CERN Accelerating science

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The ALICE Service Work system / de Souza Pereira, Jomar Júnior (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Telesca, Adriana (CERN) ; Simão, Mario Günter (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Seixas, Jose Manuel (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Coura Torres, Rodrigo (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.)
The "A Large Ion Collider Experiment" (ALICE), one of the four large experiments at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), is responsible for studying the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma. In order to ensure the full success of ALICE operation and data taking during the Large Hadron Collider Runs 3 and 4, a list of tasks identified as Service Work is established and maintained. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 08020 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023, pp.08020
The ALICE Membership system / de Souza Pereira, Jomar Júnior (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Telesca, Adriana (CERN) ; Seixas, Jose Manuel (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Coura Torres, Rodrigo (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.)
With over 2000 active members from 174 institutes over 41 countries in the world, the ALICE experiment is one of the 4 large experiments at CERN. With such numerous interactions, the experiment management needs a way to record members’ participation history and their current status, such as employment, institutes, appointments, clusters and funding agencies, as well as to automatically generate the physics paper author list considering the experiment publication policy. [...]
2024 - 7 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 04041 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023, pp.04041
Some results from a Mellin transform expansion for the heat kernel / Malbouisson, A P C ; Simão, F R A ; Ferraz de Camargo, A
- 1988. - 20 p.
CERN library copies
Can the Thomas-precession mechanism produce hyperon polarization? / Magnin, J ; Simão, F R A
- 1995. - 12 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
On the construction of the U-matrix from Dirac brackets in QCD / Dos Santos, M A ; De Mello, J C ; Simão, F R A
- 1986. - 3 p.
CERN library copies
The Glance project common infrastructure dependencies upgrade from the ATLAS Glance perspective / Goes Afonso, Pedro Henrique (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Loureiro Cruz, Ana Clara (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Lemos Lucidi Pinhao, Gabriela (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (PT)) ; Marins, Leonardo Mira ; Neri Ferreira, Luis Guilherme (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Lenzi Romano, Rafaella (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Coura Torres, Rodrigo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Seixas, Jose (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Nunes De Moura Junior, Natanael (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR))
The Glance project provides software solutions for managing high energy physics collaborations' data and workflow. [...]
- 2025 - 7.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
The migration to a standardized architecture for developing systems on the Glance project / Filho, Carlos Henrique Ferreira Brito (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Silva, Gabriel Jose Souza e (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Corti, Gloria (CERN) ; Closier, Joel (CERN)
The Glance project is responsible for over 20 systems across three CERN experiments: ALICE [1], ATLAS [2] and LHCb [3]. Students, engineers, physicists and technicians have been using systems designed and managed by Glance on a daily basis for 20 years. [...]
2024 - 5 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 05021 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023, pp.05021
The Glance project common infrastructure dependencies upgrade from the ATLAS Glance perspective / Neri Ferreira, Luis Guilherme (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Lemos Lucidi Pinhao, Gabriela (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (PT)) ; Marins, Leonardo Mira ; Goes Afonso, Pedro Henrique (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Loureiro Cruz, Ana Clara (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Romano, Rafaella Lenzi (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Coura Torres, Rodrigo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) /ATLAS Collaboration
The Glance project provides software solutions for managing high-energy physics collaborations' data and workflow. It was started in 2003 and operates in the ALICE, AMBER, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb CERN experiments on top of CERN common infrastructure. [...]
ATL-SOFT-SLIDE-2024-568.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
Enhancing product management in the ATLAS Management Glance team / Lemos Lucidi Pinhao, Gabriela (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (PT)) ; Loureiro Cruz, Ana Clara (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Goes Afonso, Pedro Henrique (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Lenzi Romano, Rafaella (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Coura Torres, Rodrigo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) - Revisor Revisor Revisor Revisor Revisor
CERN has a very dynamic environment and faces challenges such as information centralization, communication between the experiments’ working groups, and the continuity of workflows. [...]
- 2025 - mult..
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Enhancing product management in the ATLAS Management Glance team / Lemos Lucidi Pinhao, Gabriela (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (PT)) ; Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Goes Afonso, Pedro Henrique (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Loureiro Cruz, Ana Clara (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Romano, Rafaella Lenzi (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) ; Coura Torres, Rodrigo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) /ATLAS Collaboration
CERN has a very dynamic environment and faces challenges such as information centralization, communication between the experiments’ working groups, and the continuity of workflows. The solution found for those challenges is automation and, therefore, the Glance project, an essential management software tool for all four large LHC experiments. [...]
ATL-SOFT-SLIDE-2024-552.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : 27th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Kraków, Pl, 19 - 25 Oct 2024

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