity Light Ion Source (SILHI) (e-proc. 1397) |
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves |
Extraction and Low Energy Transport of Negative Ions (e-proc. 1400) |
by Jakob, A |
Ion Charge State Increase 1+ > N+ for the Acceleration of Alkali and Metallic Radioactive Ion Beams (e-proc. 1403) |
by Bouly, J L |
Some Methods of Generation of Multicharged Ions of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes (e-proc. 1406) |
by Lamzin, E A |
A Study of Electron Strings and their Use for Efficient Production of Highly Charged Ions (e-proc. 1409) |
by Rensfelt, K G |
Recent Developments at IonCooler Rings (e-proc. 141) |
by Reistad, D |
The Pulsed Polarized Electron Source For Nuclear Physics Experiments at AmPS (e-proc. 1415) |
by De Jager, C W |
Further development of RIKEN 18 GHz ECRIS (e-proc. 1418) |
by Biri, S |
Design and Initial Results of a High Current EBIS Test Stand (e-proc. 1421) |
by Alessi, J |
A DC Proton Injector for Use in High-Current CW Linacs (e-proc. 1424) |
by Bolme, G |
Modeling of Ion Production in ECR Ion Sources (e-proc. 1427) |
by Shirkov, G |
The New Polarized Beam Injection at MAMI (e-proc. 1430) |
by Aulenbacher, K |
Study of a Trapped Ion Source (e-proc. 1433) |
by Boggia, A |
Results From A Double Vlasov Model For Negative Ion Extraction From Volume Sources (e-proc. 1436) |
by Olsen, D K |
The Injection System Calculation for SVAAP (e-proc. 1444) |
by Komarova, V V |
Experimental Results from an Injector for an IR FEL (e-proc. 1447) |
by Bohn, C L |
High Power Test of GaAs Photocathode in RF Gun (e-proc. 1450) |
by Aleksandrov, A V |
Thermal Design of an RFQ Cell for the Radio Frequency Quadrupole under Construction for ISIS (e-proc. 1453) |
by Murdoch, G R |
Emission and emittance measurements of electron beams generated from CU and diamond photocathodes (e-proc. 1456) |
by Nassisi, V |
The SLS Test Facility First Results (e-proc. 1459) |
by Dohan, D |
Progress on Intense Proton Beam Dynamics and Halo Formation (e-proc. 146) |
by Pabst, M |
The RF-Gun Based Injector for the Tesla Test Facility Linac (e-proc. 1462) |
by Schreiber, S |
A Combined Injector and FEL Facility at MAX-lab (e-proc. 1468) |
by Eriksson, M |
An S-Band Test Cavity for a Field Emission Based RF-Gun (e-proc. 1471) |
by Gasper, A |
83 MHz Electron Gun System (e-proc. 1474) |
by Whitham, K |
Estimation of the Particle Density in Transverse Phase Space Using a Multi-Wire Profile Monitor (e-proc. 1479) |
by Adachi, T |
Fast and Flexible BPM-System: Valuable Commissioning Tool for the BESSY II (e-proc. 1482) |
by Bakker, R J |
Electron Beam Diagnostic using Bremsstrahlung at Electron-Proton Collider (e-proc. 1485) |
by Bashmakov, Yu A |
A Combined Function Beam Emittance and Profile Measuring System for the ISIS 665 keV H- Pre-Injector (e-proc. 1491) |
by Clarke-Gayther, M A |
The SRS Multipole Wiggler Vacuum Vessel Protection System (e-proc. 1494) |
by Balmer, J A |
New Features of the Elettra BPM System (e-proc. 1497) |
by De Monte, R |
Beam Diagnostics for the upgraded UNILAC at GSI (e-proc. 1500) |
by Peters, A |
A Preliminary Study on High Precision Photon Beam Position Monitor Design for Local Feedback Systems (e-proc. 1506) |
by Galimberti, A |
A Review of difficulties in achieving short bunches in storage rings (e-proc. 151) |
by Limborg, C |
Beam Emittance Measurements on the Race Track Microtron (e-proc. 1512) |
by Georgsson, M |
Design of a Schottky-Signal Detector for Use at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) (e-proc. 1514) |
by Barry, W |
New BPM system and its calibration for upgraded PF ring (e-proc. 1517-1519) |
by Haga, K |
Development of High Resolution Multi-bunch BPM (e-proc. 1523) |
by Hayano, H |
Design and Implementation of a Digital Receiver Based Tune Monitor (e-proc. 1529) |
by Chen, Jenny |
Bunch-by-Bunch Intensity, Position Monitor for the Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 1532) |
by Chen, C S |
An Ionization Detector of Synchrotron Beam Spatial Parameters: Possible Applications (e-proc. 1535) |
by Artemiev, A N |
Investigation of the Rise of Compensation of High Perveance Ion Beams using a Time-Resolving Ion Energy Spectrometer (e-proc. 1538) |
by Lakatos, A |
Design and Tests of a New Microwave Beam Position Monitor for the Undulator of the TTF-FEL (e-proc. 1541) |
by Kamps, T |
The New Beam Position Monitoring System of ELSA (e-proc. 1544) |
by Husmann, D |
Diagnostic System for the LLS. Beam Position Monitors (e-proc. 1547) |
by Pérez, F |
Destructive Beam Profile Monitor Electronics using Gated Current Integrators (e-proc. 1550) |
by Leontein, S |
Electronics for the TTFL Cavity-type Beam Position Monitor (e-proc. 1553) |
by Lorenz, R |
Recent Observations on the APS Storage Ring Using Synchrotron Radiation Monitors (e-proc. 1556) |
by Borland, M |
A Fast Residual-Gas Ionization Monitor for Intense Stored Heavy Ions (e-proc. 1562) |
by Hoffmann, T |
A Measurement of Beam Size of the ATF Damping Ring with the SR-Interferometer (e-proc. 1565) |
by Mitsuhashi, T |
Beta-matching and damping observation by SR monitor at ATF DR (e-proc. 1574-1576) |
by Naito, T |
Fast Inorganic Scintillators for Beam Diagnostics at Extreme High Vacuum (e-proc. 1577) |
by Kérek, A |
Measuring and Characterizing Ultrashort Bunches in the Jefferson Lab Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. 1580) |
by Krafft, G A |
Multipactoring in the Beam Phase Monitor at MMF (e-proc. 1583) |
by Puntus, V A |
Vibration Measurements on the MAX-II Beam (e-proc. 1586) |
by Röjsel, P |
Design and Calibration of IQ-Mixers (e-proc. 1589) |
by Sabah, S |
Optical Techniques in Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 159) |
by Ferianis, M |
Electron Beam Diagnostics for the Swiss Light Source (e-proc. 1592) |
by Schlott, V |
DSP based Accelerator Applications at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY (e-proc. 1595) |
by Bechstedt, U |
A Coaxial Beam Position Monitor for the TESLA-FEL and Some Error Estimations (e-proc. 1598) |
by Scholz, T |
Wave-Optical Properties of Synchrotron Radiation and Electron Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 1601) |
by Smolyakov, N V |
Upgrade of the BPM Readout Electronics for the ATF Damping Ring (e-proc. 1607) |
by Hayano, H |
A Cryogenic Current Measuring Device for the Low-Intensity Beam at the Storage Ring TARN II (e-proc. 1610) |
by Katayama, I |
