CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 20 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästa  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.58 sekunder. 
Angular distribution and polarization in the backward peak of $\pi^{-}$ + p $\rightarrow$ $\Lambda$ + K$^{0}$ at 4 and 6.2 GeV/c / Beusch, W (CERN) ; Michelini, A (CERN) ; Websdale, D (CERN) ; Fischer, W E ; Frosch, R ; Mühlemann, P ; Pepin, M ; Polgar, E E ; Codling, J ; Green, M G
1970. - 18 p.
A study of the reaction $\pi^{-}p \to \delta + \overline{\delta}+ n$ at 7 and 12 GeV/c / Beusch, W (Zurich, ETH) ; Fischer, W E (Zurich, ETH) ; Pepin, M (Zurich, ETH) ; Polgar, E E (Zurich, ETH) ; Michelini, A (CERN) ; Websdale, D M (Imperial Coll., London) ; West, C H (Imperial Coll., London)
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Commissioning of the 1 MW Spallation Neutron Source SINQ / Bauer, G S ; Fischer, W E ; Rohrer, U ; Schryber, U
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.3785
Memorandum to Physics III Committee : addendum to the letter of intention 71/42 :"polarization measurement in $\pi$ N-scattering with a polarized target" / Amsler, Claude (CERN) ; Eaton, G H ; Fischer, W E ; Frosch, R (et al.)
- 1972. - 27 p.
Application of Spallation Neutron Sources / Fischer, W E
Villigen : Paul Scherrer Inst., 2002 Applications of Accelerators External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris, France, 3 - 7 Jun 2002, pp.114
Electron polarization in polarizied muon decay; radiative corrections / Fischer, W E ; Scheck, F
1974. - 11 p.
The optical theorem as a sum-rule in neutron scattering (a tutorial) / Fischer, W E
- 1999. - 11 p.
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Angular distribution and polarization in the back ward peak of $\pi ^{-}p \rightarrow\Lambda K ^{0}$ at 4 and 6.2 GeV/c / Beusch, Werner ; Michelini, Aldo ; Websdale, David M ; Fischer, W E ; Frosch, R ; Mühlemann, P ; Pepin, M ; Polgar, E E ; Codling, J ; Green, M G
1970 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 19 (1970) 546-556
On the $\Lambda \overline {\Lambda }$system from the reaction $\pi ^{-} p\rightarrow \Lambda \overline {\Lambda }n$ / Fischer, W E (Zurich, ETH ; CERN)
1969 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento 62 (1969) 17-26 Fulltext: PDF;
An analysis of interfering resonances / Fischer, W E (CERN)
1969 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento 59 (1969) 29-39

CERN Document Server : Sök i 20 journaler efter:   1 - 10nästa  gå till journal:
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144 Fischer, W
11 Fischer, W J
12 Fischer, W.
2 Fischer, Walter
2 Fischer, Walter E
1 Fischer, Wieland
8 Fischer, William
14 Fischer, William J
2 Fischer, Wolfgang
41 Fischer, Wolfram
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