CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 找到 1 笔记录  检索需时 0.59 秒. 
Fast online track finding for the muon trigger in the UA1 experiment / Eggert, K ; Ehlert, Th ; Engster, Claude ; Erhard, P ; Faissner, Helmut ; Giboni, K L ; Haidan, R ; Hansl-Kozanecka, Traudl ; Hertzberger, L O ; Hoffmann, D et al.
A microprocessor system will be used to trigger on high energetic muons in the UA1 experiment. The system consists of MC 68000 microprocessors. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Topical Conference on the Application of Microprocessors to High-energy Physics Experiments, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 4 - 6 May 1981, pp.90 (CERN-1981-007)

1 Ehlert, T
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