Wide Range Extracted Beam Intensity Measurement at the IHEP (e-proc. 1613) |
by Afonin, A G |
Bunch by Bunch Precision Measurement of Fast Extraction Efficiency at IHEP 70 GeV Proton Synchrotron (e-proc. 1615) |
by Afonin, A G |
The U-70 Machine Continuous Beam Loss Monitoring (e-proc. 1617) |
by Gres, V N |
Measurements of the Betatron Functions and Phases in RHIC (e-proc. 1620) |
by Kewisch, J |
A Possible Synchrotron Light Beam Profile Monitor in RHIC (e-proc. 1623) |
by Courant, E |
Development of the ISIS Synchrotron Diagnostics (e-proc. 1629) |
by Adams, D J |
Diagnostics of Subpicosecond Electron Beam by Michelson Interferometer and Femtosecond Streak Camera (e-proc. 1632) |
by Sugahara, J |
Electron Beam Characterization by Undulator Radiation (e-proc. 1635) |
by Andersson, Å |
A Detection System for Highly Charged Ions which have undergone Charge Exchange in the CRYRING Electron Cooler (e-proc. 1638) |
by Kérek, A |
Emittance Control of a Beam by Shaping the Transverse Charge Distribution, using a Tomography Diagnostic (e-proc. 1641) |
by Babzien, M |
Model-Independent Analysis with BPM Correlation Matrices (e-proc. 1644) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Tevatron Lattice Function Measurement using TBT Data (e-proc. 1647) |
by Yang, M J |
Fieldbus Communication in Control System of FLNR (e-proc. 1653) |
by Aleinikov, V V |
Control Systems for Technological Linacs (e-proc. 1656) |
by Boriskin, V |
Control Integration for the Injector in SRRC (e-proc. 1658) |
by Chen, C S |
Implementation and performance of the DA$\phi$NE timing system (e-proc. 1661-1663) |
by Di Pirro, G |
Compensation Scheme of Elliptical Polarization from Bending Magnet at SRRC (e-proc. 1664) |
by Chen, C T |
A New Control System for Beamline 5D on the SRS at Daresbury (e-proc. 1667) |
by Corker, B |
DA$\phi$NE control system status and performance (e-proc. 1673-1675) |
by Di Pirro, G |
Rapidly Installable High Performance Control System Facilitates BESSY II Commissioning (e-proc. 1676) |
by Bakker, R J |
ConSys A New Control System for ASTRID and ELISA (e-proc. 1679) |
by Worm, T |
The LLS Magnet Test Facility as an Evaluation of the Accelerator Control System Requirements (e-proc. 1682) |
by Beltran, D |
The CORBA IDL Interface for Accelerator Control (e-proc. 1685) |
by Plesko, M |
An Object Oriented Control System for the Third Storage Ring RF Unit at the ESRF (e-proc. 1688) |
by David, C |
Review of Feedback Systems (e-proc. 169) |
by Balewski, K |
First Experiences with the Control System for the Accelerator of ANKA (e-proc. 1691) |
by Schieler, H |
Nuclotron Main Magnet Power Supply Control System (e-proc. 1694) |
by Gorchenko, V |
Initial Commissioning Results From the PEP-II Transverse Coupled-Bunch Feedback Systems (e-proc. 1699) |
by Barry, W |
RF Beam Control System for the Brookhaven Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, RHIC (e-proc. 1705) |
by Brennan, J M |
Development of the RF Kicker for the Longitudinal Feedback System at SRRC (e-proc. 1708) |
by Chang, L H |
An Improved Closed Orbit Servo for Energy Ramps on the SRS at Daresbury (e-proc. 1711) |
by Hill, S F |
Development of Local Orbit Feedback for Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 1714) |
by Chen, J R |
Analysis of the Heavily Beam-loaded SOLEIL RF System (e-proc. 1720) |
by Mosnier, A |
A New COD Correction Method For Orbit Feedback (e-proc. 1723) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
A Fast Global Feedback System to Correct the Beam Position Deviation in the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1729) |
by Plouviez, E |
System Identification for the Digital RF Control System at the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1732) |
by Hüning, M |
Adaptive Feed Forward for Digital RF Control System for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1735) |
by Liepe, M |
Experience with the Control of the Vector Sum at the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1738) |
by Gamp, A |
RF Feedback Systems for SC Cavities (e-proc. 174) |
by Mosnier, A |
Recent Improvements in Vertical Orbit Feedback at the Daresbury SRS (e-proc. 1741) |
by Smith, S L |
An Automated Tuning Mechanism for the Eindhoven Racetrack Microtron (e-proc. 1744) |
by Botman, J I M |
The Low-Level RF System for KEKB (e-proc. 1749) |
by Akai, K |
Research of the Accelerator RF System with Biperiodic Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1752) |
by Bogdanovich, B Yu |
Commissioning of the Third RF Acceleration Unit for the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1755) |
by David, C |
Operational Experience with the ELETTRA RF System (e-proc. 1758) |
by Bocciai, M |
Low Level RF System for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 1761) |
by Svandrlik, M |
RF System for the ANKA Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 1764) |
by Einfeld, D |
A New 500 MHz Fifth Harmonic RF System for Super-ACO (e-proc. 1767) |
by Godefroy, J M |
HOM Coupler for the Damped Cavity of High Brilliance SR Source (e-proc. 1776) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
A Four-Port Launcher for a Multi-moded DLDS Power Distribution System (e-proc. 1779) |
by Kroll, N M |
Design and Operation of First-and Second-Harmonic Coaxial Gyroklystrons for Advanced Accelerator Applications (e-proc. 1784) |
by Castle, M |
Design of a 95 GHz, Multi-Megawatt Gyroklystron Amplifier for Advanced Accelerators (e-proc. 1787) |
by Arjona, M R |
Superconducting Niobium Films for RF Cavities (e-proc. 179) |
by Darriulat, Pierre |
A 35 MHz Re-Buncher RF Cavity for ISAC at TRIUMF (e-proc. 1790) |
by Li, D |
Design, Fabrication and RF Measurement of a MM-Wave Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1793) |
by Apel, R |
MA-loaded cavity for barrier bucket experiment (e-proc. 1796-1798) |
by Fujieda, M |
RF System for the VEPP-5 Damping Ring (e-proc. 1799) |
by Alinovsky, N |
Field Measurement of the ELETTRA Cavity Higher Order Modes (e-proc. 1802) |
by Pasotti, C |
A Third-Harmonic RF Cavity for the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 1808) |
by Rimmer, R A |
MOSFET RF Power Amplifier for Accelerator Applications (e-proc. 1811) |
by Godefroy, J M |
RF System of the Prague Medical Synchrotron (e-proc. 1814) |
by Makoveev, V K |
The ANKA RF Cavities (e-proc. 1817) |
by Pasotti, C |
Layout of the ANKA RF System (e-proc. 1820) |
by Einfeld, D |
Ferrite Test Cavity For Muses (e-proc. 1823) |
