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Is Julia ready to be adopted by HEP? / Gál, Tamás (Erlangen - Nuremberg U.) ; Gras, Philippe (IRFU, Saclay) ; Hegner, Benedikt (CERN) ; Hernandez Acosta, Uwe (HZDR, Dresden ; CASUS) ; Kluth, Stefan (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Ling, Jerry (Harvard U.) ; Mato, Pere (CERN) ; Moreno, Alexander (Antonio Narino U.) ; Pivarski, Jim (Princeton U.) ; Schulz, Oliver (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) et al.
The Julia programming language was created 10 years ago and is now a mature and stable language with a large ecosystem including more than 8,000 third-party packages. It was designed for scientific programming to be a high-level and dynamic language as Python is, while achieving runtime performances comparable to C/C++ or even faster. [...]
2024 - 6 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 05008 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023, pp.05008
Potential of the Julia programming language for high energy physics computing / Eschle, Jonas (U. Zurich (main)) ; Gál, Tamás (Erlangen - Nuremberg U., Theorie III) ; Giordano, Mosè (Imperial Coll., London) ; Gras, Philippe (IRFU, Saclay) ; Hegner, Benedikt (CERN) ; Heinrich, Lukas (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Hernandez Acosta, Uwe (HZDR, Dresden) ; Kluth, Stefan (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Ling, Jerry (Harvard U.) ; Mato, Pere (CERN) et al.
Research in high energy physics (HEP) requires huge amounts of computing and storage, putting strong constraints on the code speed and resource usage. To meet these requirements, a compiled high-performance language is typically used; while for physicists, who focus on the application when developing the code, better research productivity pleads for a high-level programming language [...]
arXiv:2306.03675.- 2023-10-05 - 24 p. - Published in : Comput. Softw. Big Sci. 7 (2023) 10 Fulltext: 2306.03675 - PDF; document - PDF;
PEN as self-vetoing structural Material / Majorovits, B. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) ; Eck, S. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) ; Fischer, F. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) ; Gooch, C. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) ; Hayward, C. (Lancaster University) ; Kraetzschmar, T. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) ; van der Kolk, N. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) ; Muenstermann, D. (Lancaster University) ; Schulz, O. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik) ; Simon, F. (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
Polyethylene Naphtalate (PEN) is a mechanically very favorable polymer. Earlier it was found that thin foils made from PEN can have very high radio-purity compared to other commercially available foils. [...]
AIDA-2020-CONF-2017-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2017 - Published in : Fulltext: PDF;
In : 6th Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques 2017, Seoul, Republic Of Korea, 23 - 27 May 2017
Flux Modulations seen by the Muon Veto of the GERDA Experiment / GERDA Collaboration
The GERDA experiment at LNGS of INFN is equipped with an active muon veto. The main part of the system is a water Cherenkov veto with 66~PMTs in the water tank surrounding the GERDA cryostat. [...]
arXiv:1601.06007.- 2016-11 - 7 p. - Published in : Astropart. Phys. 84 (2016) 29-35 Preprint: PDF; External link: Preprint

2 Schulz, O.
1 Schulz, Olaf
4 Schulz, Oliver
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