CERN Accelerating science

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Reliability run and data analysis of the accelerated aging of present and future electrolytic capacitors installed in the protection systems of superconducting magnets of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN / Guasch-Martínez, J (CERN) ; Carrillo, D (CERN) ; de Nicolás, E (CERN) ; Bjorkhaug, E (CERN) ; Nowak, E (CERN) ; Pojer, M (CERN) ; Rodríguez-Mateos, F (CERN)
This study evaluates the lifetime and aging process of the aluminium electrolytic capacitors to be used in the new protection systems of the High Luminosity LHC superconducting magnets. The accelerated testing and analysis of several groups of capacitors aged for more than one year provided insights into their expected lifespan and aging process. [...]
2024 - 7 p. - Published in : JINST
Fulltext: PDF;
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics 2023 (TWEPP 2023), Geremeas, Sardinia, Italy, 1 - 6 Oct 2023, pp.C03003
Design, manufacturing and validation of the new quench heater discharge power supplies for the protection of superconducting magnets for the High-Luminosity LHC Project at CERN / Carrillo, David (CERN) ; Berberat, Raphael (CERN) ; Georgakakis, Spyridon (CERN) ; Guasch-Martinez, Josep (CERN) ; Lopez Cordoncillo, Denisse (CERN) ; de Nicolás Lumbreras, Enrique (CERN) ; Nowak, Edward (CERN) ; Papamichali, Maria (CERN) ; Pojer, Mirko (CERN) ; Rodriguez Mateos, Felix (CERN) et al.
The Quench Heater Discharge Power Supplies (HDS) are magnet protection devices installed in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that, upon detection of a magnet quench, release energy into strip heaters that are in thermal contact with the superconducting coils, inducing a resistive transition all along the coils. The new HDS design for protection of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) Inner Triplet magnets calls for a more advanced design with up-to-date components resulting in a high reliability of the HDS units. [...]
2024 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2024 (2024) THPG52 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, United States, 19 - 24 May 2024, pp.THPG52
Design, manufacturing and validation of the CLIQ units for the protection of superconducting magnets for the High-Luminosity LHC project at CERN / Carrillo, David (CERN) ; Berberat, Raphael (CERN) ; Favre, Mathieu (CERN) ; Georgakakis, Spyridon (CERN) ; Guasch-Martinez, Josep (CERN) ; Lopez Cordoncillo, Denisse (CERN) ; de Nicolás Lumbreras, Enrique (CERN) ; Nowak, Edward (CERN) ; Pojer, Mirko (CERN) ; Rodriguez Mateos, Felix (CERN) et al.
The novel Coupling-Loss-Induced-Quench (CLIQ) concept will be part of the quench protection system of the superconducting Inner Triplet magnets of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) upgrade at CERN. Several units of two distinct CLIQ prototype variants were produced to validate the CLIQ protection concept and define the system parameters for the required performance. [...]
2024 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2024 (2024) THPG51 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, United States, 19 - 24 May 2024, pp.THPG51
Development of a second-generation system for the reliable distribution of machine protection parameters / Bolton, Samuel (CERN) ; Blaszkiewicz, Milosz (CERN) ; Colinet, Antoine (CERN) ; Felsberger, Lukas (CERN) ; Guasch-Martinez, Josep (CERN) ; Martin, Christophe (CERN) ; Romera, Iván (CERN) ; Secondo, Raffaello (CERN) ; Uythoven, Jan (CERN)
The Safe Machine Parameter (SMP) system is an electronic hardware-based system which has been an integral part of the LHC’s machine protection strategy since it started operation. Its primary objective is to provide several parameters and interlock signals to critical machine protection users across the LHC and SPS accelerators, whilst prioritizing high reliability and availability. [...]
2024 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2024 (2024) THPG60 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, United States, 19 - 24 May 2024, pp.THPG60
TESLA: The Superconducting electron positron linear collider with an integrated x-ray laser laboratory. Technical design report. Part 3. Physics at an e+ e- linear collider / Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A. (Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Alcaraz, J. (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Ali, A. (DESY ; DESY, Zeuthen) ; Ambrosanio, S. (CERN) ; Andreazza, A. (Milan U.) ; Andruszkow, J. (Cracow, INP) ; Badelek, B. (Uppsala U. ; Warsaw U.) ; Ballestrero, A. (INFN, Turin) ; Barklow, T. (SLAC) ; Bartl, A. (Vienna U.) et al.
The TESLA Technical Design Report Part III: Physics at an e+e- Linear Collider
hep-ph/0106315 ; SLAC-REPRINT-2001-002 ; DESY-01-011 ; DESY-01-011C ; DESY-TESLA-2001-23 ; DESY-TESLA-FEL-2001-05 ; ECFA-2001-209.
- 192 p.