by Katayama, T |
Optimization and Experimental Characterization of a Broadband Circular Waveguide to Coaxial Transition (e-proc. 1826) |
by Küchler, S |
Design of Ferrite Loaded High Voltage Barrier Cavity (e-proc. 1829) |
by Brennan, J M |
Better RF Cavities for HERA/PETRA (e-proc. 1832) |
by Zaplatin, E N |
Opportunity of Development of Niobium Coated Copper Cavity (e-proc. 1837) |
by Balalykin, N I |
Review of Experience with HOM Damped Cavities (e-proc. 184) |
by Padamsee, H |
Experimental Results on the Stainless Steel Prototype of a Superconducting RFQ (e-proc. 1840) |
by Andreev, V |
Engineering Development of Superconducting RF Linac for High-Power Applications (e-proc. 1843) |
by Dominic Chan, K C |
On-line Performance of the LNL Mechanically Damped Superconducting Low Beta Resonators (e-proc. 1846) |
by Zviagintsev, V |
A New Fabrication and Stiffening Method of SRF Cavities (e-proc. 1849) |
by Bousson, S |
Study on Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonator for CW Intense Ion Linac (e-proc. 1858) |
by Kakutani, N |
Thermal Behaviour of SRF Cavities at High Gradients (e-proc. 1861) |
by Bousson, S |
HOM damping in SOLEIL Superconducting Cavity (e-proc. 1864) |
by Mosnier, A |
DC Field Emission of Nb Samples Prepared in TESLA Cavities (e-proc. 1867) |
by Göhl, A |
SC Beta Graded Cavity Design for a Proposed 350 MHZ Linac for Waste Transmutation and Energy Production (e-proc. 1870) |
by Barni, D |
Surface Resistance Measurements of Superconducting Samples with Vacuum Insulated Thermometers (e-proc. 1873) |
by Chel, S |
Design of a 3rd Harmonic Superconducting Cavity for Bunch Lengthening in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1879) |
by Pasotti, C |
Status of the Tesla Power Coupler Development Programme in France (e-proc. 1882) |
by Chel, S |
Improvements of Superconducting Cavity Performances at High Accelerating Gradients (e-proc. 1885) |
by Charrier, J P |
Experience with Permanent Magnets in the Fermilab 8 GeV Line and Recycler Ring (e-proc. 189) |
by Foster, G W |
Design of a High Efficiency 1 MW CW Klystron at 700 MHz for Low Energy Demonstrator Accelerator (e-proc. 1891) |
by Bowler, D |
New Results of the 7 GHz Pulsed Magnicon Amplifier Investigation (e-proc. 1897) |
by Kozyrev, E |
Mode Launcher Design for the Multi-moded DLDS (e-proc. 1900) |
by Ko, K |
Design of the Cooling System for a 25 kW Landau Cavity at SRRC (e-proc. 1903) |
by Chang, S S |
Long-Pulse 1.3 GHz Magnicon (e-proc. 1906) |
by Ganguly, A K |
Cathode Modulation of High Power RF Output Triodes of the ISIS Linac (e-proc. 1909) |
by Brady, B |
Design and Test Results of the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) RF Systems (e-proc. 1912) |
by Bradley, J |
Development of Millimeter-Wave FEM for Electron-Positron Colliders (e-proc. 1915) |
by Kaminsky, A A |
Output Cavity Studies for a Low Voltage mm-Wave Sheet Beam Klystron (e-proc. 1918) |
by Bruns, W |
Radiation Resistant Microsensors of Magnetic Field (e-proc. 1923) |
by Belkov, A I |
Design and Optimization the Magnet and Magnetic Structure for 80 MeV H- Isochronous Cyclotron (e-proc. 1928) |
by Abrosimov, N K |
Three Dimensional Design of the Bending Magnets for a 1.5 GeV-Double Sided Microtron (e-proc. 1931) |
by Ludwig-Mertin, U |
Pole Profile Optimization of VLHC Transmission Line Magnet (e-proc. 1934) |
by Kashikhin, V |
The Design of the IFUSP Main Race-Track Microtron Accelerator End Magnets (e-proc. 1937) |
by Kassab, L R P |
Technology of Cryogenics for Storage Rings (e-proc. 194) |
by Lierl, H |
Magnetic Measurement of the VSX Prototype Magnets (e-proc. 1940) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
Observation of Mode Resonance Structure in Synchrotron Magnet String (e-proc. 1943) |
by Aoki, T |
The Magnetic Field Measuring Of The Excharm Spectrometer (e-proc. 1946) |
by Aleev, A N |
Magnet Field Measurement for KEK B-factory (e-proc. 1948) |
by Masuzawa, M |
Preliminary Results of the KEKB Quadrupole Magnet Measurements (e-proc. 1951) |
by Masuzawa, M |
Analysis of the Multipurpose Sextupole of SOLEIL using Halbach's Perturbation Theory and the POISSON Code (e-proc. 1954) |
by Peaupardin, P |
Normal Conducting QN Quadrupole for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 1957) |
by Bondarchuk, E |
Magnet Prototypes for ANKA (e-proc. 1960) |
by Einfeld, D |
Normal Conducting QI and QJ Quadrupoles for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 1963) |
by Bogatov, N |
A New Design For An Active-Passive Septum Magnet (e-proc. 1966) |
by Traveria, M |
Modelling the Fringe Fields of a Multipole Device (e-proc. 1969) |
by Botman, J I M |
Normal Conducting QM Quadrupole for the HERA Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 1972) |
by Bondarchuk, E |
A Resistive Combined Function Magnet Suitable for Use Inside the HERA ep Interaction Regions (e-proc. 1975) |
by Parker, B |
HERA: Towards Higher Proton Beam Energies (e-proc. 1981) |
by Bacher, R |
Study of the Power Deposition in the LHC Low-Beta Inner Triplet for a Nb3Sn Design (e-proc. 1987) |
by Ambrosio, G |
Nb3Sn Magnets for a MUON Collider (e-proc. 1990) |
by Green, M |
Magnetic Design of Dipoles for LHC Insertion Regions (e-proc. 1993) |
by Gupta, R |
The Muon g-2 Storage Ring Magnet (e-proc. 1999) |
by Lee, Y Y |
Non-Evaporable Getters : from Pumping Strips to Thin Film Coatings (e-proc. 200) |
by Benvenuti, C |
Field quality of the final-focus superconducting magnets for KEKB interaction region (e-proc. 2002) |
by Ogitsu, T |
Field Calculation and Measurement of a Full-Length Snake Magnet for RHIC (e-proc. 2005) |
by Katayama, T |
Design and Fabrication of Racetrack Coil Accelerator Magnets (e-proc. 2026) |
by Chow, K |
Analysis of magnetic measurements of short model quadrupoles for the LHC low beta insertions (e-proc. 2029) |
by Bossert, R |
Test Results of Short Model Quadrupoles for the LHC Low-Beta Insertions (e-proc. 2032) |
by Bossert, R |
Development of a High-Gradient Quadrupole Magnet with a NB3SN Cable (e-proc. 2035) |
by Bogdanov, I |
Possibility of Resonant Excitation of the JHF 3-GeV Synchrotron Magnets Using A Multi-Network (e-proc. 2053) |
by Adachi, T |
Upgrade of the ISIS Pre-injector EHT Generator (e-proc. 2056) |
by Barratt, P J |
Performance of the White Circuits of the BESSY II Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 2062) |
by Bürkmann, K |
