CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 318 のレコードが見つかりました。  1 - 10次最後  レコードへジャンプ: 検索にかかった時間: 1.14 秒 
Neutrino Interaction Vertex Reconstruction in DUNE with Pandora Deep Learning / DUNE Collaboration
The Pandora Software Development Kit and algorithm libraries perform reconstruction of neutrino interactions in liquid argon time projection chamber detectors. [...]
arXiv:2502.06637 ; FERMILAB-PUB-25-0037-LBNF.
- 32.
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
Proof of principle for a light dark matter search with low-energy positron beams at NA64 / NA64 Collaboration
Thermal light dark matter (LDM) with particle masses in the 1 MeV - 1 GeV range could successfully explain the observed dark matter abundance as a relic from the primordial Universe. [...]
- 34.
Proof of principle for a light dark matter search with low-energy positron beams at NA64 / Andreev, Yu. M. ; Antonov, A. ; Ayala Torres, M. A. ; Banerjee, D. ; Banto Oberhauser, B. ; Bautin, V. ; Bernhard, J. ; Bisio, P. ; Bondì, M. ; Celentano, A. et al.
Thermal light dark matter (LDM) with particle masses in the 1 MeV - 1 GeV range could successfully explain the observed dark matter abundance as a relic from the primordial Universe. In this picture, a new feeble interaction acts as a “portal” between the Standard Model and LDM particles, allowing for the exploration of this paradigm at accelerator experiments. [...]
CERN-EP-2025-016.- Geneva : CERN, 2025 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Dark-Sector Search via Pion-Produced η and η′ Mesons Decaying Invisibly in the NA64h Detector / NA64 Collaboration
We present the first results from a proof-of-concept search for dark sectors via invisible decays of pseudoscalar η and η′ mesons in the NA64h experiment at the CERN SPS. Our novel technique uses the charge-exchange reaction of 50 GeV π- on nuclei of an active target as the source of neutral mesons. [...]
2024 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 121803 Fulltext: PDF;
The hypothetical track-length fitting algorithm for energy measurement in liquid argon TPCs / DUNE Collaboration
This paper introduces a novel track-length extension fitting algorithm for measuring the kinetic energies of inelastically interacting particles in liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs). The algorithm finds the most probable offset in track length for a track-like object by comparing the measured ionization density as a function of position with a theoretical prediction of the energy loss as a function of the energy, including models of electron recombination and detector response. [...]
arXiv:2409.18288; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0561-LBNF-PPD; CERN-EP-2024-256.- 2025-02-25 - 44 p. - Published in : JINST 20 (2025) P02021 Fulltext: 2409.18288 - PDF; 5ebd9b53b0989890bee405d2a58efefa - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Shedding light on dark sectors with high-energy muons at the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS / NA64 Collaboration
A search for Dark Sectors is performed using the unique M2 beam line at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. New particles ($X$) could be produced in the bremsstrahlung-like reaction of high energy 160 GeV muons impinging on an active target, $\mu N\rightarrow\mu NX$, followed by their decays, $X\rightarrow\text{invisible}$. [...]
arXiv:2409.10128; CERN-EP-2024-236.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-12-01 - 23 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 112015 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2024-236 - PDF; 2409.10128 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions / DUNE Collaboration
The international collaboration designing and constructing the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) has developed a two-phase strategy toward the implementation of this leading-edge, large-scale science project. The 2023 report of the US Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) reaffirmed this vision and strongly endorsed DUNE Phase I and Phase II, as did the European Strategy for Particle Physics. [...]
arXiv:2408.12725; FERMILAB-TM-2833-LBNF.- 2024-12-06 - 106 p. - Published in : JINST 19 (2024) P12005 Fulltext: 2408.12725 - PDF; bd705d719db89fa76c9061fe3fff1acb - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
First measurement of the total inelastic cross section of positively charged kaons on argon at energies between 5.0 and 7.5 GeV / DUNE Collaboration
ProtoDUNE Single-Phase (ProtoDUNE-SP) is a 770-ton liquid argon time projection chamber that operated in a hadron test beam at the CERN Neutrino Platform in 2018. We present a measurement of the total inelastic cross section of charged kaons on argon as a function of kaon energy using 6 and 7 GeV/$c$ beam momentum settings. [...]
arXiv:2408.00582; CERN-EP-2024-211; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0216-V.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-11-01 - 22 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 092011 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2024-211 - PDF; 2408.00582 - PDF; 3f22d35f790011dc2df45f95086221ea - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Supernova Pointing Capabilities of DUNE / DUNE Collaboration
The determination of the direction of a stellar core collapse via its neutrino emission is crucial for the identification of the progenitor for a multimessenger follow-up. [...]
arXiv:2407.10339 ; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0319-LBNF.
- 25.
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
First joint oscillation analysis of Super-Kamiokande atmospheric and T2K accelerator neutrino data / T2K Collaboration
The Super-Kamiokande and T2K collaborations present a joint measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters from their atmospheric and beam neutrino data. It uses a common interaction model for events overlapping in neutrino energy and correlated detector systematic uncertainties between the two datasets, which are found to be compatible. [...]
arXiv:2405.12488.- 2025-01-02 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 134 (2025) 011801 Fulltext: 2405.12488 - PDF; Publication - PDF;

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