CERN Accelerating science

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The FOBOS 4π-detector of charged particles at the FLNR of the JINR Dubna / FOBOS Collaboration
E7-95-148 ; JINR-E7-95-148.
- 1995. - 39 p.
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The 4π-fragment-spectrometer FOBOS / FOBOS Collaboration
E-13-97-118 ; FZR-181.
- 1997. - 63 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
The binary and ternary decay of hot heavy nuclei produced in the reaction 14N(34AMeV)+197Au / FOBOS Collaboration
- 1997. - 31 p.
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The Differential VSB Extension for PC at the 4p-fragment spectrometer FOBOS / Semenov, Y B ; Strekalovsky, O V ; Zhuchko, V E
2003 External link: Published version
In : 3rd International Workshop on Personal Computer and Particle Accelerator Controls, Hamburg, Germany, 9 - 12 Oct 2000, pp.e-proc. 042
Calculation of the bremsstrahlung spectra from thick tungsten radiator as a function of photon energy and angle / Kondev, P G ; Khristov, K G ; Tonchev, A P ; Zhuchko, V E
- 1992. - 10 p. CERN library copies
The Dubna double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer for heavy-ion reaction products / Schilling, K D ; Gippner, P ; Seidel, W ; Stary, F ; Will, E ; Heidel, K ; Lukyanov, S M ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Salamatin, V S ; Sodan, H et al.
- 1986. - 22 p.
CERN library copies
Measurements of the p μd-molecule formation rate at different hydrogen temperature / Dzhelepov, V P ; Filchenkov, V V ; Ivanovsky, S A ; Karpov, S V ; Konin, A D ; Malyshev, A I ; Marczis, L ; Merkulov, D G ; Rudenko, A I ; Zinov, V G
- 1992. - 17 p. CERN library copies
The 136Xe double beta decay track experiment / Artemiev, V A ; Brakhman, E V ; Ivanovsky, M A ; Karelin, A K ; Kirichenko, V V ; Kniazev, V M ; Kozodaeva, O M ; Lubimov, V ; Mitin, A I ; Nikolaev, V P et al.
ITEF-89-186 ; ITEP-89-186.
- 1989. - 35 p.
CERN library copies
FOBOS : ein 4π-Fragmentspektrometer / Ortlepp, H G ; Sodan, H ; Andrassy, M ; Fromm, W D ; Herbach, C M ; Kaun, K H ; Pausch, G ; Seidel, W ; Wagner, W ; Homeyer, H et al.
- 1990. - 37 p.
CERN library copies
Feasibility study of a 4π-detector for SIS/ESR / Darmstadt-Giessen-Heidelberg-Munster Collaboration
- 1987. - 100 p.
CERN library copies

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