CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 98 records found  1 - 10próximoend  jump to record: Search took 0.78 seconds. 
An implanted $^{228}$Ra source for response characterization of bolometers / Brofferio, Chiara (Physics Dept, Milano Bicocca University, Milano, Italy) ; Biassoni, Matteo (Physics Dept, Milano Bicocca University, Milano, Italy) ; Fiorini, Ettore (Physics Dept, Milano Bicocca University, Milano, Italy) ; Gironi, Luca (Physics Dept, Milano Bicocca University, Milano, Italy) ; Sisti, Monica (Physics Dept, Milano Bicocca University, Milano, Italy)
CERN-INTC-2015-022 ; INTC-P-435.
- 2015.
Letter of intent for an experiment on muon capture in light nuclei leading to excited nuclear levels / Fiorini, Ettore
- 1974. - 7 p.
An experimental limit on isospin and parity violation involving hadrons in nuclei / Bellotti, E ; Filosofo, I ; Fiorini, Ettore ; Negri, P ; Pullia, Antonio ; Zanotti, L
1975. - 8 p.
Evidence for the leptonic neutral current reaction $\overline{nu}\mu$ + e$\^{-}\rightarrow\overline{nu}\mu$ + e$\^{-} / Blietschau, J ; Faissner, Helmut ; Hasert, F J ; Krenz, W ; Morfín, J G ; Schultze, K ; Weerts, L ; Welch, L ; Bertrand-Coremans, G ; Dewit, M et al.
CERN-EP-PHYS-76-42.- Geneva : CERN, 1976 - 17 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 114 (1976) 189-198 Fulltext: PDF;
Observation of muon-neutrino reactions producing a positron and a strange particle / Blietschau, J ; Deden, H ; Hasert, F J ; Krenz, W ; Lanske, D ; Morfín, J G ; Pohl, M ; Weerts, H ; Welch, L ; Bertrand-Coremans, G H et al.
In addition to one previously reported event, a second event, in which a positron is observed together with a strange particle and a negative muon, has been seen in the bubble chamber Gargamelle exposed to the CERN neutrino beam. The level of the background for this type of event is found to be very low. [...]
CERN-D-PH-II-PHYS-75-49; CERN-EP-PHYS-76-31.- Geneva : CERN, 1976 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 60 (1976) 207-10 Fulltext: PDF;
Letter of intent to participate to the high energy neutrino program with bubble chambers at CERN / Fiorini, Ettore
- 1973. - 3 p.
Double $\beta$ decay : the future / Fiorini, Ettore
2000. - 21 p.
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Dilepton And Strange Particles Production By Neutrinos In Gargamelle / Deden, H ; Hasert, F J ; Krenz, W ; Lanske, D ; Morfín, J G ; Pohl, M ; Schultze, K ; Welch, L ; Bertrand-Coremans, G H ; Mulkens, H et al.
CERN-EP-PHYS-77-2.- Geneva : CERN, 1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 67 (1977) 474-8 Fulltext: PDF;
Observation Of An Excess Of Electron-neutrino, Anti-electron-neutrino Events In A Beam Dump Experiment At 400-gev / Gargamelle Collaboration
CERN-EP-PHYS-78-3.- Geneva : CERN, 1978 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 74 (1978) 134-138 Fulltext: PDF;
Limits On The Mass And Lifetime Of Longlived Heavy Neutral Leptons / Faissner, Helmut ; Hasert, F J ; Kabe, S ; Krenz, W ; Von Krogh, J ; Morfín, J G ; Schultze, K ; Lemonne, J ; Sacton, J ; Vilain, P et al.
1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 60 (1976) 401-404

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