Design and Testing of a Low Cost Modulating Current System for Determination of SRS Quadrupole Misalignment (e-proc. 2065) |
by Griffiths, S A |
Application of the Superconducting Power Cables in the RHIC Project (e-proc. 2068) |
by Lambiase, R F |
Power Converters for the LLS Synchrotron Accelerator Magnet System (e-proc. 2070) |
by Beltran, D |
A Proposed 46kV 350kW Crowbar-Less Klystron Power Supply (e-proc. 2073) |
by Przybyla, J S |
DA$\phi$NE magnet power supply system (e-proc. 2076-2078) |
by Ricci, R A |
Power Supply System for the RIKEN-MUSES Project (e-proc. 2082) |
by Katayama, T |
Magnet power supply system for KEKB accelerator (e-proc. 2085-2087) |
by Akiyama, A |
X-ray Radiation Intensity Increase by means of a Discrete Targets in a Magnetic Field (e-proc. 2094) |
by Alferov, P |
External Injection into Phasotron (Computer Simulation) (e-proc. 2097) |
by Onishchenko, L M |
H- Painting Injection for the JHF 3-GeV Synchrotron (e-proc. 2103) |
by Igarashi, S |
Plasma Lens with a Current Density Depended on External Magnetic Field (e-proc. 2106) |
by Belan, V |
Massless Septum with Hybrid Magnet (e-proc. 2109) |
by Iwashita, Y |
First Results on Study of Optimal Crystal Extraction at 70 GeV IHEP Accelerator (e-proc. 2114) |
by Afonin, A G |
First Patient Treatment at GSI with Heavy Ions (e-proc. 212) |
by Kraft, G |
Slow Extraction System of Stretcher Ring, KSR (e-proc. 2120) |
by Inoue, M |
Design of Slow Extraction System at Booster Synchrotron for MUSES (e-proc. 2123) |
by Katayama, T |
Injection Simulation Study at Accumulator Cooler Ring at RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 2126) |
by Ohtomo, K |
An Electrostatic Beam Splitter for the PSI 590 MeV-1 MW Proton Beam Line (e-proc. 2129) |
by Mariani, E |
The q/m-Separator for REX-ISOLDE (e-proc. 2132) |
by Habs, D |
The Injection Scheme for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 2135) |
by Einfeld, D |
Phase Space Painting Of Charge Exchange Injection in the KEK Booster (e-proc. 2137) |
by Kitagawa, K |
Beam Injection System for the PRAgue MEdical Synchrotron (e-proc. 2140) |
by Molodozhentsev, A Yu |
Booster Gold Beam Injection Efficiency and Beam Loss (e-proc. 2149) |
by Ahrens, L A |
Safety Relief Valve to Protect the Cold Masses of the LHC (e-proc. 2155) |
by Dörrenbach, C |
Low Temperature Instrumentation for Superconducting Accelerators (e-proc. 2158) |
by Romanov, S V |
Photodesorption and Power Testing of the SR Crotch-Absorber for BESSY-II (e-proc. 2163) |
by Anashin, V |
How Much Pumping does an Electron Storage Ring REALLY Need? (e-proc. 2166) |
by Bialowons, W |
Synchrotron Radiation Projects of Industrial Interest (e-proc. 217) |
by Marks, N |
Vacuum Beam Losses in the Axial Injection Systems of the FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (e-proc. 2172) |
by El-Shazly, M N |
The Improvements of Vacuum Performance at Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 2175) |
by Chen, J R |
Status of the ESRF Vacuum System (e-proc. 2178) |
by Kersevan, R |
Beam-gas Lifetime Measurement in the PLS Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 2181) |
by Park, C D |
A New Technique for Thin-Film Coating of Vacuum Vessels with Metal or Carbon Containing Non-Evaporable Getters (e-proc. 2184) |
by Marquardt, N |
Storage Ring Bake-out Efficiency from the Accelerator Parameters Point of View (e-proc. 2187) |
by Miertusova, J |
Vacuum Performance Characteristic of a 5m-long Pump Free Insertion Device Vacuum Chamber for ELETTRA (e-proc. 2190) |
by Miertusova, J |
New Development in Undulator Vessels at E.S.R.F. (e-proc. 2193) |
by Rouvière, N |
Vacuum System for the Swiss Light Source (e-proc. 2196) |
by Heidenreich, G |
Beam Loss due to the Charge Exchange with the Residual Gas In The FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (e-proc. 2199) |
by El-Shazly, M N |
Recent Insertion Devices Produced at Danfysik A/S (e-proc. 2207) |
by Badker, F |
Design of a High Field Strength 3.4 Tesla Wiggler for the SRRC Storage Ring (e-proc. 2210) |
by Chang, C H |
Development of Quasiperiodic Undulators at the ESRF (e-proc. 2213) |
by Chavanne, J |
Construction of Elliptical Undulators for ELETTRA (e-proc. 2216) |
by Bracco, R |
Magnet Sorting Algorithms for the SRRC EPU5.6 (e-proc. 2219) |
by Chang, C H |
High-Power Accelerators: Key Players in a Power-Hungry and Peace-Hungry World during the Coming Century? (e-proc. 222) |
by Mileikowsky, C |
Field Optimization Algorithm for the Various Variably Polarization Undulator with Changing Phase (e-proc. 2222) |
by Chang, C H |
The Commissioning Results of 1 m Prototype EPU5.6 in SRRC (e-proc. 2225) |
by Chang, C H |
Magnetic design and light characteristics of a Wiggler for the LLS (e-proc. 2228) |
by Juanhuix, J |
The Control Performance of Elliptically Polarizing Undulator at SRRC (e-proc. 2231) |
by Chen, C S |
Brainstorming on New Permanent Magnet Undulator Designs (e-proc. 2237) |
by Diviacco, B |
Driving Mechanism of an APPLE-2 Type Variable Polarizing Undulator for the Gap and Phase Variation (e-proc. 2240) |
by Bizen, T |
Fabrication and Magnetic Field Measurement of an APPLE-2 Type Variable Polarizing Undulator (e-proc. 2243) |
by Bizen, T |
Insertion Devices R&D at KSRS (e-proc. 2246) |
by Khlebnikov, A S |
A Short-Period Strong Focusing Undulator Scheme (e-proc. 2249) |
by Khlebnikov, A S |
Magnetic Design and light characteristics of the LLS Undulators (e-proc. 2252) |
by Juanhuix, J |
Construction and Testing of an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler for ELETTRA (e-proc. 2255) |
by Bracco, R |
Electron Cooling at ACR in Muses Project (e-proc. 2258) |
by Katayama, T |
Characterization of Undulator I411 on MAX II (e-proc. 2261) |
by Bässler, M |
Upgrade of the Insertion Device Magnetic Measurement Facility at Sincrotrone Trieste (e-proc. 2264) |
by Bracco, R |
A Very Fast Kicker Magnet: A New Approach (e-proc. 2272) |
by Kumada, M |
Measurements on a Fast 66 kV Resonant Charging Power Supply for the LHC Inflectors (e-proc. 2278) |
by Barnes, M J |
Design of a Gate-Turn-Off (GTO) Switch for Pulsed Power Application (e-proc. 2281) |
by Despe, O |
Solid-State Switch Modulator Deck For The MIT-Bates S-Band Transmitter (e-proc. 2284) |
by Campbell, R |
Installation and alignment of the DA$\phi$NE accelerators (e-proc. 2289-2291) |
by Biscari, C |
New Radiation Monitoring System for the ESRF (e-proc. 2295) |
by Berkvens, P |
