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Beamtest results of ATLAS SCT Modules in 2002 / Barr, A J ; Bright, G R ; Dolezal, Z ; Donega, M ; D'Onofrio, M ; García, J E ; González, S ; Horazdovsky, T ; Kazi, S ; Kodys, P et al.
Beamtests of ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) modules carried out at the ATLAS testbeam facility at the CERN SPS H8. [...]
- 2004. - 23 p.
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Beamtests of Prototype ATLAS SCT Modules at CERN H8 in June and August 2000 / Barr, A J ; Carter, A A ; Carter, J R ; Dolezal, Z ; Hill, J C ; Horazdovsky, T ; Kodys, P ; Eklund, L ; Llosa, G ; Moorhead, G F et al.
We report on the beamtest measurements of prototype ATLAS Semicondcuctor Tracker (SCT) modules performed during June and August 2000 at the H8 beamline at the CERN SPS. [...]
- 2001. - 32 p.
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Results from an LHC-structured beamtest of SCT prototype modules / Barr, A J ; Donega, M ; D'Onofrio, M ; Eklund, L ; García-Navarro, J E ; Kodys, P ; Moorhead, G F ; Phillips, P W ; Reznicek, P ; Vos, M A et al.
A beam with an LHC-like time structure, very short bunches of particles at 25 ns spacing, was available from the CERN SPS during October 2001. [...]
- 2002. - 21 p.
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Beamtests of ATLAS SCT Modules in August and October 2001 / Barr, A J ; Cermák, P ; Dolezal, Z ; Donega, M ; D'Onofrio, M ; Eklund, L ; García-Navarro, J E ; Horazdovsky, T ; Kazi, S ; Kodys, P et al.
We report on the beamtests of ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) modules
- 2001. - 34 p.
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Beamtests of Prototype ATLAS SCT Modules at CERN H8 in 2000 / ATLAS Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 2001 Fulltext: PDF; Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 7th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 - 14 Sep 2001, pp.104-108 (CERN-2001-005)
A study of the tracking performance of irradiated SCT prototypes using test beam data 003 / Vos, M A ; D'Onofrio, M ; García-Navarro, J E ; Moorhead, G F
In beam tests of SCT module prototypes, tracking efficiency and noise occupancy per detector plane are routinely measured. [...]
- 2002. - 18 p.
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Results from the 1999 H8 beam tests of SCT prototypes / Bernabeu, J ; Challis, R C ; Gadomski, S ; Kaplon, J ; Lacasta, C ; Moorhead, G F ; Phillips, P ; Sánchez, J ; Vos, M A
Three half-modules, equipped with the principal candidates for the SCTFront End electronics, have been tested in H8 at CERN. [...]
- 2000.
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Beamtest of nonirradiated and irradiated ATLAS SCT microstrip modules at KEK / Unno, Y ; Akimoto, T ; Bernabeu, J ; Dolezal, Z ; Eklund, L ; Hara, K ; Hashizaki, T ; Ikegami, Y ; Iwata, Y ; Kato, Y et al.
Nonirradiated and irradiated ATLAS silicon microstrip barrel and endcap modules have been beamtested with 4-GeV/c pions. Pulse shapes confirmed the peaking time of the amplifier to be 22 ns with slight deterioration in the irradiated modules. [...]
2002 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 49 (2002) 1868-75
A modular simulation of prototypes in the H8 testbeam / Egede, U ; Stavrianakou, M
ATL-INDET-97-173 ; ATL-I-PN-173.
- 1997.
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Results of the 1999 H8 beam tests of ATLAS-SCT prototypes / Bernabeu, J ; Challis, R C ; Costa, M J ; Ferrère, D ; Gadomski, S ; Haber, C ; Hill, J ; Kaplon, J ; Lacasta, C ; Lozano, M et al.
During the August-September 1999 test beam in H8 at CERN three half- modules, equipped with different types of fast binary front end electronics, have been tested. The results indicate that all three SCT electronics candidates satisfy ATLAS efficiency and noise occupancy requirements. [...]
2001 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 466 (2001) 397-405

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