Electronic Version from a server - Full text
SUSY Les Houches Accord 2 / Allanach, B ; Balázs, C ; Bélanger, G ; Bernhardt, M ; Boudjema, F ; Choudhury, D ; Desch, K ; Ellwanger, U ; Gambino, P ; Godbole, R et al.
FERMILAB-PUB-2007-036-T ; SLAC-PUB-12765.
- 2007. - 28 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
Collider aspects of flavor physics at high Q / del Aguila, F. (Granada U.) ; Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A. (Granada U.) ; Allanach, B.C. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Alwall, Johan (Louvain U.) ; Andreev, Yu. (Moscow, INR) ; Aristizabal Sierra, D. (Valencia U.) ; Bartl, A. (Vienna U.) ; Beccaria, M. (INFN, Lecce ; Salento U.) ; Bejar, S. (Barcelona, IFAE ; Barcelona, Autonoma U.) ; Benucci, L. (INFN, Pisa) et al.
This review presents flavour related issues in the production and decays of heavy states at LHC, both from the experimental side and from the theoretical side. We review top quark physics and discuss flavour aspects of several extensions of the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry, little Higgs model or models with extra dimensions. [...]
arXiv:0801.1800; FERMILAB-CONF-08-439-T; SLAC-PUB-13128.- Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 126 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 57 (2008) 183-307 Fulltext: arXiv:0801.1800 - PDF; 10052_2008_713_OnlinePDF - PDF; External links: server; Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available); SLAC Document Server
In : Workshop on the Interplay of Flavour and Collider Physics : Flavour in the Era of the LHC, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 7 Nov 2005 - 28 Mar 2007, pp.183-307
SUSY Les Houches Accord 2 / Allanach, B.C. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Balazs, C. (Monash U.) ; Belanger, G. (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Bernhardt, M. (Bonn U.) ; Boudjema, F. (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Choudhury, D. (Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.) ; Desch, K. (Bonn U.) ; Ellwanger, U. (Orsay, LPT) ; Gambino, P. (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Godbole, R. (Bangalore, Indian Inst. Sci.) et al.
The Supersymmetry Les Houches Accord (SLHA) provides a universal set of conventions for conveying spectral and decay information for supersymmetry analysis problems in high energy physics. Here, we propose extensions of the conventions of the first SLHA to include various generalisations: the minimal supersymmetric standard model with violation of CP, R-parity, and flavour, as well as the simplest next-to-minimal model..
arXiv:0801.0045; FERMILAB-PUB-07-036-T; SLAC-PUB-12765; CERN-PH-TH-2007-148; DAMTP-2007-76; EDINBURGH-2007-31; KEK-TH-1170; LAPTH-1204-07; LPT-ORSAY-07-81; SHEP-07-13; FERMILAB-PUB-07-036-T; SLAC-PUB-12765; CERN-PH-TH-2007-148; DAMTP-2007-76; EDINBURGH 2007-31; KEK-TH-1170; LAPTH-1204-07; LPT-ORSAY-07-81; SHEP-07-13.- 2009 - 28 p. - Published in : Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 (2009) 8-25 Fulltext: fermilab-pub-07-036-t - PDF; arXiv:0801.0045 - PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available); SLAC Document Server
Les Houches physics at TeV colliders 2005 beyond the standard model working group: Summary report / Allanach, Benjamin C. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Grojean, Christophe (CERN ; Saclay, SPhT) ; Skands, Peter Z. (Fermilab) ; Accomando, E. ; Azuelos, Georges ; Baer, H. ; Balazs, Csaba ; Belanger, G. ; Benakli, Karim ; Boudjema, Fawzi et al.
The work contained herein constitutes a report of the Beyond the Standard Model'' working group for the Workshop Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 2-20 May, 2005. We present reviews of current topics as well as original research carried out for the workshop. [...]
hep-ph/0602198; CERN-PH-TH-2006-019; FERMILAB-CONF-06-338-T; SLAC-PUB-11770.- Geneva : CERN, 2005 - 269 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: hep-ph/0602198 PDF
In : 4th Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 2 - 20 May 2005, pp.235-236
Single top-quark production by direct supersymmetric flavor-changing neutral-current interactions at the LHC / Guasch, J (CERN) ; Hollik, W ; Peñaranda, S ; Solà, J
Production of (electrically neutral) heavy-quark pairs, such as t{\bar c} and {\bar t}c, is extremely suppressed in the SM. In supersymmetric (SUSY) theories, such as the MSSM, the number of these events can be significantly enhanced thanks (mainly) to the FCNC couplings of gluinos. [...]
hep-ph/0601218; UB-ECM-PF-2006-05; CERN-PH-TH-2006-013.- Barcelona : Barcelona Univ. ECM. Dept. Phys., 2006 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 157 (2006) 152-156 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: hep-ph/0601218 PDF
In : 7th International Symposium on Radiative Corretions: Application of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology, Sokendai, Japan, 2 - 7 Oct 2005, pp.152-156

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