DA$\phi$NE commissioning Team (e-proc. 23-27) |
by Biscari, C |
Polymerconcrete for Radiation Background Shielding of Detectors at Hadron Colliders (e-proc. 2304) |
by Sergeyev, I A |
The Correlation between the Beam Orbit Stability and the Utilities at SRRC (e-proc. 2309) |
by Chen, C R |
IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility): A High Intensity Deuteron Beam Application (e-proc. 231) |
by Martone, M |
An Experimental Method of Aberration Correction for High Resolution Mass Spectrometers (e-proc. 2312) |
by Belmont, J L |
Beam Halo Collection for the JHF 3-GeV Synchrotron (e-proc. 2315) |
by Irie, Y |
On the Thermal Deformation Analyses of CVD Silicon-Carbide Mirror (e-proc. 2318) |
by Lin, M C |
Practical Evaluation of a New CBI Avoidance System on the SRS (e-proc. 2321) |
by McIntosh, P A |
High Brightness Low Frequency SR From a 2/g Deviation ID (e-proc. 2324) |
by Méot, F |
The DA$\phi$NE water cooling system (e-proc. 2327-2328) |
by Pellegrino, L |
New Structural Design of SCDTL Structures for the TOP Linac (e-proc. 2333) |
by Messina, G |
Beam Loss Collection on the ESS Accumulator Rings (e-proc. 2336) |
by Warsop, C M |
The EBIS Option for Hadron Therapy (e-proc. 2345) |
by Becker, R |
Accelerator Control for the GSI Cancer Therapy Project (e-proc. 2348) |
by Eickhoff, H |
Computer Controlled Beam Alignment for the GSI Therapy Project (e-proc. 2351) |
by Franczak, B J |
Progress report on the Construction of the Proton Therapy Equipment for MGH (e-proc. 2354) |
by Bailey, J |
Secondary Beam Course for the Medical Use at HIMAC (e-proc. 2357) |
by Kanai, T |
Final Beam Transport Channel for TWAC Calculation (e-proc. 2360) |
by Barkhudaryan, A V |
Planar System Replacing GANTRY for Protons and Carbon Ions Beams Transportation (e-proc. 2362) |
by Kats, M M |
Study of GANTRY Optics for Proton and Carbon Ion Beams (e-proc. 2365) |
by Kats, M M |
Proposal of a Compact High Brightness Laser Synchrotron Light Source for Medical Applications (e-proc. 2371) |
by Ogata, A |
Assessing the Suitability of a Medical Cyclotron as an Injector for an Energy Upgrade (e-proc. 2374) |
by Dykes, D M |
Design of a Carbon Injector for a Medical Accelerator Complex (e-proc. 2377) |
by Ratzinger, U |
A Single Pulse Method for Measuring the Release Curves of Radioactive Nuclear Beam Targets (e-proc. 2383) |
by Bennett, J R J |
The High Intensity Radioactive Beam Facility at TRIUMF (e-proc. 2386) |
by Baartman, R |
Development of New Electron Irradiation Based Technology for Technetium-99m Production (e-proc. 2389) |
by Dikiy, N P |
Isochronous cyclotron for thermonuclear reactors driving (e-proc. 2395-2397) |
by Alenitsky, Yu G |
Multi-Beam Pulsed Accelerator for Electron Beam Processing System (e-proc. 2398) |
by Dolbilov, G V |
Monoenergetic Neutron Beam Facility at TSL (e-proc. 2401) |
by Blomgren, J |
Safe Atomic Energetical Installation with Ion Linac (e-proc. 2407) |
by Svistunov, Yu A |
Initial Commissioning of Dedicated SR Ring "AURORA-2S" for X-ray Lithography (e-proc. 2413) |
by Hori, T |
Aluminum Ion Implantation using a Variable Energy RFQ Implanter (e-proc. 2419) |
by Amemiya, K |
Application of the Particle Backscattering Method for the Certification of the Oxide Protective Coatings at the Surface of Al Alloys (e-proc. 2422) |
by Bespalova, O V |
Electron Accelerators with Concentrated Beam Ejection to Atmosphere and their Application in Beam Extra-Vacuum Technologies (e-proc. 2425) |
by Gorshkov, O A |
Accelerating Structure with Separated Modular Resonators Working in 300MHz Frequency Band, for High Power Electron Accelerator, ATENA (e-proc. 2428) |
by Bigolas, J |
Application of Electrostatic Tandem in Almaty for Analysis of Berillium Foils and Radioactive Particulates (e-proc. 2433) |
by Arzumanov, A |
Formation of F2- Colour Centers in LiF Monocrystals by Electron Irradiation (e-proc. 2436) |
by Baltateanu, N |
SIRIUS A Radioactive Nuclear Beam Facility for ISIS (e-proc. 2439) |
by Broome, T A |
Tandem Accelerator Facility at Inshas (e-proc. 2442) |
by Comsan, M N H |
The WASA Facility at the CELSIUS Storage Ring (e-proc. 2447) |
by Ekström, C |
Development of a Scanning System for Proton Therapy in Uppsala (e-proc. 2450) |
by Grusell, E |
Fundamental Research of Subpicosecond Time Resolved X-Ray Diffractometry Using Electron Linac (e-proc. 2452) |
by Harano, H |
X-rays Produced by Means of a Proton Beam for Analysis of the Multilayer X-ray Mirrors (e-proc. 2455) |
by Baranov, A M |
Study of Polarization X-Ray Bremsstrahlung of Fast Electrons in Media with Different Microstructure (e-proc. 2458) |
by Blazhevich, S |
Materials Science Applications of Heavy Ion Beams from the Gustaf Werner Cyclotron (e-proc. 2460) |
by Van Veldhuizen, E J |
Performance of Schottky Mass Spectrometry at the ESR (e-proc. 256) |
by Beckert, Karl |
Recent Developments in HELIOS Compact Synchrotrons (e-proc. 259) |
by Crosland, N C E |
Start of Commissioning of the High Brilliance Synchrotron Light Source BESSY II (e-proc. 262) |
by Abo-Bakr, M |
Experimental Studies of Laser Guiding in Plasma Channels (e-proc. 265) |
by Leemans, W P |
First Successful Operation of the FUSION FEM (e-proc. 268) |
by Van der Geer, C A J |
Landau Cavities at MAX II (e-proc. 273) |
by Andersson, Å |
Study of the Fast Beam-Ion Instability in the Pohang Light Source (e-proc. 276) |
by Huang, J Y |
A Particle Core Model for Space Charge Dynamics in Rings (e-proc. 279) |
by Galambos, J D |
Review of Orbit Control (e-proc. 28) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Production of High Current-High Charge States Ion Beams with the Superconducting ECR Ion Source SERSE (e-proc. 287) |
by Ciavola, G |
Development of High Current Polarized H- Ion Sources at TRIUMF (e-proc. 290) |
by Dutto, G |
The DRIFT Source : A Negative Ion Source Module for DC Multi-Amperes Ion Beams (e-proc. 293) |
by Delogu, G |
Multi-Bunch Longitudinal Dynamics and Diagnostics via a Digital Feedback System at PEP-II, DAFNE, ALS and SPEAR (e-proc. 296) |
by Hindi, H |
Test Results on the Superconducting 9-cell 1.3 GHz Cavities for the TESLA Test Facility Linac (e-proc. 302) |
by Pekeler, M |
A Multi-Moded RF Delay Line Distribution System for the Next Linear Collider (e-proc. 305) |
by Adolphsen, C |
Superconducting Magnets for use inside the HERA ep Interaction Regions (e-proc. 308) |
by Anerella, M |
A Novel Fast Switching Linear/Helical Undulator (e-proc. 317) |
