CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,045 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.39 segons. 
Calibration of the polarimeter POMME with polarized deuterons at 1.8 GeV / Tomasi-Gustafsson, E ; Ladygin, V P ; Boivin, M ; Boyard, J L ; Jaeckle, V ; Morsch, P ; Künne, R A ; Plouin, F ; Wurzinger, R ; Bimbot, L et al.
CEA-LNS-PH-95-006 ; LNS-PH-95-006.
- 1995. - 9 p.
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Analyzing powers for the inclusive reaction of deuterons on carbon at energies between 0.175 and 1.6 GeV / Ladygin, V P ; Tomasi-Gustafsson, E ; Ball, J ; Bimbot, L ; Bisson, Y ; Boivin, M ; Boyard, J L ; Cheung, N E ; Courtat, P ; Gacougnolle, R et al.
- 1997. - 29 p.
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Measurement Of The Tensor Analyzing Power A$_{yy}$ Of Inelastic P(dd') Scattering In The Energy Region Of Delta And Roper Resonances Excitation With Spes4-$pi$ At Saturne-ii / Malinina, L V ; Alkhazov, G ; Augustyniak, W ; Boivin, M ; Boyard, J L ; Dahl, R ; Drews, M ; Ellegaard, C ; Fahri, L ; Gaarde, C et al.
- 2001. - 6 p.
IN2P3 Publications database
Study of elastic $\alpha$-scattering from $^{2}H$ and $^{12}C$ at $E_{\alpha} = 4.2$ GeV / Morsch, H P ; Boivin, M ; Boyard, J L ; Fuchs, P ; Hennino, T ; Jaeckle, V ; Jourdain, J C ; Künne, R A ; Murphy, L ; Plouin, F et al.
LNS-Ph-94-008 ; CEA-LNS-Ph-94-008.
- 1994. - 9 p.
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Analyzing Powers of Inelastic dp-Scattering in the Energy Region of Delta and Roper Resonances Excitation / Malinina, L V ; Alkhazov, G D ; Augustyniak, W ; Boivin, M ; Boyard, J L ; Dahl, R ; Drews, M ; Ellegaard, C ; Fahri, L ; Gaarde, C et al.
A study of inelastic scattering of polarized 3.73 GeV/c deuterons on protons in the energy region of the Roper N*(1440) and the {DELTA}(1232) resonances excitation has been performed in an exclusive experiment at LNS (Laboratoire National SATURNE, Saclay, France) using the SPES-{pi} setup.Tensor and vector analyzing powers of pion production for the reactions d + p {\to} d + n + pi^{+}, d + p {\to} d + p + pi^{0}, d + p {\to} d + N + pi pi have been measured as functions of the squared deuteron 4-momentum transfer t, of the effective mass of the subsystems (N pi), (N pi pi) and of the pion emission angle. [...]
E1-2001-36 ; JINR-E1-2001-36.
- 2001. - 19 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
First measurement of the tensor analysing power T$_{20}$ in inelastic (d,d')X scattering at 0$^0$ on $^{1}$H and $^{12}$C at 4.5 and 5.5 GeV/c / Azhgirey, L S ; Chernykh, E V ; Kobushkin, A P ; Korovin, P P ; Kühn, B ; Ladygin, V P ; Nedev, S ; Perdrisat, C F ; Piskunov, N M ; Punjabi, V et al.
E1-95-263 ; JINR-E1-95-263.
- 1995. - 12 p.
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T$_{20}$ in inclusive inelastic (d,d')X scattering at O$^0$ on protons and $^{12}$C / Azhgirey, L S ; Chernykh, E V ; Kobushkin, A P ; Korovin, P P ; Kühn, B ; Ladygin, V P ; Nedev, S ; Perdrisat, C F ; Piskunov, N M ; Punjabi, V et al.
E1-95-357 ; JINR-E1-95-357.
- 1995. - 11 p.
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About a possibility to study the $^{3}$He structure in the break-up reactions using polarized $^{3}$He beam / Sitnik, I M ; Ladygin, V P ; Penchev, L ; Piskunov, N M ; Strokovsky, E A ; Plis, Yu A ; Rekalo, M P ; Perdrisat, C F ; Punjabi, V ; Abegg, R
E1-94-186 ; JINR-E1-94-186.
- 1994. - 15 p.
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$^{1}$H(d,2p)n reaction at 2 GeV deuteron energy / Erö, J ; Fodor, Z ; Koncz, P ; Seres, Z ; Perdrisat, C F ; Punjabi, V ; Boudard, A ; Bonin, B ; Garçon, M ; Mayer, B et al.
- 1993. - 14 p.
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Very backward pi0 and eta0 production by proton projectiles on deuterium target at intermediate energies / Berthet, P ; Frascaria, R ; Didelez, J P ; Perdrisat, C F ; Pignault, G ; Banaigs, J ; Berger, J ; Goldzahl, L ; Plouin, F ; Fabbri, Franco Luigi et al.
- 1984. - 23 p.
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