CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,046 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.08 segons. 
The Dubna double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer for heavy-ion reaction products / Schilling, K D ; Gippner, P ; Seidel, W ; Stary, F ; Will, E ; Heidel, K ; Lukyanov, S M ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Salamatin, V S ; Sodan, H et al.
- 1986. - 22 p.
CERN library copies
Berechnung der Massen-Winkel-Akzeptanz für das Doppelarm-Flugzeitspektrometer DEMAS / Gippner, P ; Schilling, K D ; Seidel, W ; Stary, F ; Salamatin, V S ; Sodan, H ; Lukyanov, S M
- 1985. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Positionsempfindliche Ionisationskammer für ein Flugzeitspektrometer / Manfrass, P ; Schilling, K D ; Seidel, W ; Sodan, H ; Stary, F ; Lukyanov, S M ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E
- 1981. - 11 p.
CERN library copies
The 4π-fragment-spectrometer FOBOS / FOBOS Collaboration
E-13-97-118 ; FZR-181.
- 1997. - 63 p.
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The FOBOS 4π-detector of charged particles at the FLNR of the JINR Dubna / FOBOS Collaboration
E7-95-148 ; JINR-E7-95-148.
- 1995. - 39 p.
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Flugzeitdetektor mit porösem dielektrischem Emitter / Kavalov, R L ; Lukyanov, S M ; Margaryan, Yu L ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Gasparyan, S G ; Chubarian, G G
GSI-TR-83-21 ; JINR-P-13-83-188 ; JINR-P-13-83-188-TRANS-G.
- 1983. - 14 p.
CERN library copies
Quasimolecular Kx-ray excitation by bombarding As, Zr, Nb, Mo and Rh targets with Nb ions / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Schulze, W ; Sodan, H ; Stary, F ; Tretyakov, Yu P
- 1974. - 10 p.
Investigation of effect of nuclei shell structure on mass distribution of multinucleon transfer reaction products / Jolos, R V ; Lukyanov, S M ; Nasirov, A K ; Permyakov, V P ; Salamatin, V S ; Chubarian, G G
- 1989. - 16 p. CERN library copies
Time-zero detector based on microchannel plates and a friable dielectric emitter / Lukyanov, S M ; Lewitowicz, M ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Chubarian, C G ; Bazin, D ; Guillemaud-Müller, D ; Müller, A C ; Saint-Laurent, M G
E13-86-501 ; GANIL-P-86-21 ; JINR-E13-86-501.
- 1986. - 13 p.
CERN library copies
Exotic nuclei - the nuclear structure origin of isotopic anomalies in the Allende meteorite? / Kratz, K L ; Anne, R ; Bazin, D ; Borcea, C ; Borrel, V ; Détraz, C ; Dogny, S ; Gabelmann, H ; Guillemaud-Müller, D ; Hillebrandt, W et al.
- 1991. - 10 p.
CERN library copies

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