by Chavanne, J |
Status of the HIDIF Study (e-proc. 323) |
by Prior, C R |
Pep-ii Status Report (e-proc. 33) |
by Dorfan, J M |
Feasibility Study For A High-Beta Insertion Optics in the LHC for the TOTEM Experiment (e-proc. 338) |
by Faus-Golfe, A |
Status of the SNS Injection System (e-proc. 341) |
by Galambos, J D |
Bunched Beam Echos in the AGS (e-proc. 350) |
by Brennan, J M |
A Lattice for the 50 GeV Muon Collider Ring (e-proc. 362) |
by Weishi, W |
Results from Betatron Phase Measurements in RHIC during the Sextant Test (e-proc. 365) |
by Connoly, R |
Absorbers for the High Luminosity Insertions of the LHC (e-proc. 368) |
by Hoyer, E H |
RF System Concepts for a Muon Cooling Experiment (e-proc. 371) |
by Moretti, A |
First results from measurements of modes in the HERA-B vertex chamber excited by the proton beam (e-proc. 374) |
by Klefenz, F |
RHIC Longitudinal Parameter Revision (e-proc. 377) |
by Kewisch, J |
US-LHC IR Magnet Error Analysis and Compensation (e-proc. 380) |
by Pilat, F |
Design of Minimum Emittance Lattices (e-proc. 397) |
by Jeon, D |
VEPP-4M Collider: Status and Plans (e-proc. 400) |
by Kiselev, V |
The Project of a Multifunctional Accelerator Storage Ring Complex (e-proc. 403) |
by Bulyak, E |
New Developments at the ASTRID Storage Ring (e-proc. 406) |
by Møller, S P |
Performance and operation of the DA$\phi$NE accumulator (e-proc. 415-417) |
by Biagini, M E |
New e Injection Scheme with Fast Stripe Kickers for HERA (e-proc. 418) |
by Rümmler, J |
Luminosity Upgrade Possibilities for the PEP-II B-Factory (e-proc. 421) |
by Seeman, J |
Dynamic Aperture in the Luminosity Upgraded HERA-e Lattice (e-proc. 424) |
by Sen, T |
Design of the HERA-e Lattice and Chromaticity Correction for the Luminosity Upgrade (e-proc. 427) |
by Berglund, M |
Results of the CESR Upgrade (e-proc. 43) |
by Rubin, D L |
Dynamic Beam Based Calibration of Beam Position Monitors (e-proc. 430-432) |
by Dehning, Bernd |
Acceleration of Polarized Electrons in ELSA (e-proc. 433) |
by Drachenfels, W V |
Commissioning of the BESSY II Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 436) |
by Abo-Bakr, M |
Improvements in Emittance Wakefield Optimization for the SLAC Linear Collider (e-proc. 445) |
by Assmann, R W |
A Fast and Accurate Phasing Algorithm for the RF Accelerating Voltages of the SLAC Linac (e-proc. 448) |
by Assmann, R W |
Status of the SLC Linac (e-proc. 454) |
by Decker, Franz Josef |
Characterizing Transverse Beam Jitter in the SLC Linac (e-proc. 457) |
by Decker, Franz Josef |
Experimental Coupling of 35 GHz RF-cavities with an Intense Bunched Electron Beam (e-proc. 463) |
by Gardelle, J |
Diagnosis of the Low Emittance Beam in ATF DR Extraction Line (e-proc. 466) |
by Kashiwagi, S |
Beam Development in ATF Damping Ring (e-proc. 469) |
by Kubo, K |
New Scheme of Two Beam Accelerator Driver on Base on Linear Induction Accelerator (e-proc. 472) |
by Elzhov, A V |
The Tesla Test Facility Linac Status Report (e-proc. 475) |
by Schreiber, S |
BEPC Upgrades and Tau-Charm Factory Design (e-proc. 48) |
by Wu, Y |
Impedance Measurement of ATF DR (e-proc. 481) |
by Hayano, H |
Quantum Suppression of Beamstrahlung for Future Linear Colliders (e-proc. 484) |
by Xie, M |
First Bunch Length Studies in the SLC South Final Focus (e-proc. 487) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Status Report on the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Project (e-proc. 493) |
by Alonso, J R |
Commissioning of the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchrotron (e-proc. 496) |
by Berg, G P |
SIS Operation at High Beam Intensities (e-proc. 499) |
by Bär, R |
Random and Systematic Field Errors in the SNS Ring: A Study of Their Effects and Compensation (e-proc. 502) |
by Gardner, C J |
Operation of the ESR at Transition Energy (e-proc. 511) |
by Beckert, Karl |
New Developments at CELSIUS (e-proc. 514) |
by Bengtsson, M |
Simulations of Ultra Short Single Bunch Operation on 150 MeV Microtron (e-proc. 517) |
by Hori, T |
Conceptual Design of a Booster PS for DESY-III (e-proc. 520) |
by Ivanov, S |
New Installations and Beam Measurements at MAMI (e-proc. 523) |
by Aulenbacher, K |
Progress Report for the CRYRING Facility (e-proc. 526) |
by Källberg, A |
MUSES Project of RIKEN RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 529) |
by Katayama, T |
Linear Collider Projects at DESY (e-proc. 53) |
by Brinkmann, R |
Design of Dedicated Proton Synchrotron for PRAgue Radiation Oncology Center (e-proc. 532) |
by Prokesh, K |
Acceleration of Multiple-Charged Ions at HIMAC (e-proc. 535) |
by Kanazawa, M |
Colliding or Merging Beam Section (e-proc. 538) |
by Noda, A |
The Performance of COSY (e-proc. 541) |
by Bechstedt, U |
CYCLONE44: a Radioactive Ion Beam Postaccelerator-Mass Separator (e-proc. 544) |
by Colson, J M |
Lattice Design of NIRS Small Ring for Heavy Ions (e-proc. 547) |
by Ohtomo, K |
Commissioning of the Electron Cooling Device in the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS (e-proc. 550) |
by Blasche, K |
The Stochastic Cooling System and its Application to Internal Experiments at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (e-proc. 553) |
by Bechstedt, U |
Results of the TRITRON Project (e-proc. 556) |
by Cazan, A |
Charge Exchange Extraction at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR at GSI (e-proc. 559) |
by Beckert, Karl |
Synchrotron Radiation in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields (e-proc. 565) |
by Bashmakov, Yu A |
Present Performance and Future Objectives at ELETTRA (e-proc. 568) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Progress with the SRS Upgrade Project (e-proc. 571) |
by Clarke, J A |
Design of the SPEAR 3 Magnet Lattice (e-proc. 574) |
by Corbett, J |
Recent Accelerator Development at MAXlab (e-proc. 577) |
by Eriksson, M |
Measurements of Ground- and Girder-Vibrations at BESSY II (e-proc. 579) |
by Feikes, J |
Operation Results of Compact SR Ring "AURORA-2D" with 7 Tesla Wiggler (e-proc. 581) |
by Hori, T |
The SLS Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 584) |
by Gough, C H |
New Operational Aspects at ELETTRA (e-proc. 587) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Operation of the photon factory with a high brilliance optics (e-proc. 590-592) |
by Katoh, M |
Issues for the Next Phase Operation in PLS (e-proc. 593) |
by Kwon, M |
