CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 38 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.51 sekunder. 
Impact of splitting in TT21 and TT22 on beam emittance at the T2/T4/T6 targets in the North Area / Gorn, Aleksandr ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Metzger, Fabian ; Nevay, Laurence James (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco Maria (CERN)
Temporary placeholder. [...]
- 2025 - mult..
Proton beam jitter estimate for AWAKE Run2c / Velotti, Francesco Maria (CERN) ; Bencini, Vittorio (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (GB))
Summary The aim of AWAKE Run 2 is to demonstrate the possibility of scaling the experiment for high energy physics, i.e. [...]
- 2024.
Performance Improvement Studies of the Fixed Target Beams along the CERN Injector Chain / Prebibaj, Tirsi (CERN) ; Asvesta, Foteini (CERN) ; Bartosik, Hannes (CERN) ; Damerau, Heiko (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Di Giovanni, Gian Piero (CERN) ; Huschauer, Alexander (CERN) ; Li, Kevin Shing Bruce (CERN) ; Schenk, Michael (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco Maria (CERN)
Within the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, LHC injectors received major upgrades that resulted in an unprecedented beam brightness. In the framework of the Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) study, the full potential of the upgraded injectors is being explored for the improvement of the Fixed Target (FT) beams as well. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2024-009.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 4. - Published in : JACoW IPAC2024 (2024) THPC14 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, United States, 19 - 24 May 2024, pp.THPC14
Characterisation of the optics of the TT24 and P42 beamlines in the CERN SPS North Area / Dyks, Luke Aidan (University of Oxford (GB)) ; Banerjee, Dipanwita (CERN) ; Baratto Roldan, Anna (CERN) ; Bernhard, Johannes (CERN) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Charitonidis, Nikolaos (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Gatignon, Lau (Lancaster University (GB)) ; Goillot, Alice Marie (CERN) ; Gorn, Aleksandr (CERN) et al.
400 GeV protons extracted from the CERN SPS are transported to the T4 target via the TT20 transfer line. The P42 beamline then transports the protons that did not interact in the T4 target to the T10 target. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2024-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 4. - Published in : JACoW IPAC2024 (2023) TUPC74 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024)
CERN Super Proton Synchrotron Radiation Environment and Related Radiation Hardness Assurance Implications / Biłko, Kacper (CERN ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Di Francesca, Diego (CERN) ; Aguiar, Ygor (CERN) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) ; Gilardoni, Simone (CERN) ; Girard, Sylvain (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Esposito, Luigi Salvatore (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Mazzola, Giuseppe (CERN) et al.
The super proton synchrotron (SPS) is the second largest accelerator at CERN where protons are accelerated between 16 and 450 GeV/c. Beam losses, leading to the mixed-field radiation of up to MGy magnitude, pose a threat to the reliability of the electronic equipment and polymer materials located in the tunnel and its vicinity. [...]
2023 - 10 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
Fulltext: PDF;
In : European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, Venice, Italy, 3 - 7 Oct 2022, pp.1606-1615
Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with Lead Ions in 2022 / Alemany Fernandez, Reyes (CERN) ; Albright, Simon (CERN) ; Angoletta, Maria Elena (CERN) ; Bellodi, Giulia (CERN) ; Biancacci, Nicolo (CERN) ; Bodart, Dominique (CERN) ; Bozzolan, Michele (CERN) ; Carlier, Felix Simon (CERN) ; Meruga, Phani Deep (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) ; Dolenc, Miha (CERN) et al.
2022 was a performance consolidation year for the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) at CERN that demonstrated its capability of delivering the target beam parameters required for high luminosity production in the LHC in a reproducible and reliable way. [...]
- 2023.
Full text
TT20 unsplit beam optics for dedicated ECN3 operation / Ramjiawan, Rebecca Louise (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco Maria (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN)
The Transfer Tunnel 20 (TT20) in the CERN North Area (NA) contains transfer lines TT21-25 to transport beam extracted from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). The beam is shared between three primary production targets simultaneously using two sets of Lamberston septa magnets [...]
CERN-PBC-Notes-2023-005.- Geneva : CERN, 2023 - 10. Fulltext: PDF;
Findings of the Physics Beyond Colliders ECN3 Beam Delivery Task Force / Ahdida, Claudia (CERN) ; Bartosik, Hannes (CERN) ; Bernhard, Johannes (CERN) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Calviani, Marco (CERN) ; Colinet, Antoine (CERN) ; Esposito, Luigi Salvatore (CERN) ; Franqueira Ximenes, Rui (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Gautheron, Fabrice (University of Patras (GR)) et al.
The ECN3 Beam Delivery Task Force was mandated by the PBC Study Group to assess the technical feasibility of increasing the proton beam intensity to the ECN3 hall of the North Area to satisfy the demands of a compelling set of PBC experimental physics proposals. This report summarises the findings of the Task Force that converge on a technically feasible solution with an implementation timeline that could exploit and build upon the investment already foreseen as part of Phase 1 of the NA-CONS project, and take the SPS complex into a new intensity frontier for Fixed Target physics in Run4..
CERN-PBC-REPORT-2023-001.- Geneva : CERN, 06 - 43. PBC ECN3 TF Final Report: PDF;
Design of the optical system for the gamma factory proof of principle experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron / Martens, Aurélien (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Cassou, Kevin (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Chiche, Ronic (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Dupraz, Kevin (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Nutarelli, Daniele (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Peinaud, Yann (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Zomer, Fabian (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Dutheil, Yann (CERN) ; Goddard, Brennan (CERN) ; Krasny, Mieczyslaw Witold (CERN) et al.
The Gamma Factory proof of principle experiment aims at colliding laser pulses with ultrarelativistic partially stripped ion beams at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. Its goals include the first demonstration of fast cooling of ultrarelativistic ion beams and opening up many possibilities for new physics measurements in various domains from atomic physics to particle physics. [...]
CERN-PBC-Notes-2024-002.- 2022 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 25 (2022) 101601 Fulltext: PDF;
Towards automatic setup of 18 MeV electron beamline using machine learning / Velotti, Francesco Maria (CERN) ; Goddard, Brennan (CERN) ; Kain, Verena (CERN) ; Ramjiawan, Rebecca (CERN) ; Della Porta, Giovanni Zevi (CERN) ; Hirlaender, Simon (U. Salzburg (main))
To improve the performance-critical stability and brightness of the electron bunch at injection into the proton-driven plasma wakefield at the AWAKE CERN experiment, automation approaches based on unsupervised Machine Learning (ML) were developed and deployed. Numerical optimisers were tested together with different model-free reinforcement learning agents. [...]
arXiv:2209.03183.- 2023-04-27 - 18 p. - Published in : Mach. Learn. Sci. Tech. 4 (2023) 025016 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2209.03183 - PDF;

CERN Document Server : Sök i 38 journaler efter:   1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal:
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36 Velotti, F
22 Velotti, F M
26 Velotti, F.
5 Velotti, F.M.
6 Velotti, FM
91 Velotti, Francesco
4 Velotti, Francesco M
2 Velotti, Francesco M.
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