Status of Pohang Light Source (e-proc. 596) |
by Ko, I S |
Status of the SOLEIL Project (e-proc. 599) |
by Level, M P |
Design of a Booster for the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS) (e-proc. 602) |
by Jahnel, L |
Beam Parameters and Automatic Stability Measurement System using a Pin-hole Detector (e-proc. 605) |
by Lee, T H |
Operation Experience and Performance Statistics of TLS at SRRC (e-proc. 608) |
by Ching, J |
Status of the Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator Facility (e-proc. 611) |
by Berges, U |
An Update on the DIAMOND Light Source Project (e-proc. 614) |
by Clarke, J A |
The 2.5 GeV Booster Synchrotron for the SOLEIL Project (e-proc. 617) |
by Loulergue, A |
Beam Based Alignment Of C-Shaped Quadrupole Magnets (e-proc. 620) |
by Portmann, G |
The Swiss Light Source Accelerator Complex: An Overview (e-proc. 623) |
by Boksberger, H U |
First Year Operation of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 626) |
by Jahnel, L |
Lifetime Issues for Third Generation Light Sources (e-proc. 629) |
by Ropert, A |
The Japan Linear Collider Project (e-proc. 63) |
by Kihara, M |
Status of the 2.5 GeV Light Source ANKA (e-proc. 635) |
by Einfeld, D |
Operational Status of the Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. 638) |
by Chen, J R |
The Proposed Racetrack Lattice for the Synchrotron Light Source "ASTRID II" (e-proc. 641) |
by Senichev, Y |
SLS Lattice Finalization and Magnet Girder Design (e-proc. 644) |
by Rivkin, L |
A Lattice for the Future Project of the VUV and Soft X-Ray High Brilliance Light Source (VSX) (e-proc. 647) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
Status of KSRS (e-proc. 650) |
by Krylov, Yu |
Coherency of Magnetic-Bremsstrahlung Emitters and Prospects for the X-ray FELs (e-proc. 655) |
by Bulyak, E |
Orbit Correction by Dispersion Minimization in an Undulator with Superimposed FODO Lattice (e-proc. 658) |
by Castro, P |
Effect of Energy-Phase Correlation on the Coherent Emission from an RF Modulated Electron Beam (e-proc. 661) |
by Doria, A |
Analysis of 3D Helical Wiggler Radiation From Electron Trajectory Using Lienard-Wiechert Fields (e-proc. 664) |
by Gouard, P |
Progress of the FELICITA I Free-Electron-Laser Experiment at DELTA (e-proc. 667) |
by Quick, H |
The Super-ACO Storage Ring Free Electron Laser Operating with an Harmonic RF Cavity (e-proc. 670) |
by Billardon, M |
Free Electron Laser and Storage Ring Microwave Instability (e-proc. 673) |
by Dattoli, Giuseppe |
The VUV Free Electron Laser based on the TESLA Test Facility at DESY (e-proc. 676) |
by Rossbach, J |
Operation of the Super-Aco Free Electron Laser with a Feedback Damping Quadrupolar Coherent Synchrotron Oscillation (e-proc. 679) |
by Billardon, M |
GENEPI: A High Intensity Deuteron Accelerator for Pulsed Neutron Production (e-proc. 685) |
by De Conto, J M |
The Flat Corona Triode and Intermediate Shields in Electrostatic Generators (e-proc. 688) |
by Dzagurov, O B |
High-voltage Structure Development for the EGP-15 Tandem (Project) (e-proc. 693) |
by Rezvykh, K A |
The Obninsk EGP-15 Tandem (Status and Development) (e-proc. 696) |
by Romanov, V A |
Beam Optics of the SINGAP 1 MeV 100 mA D- DC Accelerator for Thermonuclear Fusion (e-proc. 699) |
by Desgranges, C |
Possibilities to Apply Linear Electron Accelerators as a Pulsed Neutron Sources (e-proc. 705) |
by Angelescu, T |
Present design of ELIOS electron linac injector of SOLEIL SR ring (e-proc. 708) |
by Chaput, R |
Status of the VE-RFQ Injector for the ISL Cyclotron (e-proc. 711) |
by Engels, O |
Commissioning of the KEKB 8-GeV e- /3.5-GeV e+ Injector Linac (e-proc. 713) |
by Akasaka, N |
Hamiltonian Calculations on Particle Motion in Linear Electron Accelerators (e-proc. 716) |
by Botman, J I M |
Beam Dynamics Design of a Proton Linac for the Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 719) |
by Hasegawa, K |
Conceptual Design of MUSES 300 MeV Electron LINAC (e-proc. 722) |
by Kamino, Y |
Design Study of a Multiple-Beam RFQ Version of a High-Current Linac Injector for a Neutron Source (e-proc. 725) |
by Inoue, M |
The REX-ISOLDE Linac (e-proc. 728) |
by Bongers, H |
Design and first operation of the electrostatic storage ring, ELISA (e-proc. 73) |
by Møller, S |
Design Study of 15 MeV High Current RF Focused Deuteron Linac for ITEP Neutron Generator (e-proc. 731) |
by Balabin, A I |
Development of Superconducting Single Cell Cavity for a Proton Linac in the Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 734) |
by Akaoka, N |
Testing the ISAC LEBT and 35 MHz RFQ in an Intermediate Configuration (e-proc. 737) |
by Baartman, R |
Methods of Ion Focusing and Acceleration in RF Field Containing Nonsynchronous Harmonics (e-proc. 740) |
by Masunov, E S |
Portable Linac Using a CW Magnetron as Power Source (e-proc. 743) |
by Bégin, L |
High Intensity Proton Accelerator for Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 746) |
by Akaoka, N |
Development of an Injector Section for the High Intensity Proton Accelerator at JAERI (e-proc. 749) |
by Hasegawa, K |
The IASA Racetrack Microtron Facility: A Progress Report (e-proc. 752) |
by Barbarosou, M |
Injector of High-current Multicharge Heavy Ions Beam for the TWAC Project (e-proc. 755) |
by Andreev, V A |
The New LNL Injector PIAVE, based on a Superconducting RFQ (e-proc. 758) |
by Andreev, V |
RFQ-Accelerators for Radioactive Ion Beams (e-proc. 767) |
by Habs, D |
Theoretical Study of the 100 MeV Linac, Injector of the SR Ring SOLEIL (e-proc. 773) |
by Bourat, C |
Femtosecond Electron Beam Generation by the S-band Laser Photocahthode RF Gun and Linac (e-proc. 776) |
by Harano, H |
The High Current Injector at the MPI f?r Kernphysik in Heidelberg (e-proc. 779) |
by Cee, R |
Light Source Performance Achievements (e-proc. 78) |
by Laclare, J L |
A New High Duty Factor RFQ Injector for ISIS (e-proc. 782) |
by Bessler, U |
A New Structure of Linear Accelerator (e-proc. 785) |
by Zhao, Y |
A High Current, High Gradient, Laser Excited, Pulsed Electron Gun (e-proc. 791) |
by Batchelor, K |
A Space Accelerator Station for Planet Substance Analysis (e-proc. 797) |
by Bogdanovich, B Yu |
TEVATRON Luminosity Upgrade Project (e-proc. 8) |
by Marriner, J P |
The State of Development of the Linear Ion Accelerator with RF Field Excitation Using Doppler Effect (e-proc. 800) |
by Butenko, V |
Simulation of Ion Acceleration in a Two-beam Electron-Ion Accelerator (e-proc. 803) |
by Butenko, V |
Instability of Long Driving Beams in Plasma Wakefield Accelerators (e-proc. 806) |
by Lotov, K V |
Recent Progress of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Experiments at KEK/U. Tokyo/JAERI (e-proc. 809) |
by Ogata, A |
Universal Accelerating Complex for the Custom Examination (e-proc. 812) |
by Alferov, P |
Space-time Compression of Atom Beam in the Distance Analysis of Planets Surfaces (e-proc. 815) |
by Bogdanovich, B Yu |
Intensity Effects on Inverse Bremsstrahlung Electron Acceleration (e-proc. 818) |
by Pakter, R |
About the Realization of Laser Acceleration Schemes based on Plasmoids in RF Wells (e-proc. 821) |
by Dzergach, A I |
Far-Field Acceleration Scheme (e-proc. 824) |
by Smirnov, A V |
Numerical Studies of Wake Excitation in Plasma Channels (e-proc. 827) |
by Shadwick, B A |
Is the High Gain FEL the 4th Generation Light Source? (e-proc. 83) |
by Pellegrini, C |
Capillary Waveguide for Laser Acceleration in Vacuum, Gases and Plasmas (e-proc. 830) |
by Xie, M |
Solution to the Einstein and Poincar? Paradox of Superluminal Addition of Velocities (e-proc. 835) |
by Baranauskas, V |
A Conceptual Design of the Proton Storage Ring for the Neutron Science Project at JAERI (e-proc. 844) |
by Kinsho, M |
Study of Laser Injection of Electrons into Plasma Wakefields (e-proc. 847) |
by Lee, P B |
The Low Energy Positron Storage Ring for Positronium Generation : Status and Developments(e-proc. 853) |
by Troubnikov, G |
Polarization Effects at a Muon Collider (e-proc. 856) |
by Parsa, Z |
Colliding Crystalline Beams (e-proc. 862) |
by Wei, J |
New Concepts for a Compact 5 TeV Collider (e-proc. 865) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Precision Energy Measurements in a Muon Collider using Polarization (e-proc. 871) |
by Rossmanith, R |
Initial Design of a 13 MeV Cyclotron for Positron Emission Tomography: Design of the Dee System (e-proc. 874) |
by Oh, S |
DA$\phi$NE main ring optics (e-proc. 879-881) |
by Bassetti, M |
Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory FEL Industrial Applications (e-proc. 88) |
by Neil, G R |
Performances of the SOLEIL Lattice in the Presence of Errors (e-proc. 882) |
by Brunelle, P |
Nonlinear Dynamics in Nuclotron (e-proc. 885) |
by Dinev, D |
Searching for Big Linear Perturbations in Synchrotrons (e-proc. 888) |
by Dinev, D |
Design of Double Storage Rings at MUSES (e-proc. 897) |
by Inabe, N |
Orbit Response Measurements in the Commissioning of the BESSY II Booster Synchrotron and Storage Ring (e-proc. 900) |
by Bakker, R J |
Dynamic Aperture Studies for the SRRC Storage Ring with Gaussian Sextupoles (e-proc. 903) |
by Lee, J C |
Estimation of Vertical Dispersion and Betatron Coupling for SOLEIL (e-proc. 906) |
by Loulergue, A |
Calibration of Quadrupole Magnets via Response Matrix Fitting (e-proc. 909) |
by Farvacque, L |
Modelling of a Linearly Coupled Machine using the Coupled-Response Matrix (e-proc. 912) |
by Nagaoka, R |
Studies of Beam Position Stability in SOLEIL Storage Ring (e-proc. 915) |
by Laclare, J L |
Correction of Vertical Dispersion and Betatron Coupling for SOLEIL Storage Ring (e-proc. 918) |
by Payet, J |
Dynamic Aperture Studies at the ESRF (e-proc. 921) |
by Ropert, A |
Higher Order Formula for Nonlinear Dispersion (e-proc. 924) |
by Soutomem, K |
Experimental Studies of Beam Dynamics near the Linear Coupling Resonance (e-proc. 927) |
by Jahnel, L |
A Review of Linac and Beam Transport Systems for Transmutation (e-proc. 93) |
by Lagniel, J M |
Nonlinear Effects in Accelerator Physics : from Scale to Scale via Wavelets(e-proc. 930) |
by Zeitlin, M G |
Wavelet Approach to Hamiltonian, Chaotic and Quantum Calculations in Accelerator Physics (e-proc. 933) |
by Zeitlin, M G |
Calculations of the Short-Range Longitudinal Wakefields of the NLC Linac (e-proc. 939) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Head-Tail Mode Instability Caused by Feedback (e-proc. 942) |
by Berg, J S |
Betatron Motion with Logarithm-like Perturbation in Storage Rings (e-proc. 945) |
by Bulyak, E |
Tracking Studies in the Longitudinal Phase Space for the TESLA Damping Ring Design (e-proc. 948) |
by Brinkmann, R |
Beam Blow-up Calculations for RTM and DSM (e-proc. 951) |
by Shvedunov, V I |
Beam Dynamics in Super-ACO with a New 500 MHz Fifth Harmonic RF System (e-proc. 954) |
by Billardon, M |
Collective Effects at ELETTRA (e-proc. 960) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Simulation of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instabilities in BESSY-II (e-proc. 966) |
by Khan, S |
Measurement of high Q RF cavity impedance with beam (e-proc. 972) |
by Limborg, C |
A Review of Spallation Neutron Source Accelerators (e-proc. 98) |
by Gardner, I S K |
Contributions to EPAC-98 by members of the ISIS Facility (e-proc. 98) |
by Adams, D |
Effect of Vacuum Chamber Tapering on Impedance Budget in Storage Rings (e-proc. 981) |
by Mosnier, A |
Reduction In Resistive-Wall Impedance of Insertion-Device Vacuum Chamber By Copper Coating (e-proc. 984) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
Landau Damping of Longitudinal Instabilities for the Operation of the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 987) |
by Jacob, J |
Coupled Bunch Modes Measurement System at ELETTRA (e-proc. 990) |
by Pasotti, C |
Impedance, Loss Factor and Beam Stability Calculations for the ANKA Storage Ring (e-proc. 993) |
by Pérez, F |
Calculation of Impedance from Multibunch Synchronous Phases: Theory and Experimental Results (e-proc. 996) |
by Hindi, H |
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Transverse Single Bunch Instabilities at ESRF (e-proc. 999) |
by Besnier, G |
Why is Basic Research Important for Society? |
by Svedberg, B |
The Match of a High Energy Accelerator and of Energy from Nuclei : A Wedlock against Nature or a Realistic, "Cleaner" Energy Source? |
by Rubbia, Carlo |
How can Small and Medium-sized Companies Play a Role in Future Accelerator Projects |
by Nielsen, B R |
The Nobel Prize Accelerator |
by Bárány, A |
Linear Collider Projects and their Possible Impact on Industry |
by Leenen, M |
Development of the Next Generation Linear Collider at SLAC |
by Burke, D L |
The U.S. Department of Energy Grand Challenge in Computational Accelerator Physics |
by Ryne, R |
Lasing at Wavelength of 226 nm with the OK-4/Duke Storage Ring FEL |
by Litvinenko, V N |