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CERN Document Server 16 notices trouvées  1 - 10suivant  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 1.62 secondes. 
Reinterpretation of excited states in $^{212}$Po: Shell-model multiplets rather than $\alpha$-cluster states / Fernández, A (CSIC, Madrid) ; Jungclaus, A (CSIC, Madrid) ; Golubev, P (Lund U.) ; Rudolph, D (Lund U.) ; Sarmiento, L G (Lund U.) ; Gargano, A (INFN, Naples) ; Naïdja, H (Constantine U.) ; Astier, A (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Dupont, E (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Gadea, A (Valencia U., IFIC) et al.
A $\gamma$ -ray spectroscopic study of $^{212}$Po was performed at the Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds, using the inverse kinematics α-transfer reaction $^{12}$C($^{208}$Pb, $^{212}$Po) $^8$Be and the AGATA spectrometer. A careful analysis based on $\gamma \gamma$ coincidence relations allowed us to establish 14 new excited states in the energy range between 1.9 and 3.3 MeV. [...]
2021 - 19 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 104 (2021) 054316 Fulltext: PDF;
Low-lying electric dipole $γ$-continuum for the unstable $^{62,64}$Fe nuclei: Strength evolution with neutron number / Avigo, R (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.) ; Wieland, O (INFN, Milan) ; Bracco, A (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.) ; Camera, F (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.) ; Ameil, F (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Arici, T (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Ataç, A (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Barrientos, D (CERN) ; Bazzacco, D (INFN, Padua) ; Bednarczyk, P (Cracow, INP) et al.
The γ -ray emission from the nuclei $^{62,64}$Fe following Coulomb excitation at bombarding energy of 400-440 AMeV was measured with special focus on E 1 transitions in the energy region 4-8 MeV. The unstable neutron-rich nuclei $^{62,64}$Fe were produced at the FAIR-GSI laboratories and selected with the FRS spectrometer. [...]
2020 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 811 (2020) 135951 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
High-Statistics Sub-Barrier Coulomb Excitation of $^{106,108,110}$Sn / Park, J (Lund U.) ; Knyazev, A (Lund U.) ; Rickert, E (Lund U.) ; Golubev, P (Lund U.) ; Cederkäll, J (Lund U. ; CERN) ; Andreyev, A N (CERN ; York U., England) ; de Angelis, G (INFN, Legnaro) ; Arnswald, K (Cologne U.) ; Barber, L (Manchester U.) ; Berger, C (Munich, Tech. U.) et al.
A Coulomb excitation campaign on $^{106,108,110}$Sn at 4.4–4.5 MeV/u was launched at the HIE-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Larger excitation cross sections and γ-ray statistics were achieved compared to previous experiments at ∼2.8 MeV/u. [...]
2020 - 3 p. - Published in : JPS Conf. Proc. 32 (2020) 010036 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN 2018), Omiya, Saitama, Japan, 4 - 8 Dec 2018, pp.010036
Benchmarking the PreSPEC@GSI experiment for Coulex-multipolarimetry on the $\pi (p_{3/2})\rightarrow \pi (p_{1/2})$ spin-flip transition in $^{85}$Br / Napiralla, P (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. ; Darmstadt, GSI) ; Lettmann, M (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Stahl, C (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Rainovski, G (Sofiya U.) ; Pietralla, N (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Afara, S (King Saud U.) ; Ameil, F (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Arici, T (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Aydin, S (Aksaray U.) ; Barrientos, D (CERN) et al.
A first performance test of the Coulomb excitation multipolarimetry (Coulex-multipolarimetry) method is presented. It is based on a $^{85}\hbox {Br}\,\pi p_{3/2}\rightarrow \pi p_{1/2}$ spin-flip experiment performed as part of the PreSPEC-AGATA campaign at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI). [...]
2020 - 10 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 56 (2020) 147
Isospin dependence of electromagnetic transition strengths among an isobaric triplet / Boso, A (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua ; Teddington, Natl. Phys. Lab) ; Milne, S A (York U., England) ; Bentley, M A (York U., England) ; Recchia, F (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Lenzi, S M (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Rudolph, D (Lund U.) ; Labiche, M (Daresbury) ; Pereira-Lopez, X (York U., England) ; Afara, S (King Saud U.) ; Ameil, F (Darmstadt, GSI) et al.
Electric quadrupole matrix elements, Mp , for the Jπ=2+→0+ , ΔT=0 , T=1 transitions across the A=46 isobaric multiplet 46 Cr- 46 V- 46 Ti have been measured at GSI with the FRS-LYCCA-AGATA setup. This allows direct insight into the isospin purity of the states of interest by testing the linearity of Mp with respect to Tz . [...]
2019 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 797 (2019) 134835
Quenched Spectroscopic Factors for Low-Lying Positive Parity States in 31Mg / Imai, N (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Mukai, M (Tsukuba U.) ; Cederkäll, J (Lund U.) ; Aghai, H (CERN) ; Golubev, P (Lund U.) ; Johansson, H T (Chalmers U. Tech.) ; Kahl, D (Tokyo U., CNS, Saitama) ; Teranishi, T (Kyushu U.) ; Watanabe, Y X (KEK, Tsukuba)
The excitation function of the proton resonance elastic scattering with a ^30Mg beam of 2.92 MeV/nucleon was measured around 0 degrees in the laboratory frame. Three resonances corresponding to high excited states in ^31Al were successfully observed. [...]
2015 - 6 p. - Published in : JPS Conf. Proc. 6 (2015) 020005
In : 2nd Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, Tokyo, Japan, 1 - 6 Jun 2014, pp.020005
Isobaric analog resonances of Mg31 and the border of the island of inversion / Imai, N ; Mukai, M ; Cederkäll, J ; Aghai, H (CERN) ; Golubev, P ; Johansson, H T ; Kahl, D ; Kurcewics, J (CERN) ; Teranishi, T ; Watanabe, Y X
The evolution of the nuclear shell structure in the region of the neutron-rich shell-breaking nucleus Mg32 has been the subject of considerable interest. We present here the first determination of the overlap of the ground and two first excited states in Mg31 with a neutron coupled to the ground state in Mg30 based on studies of its isobaric analog resonances in Al31. [...]
2014 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 90 (2014) 011302
Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR / Reifarth, R. ; Altstadt, S. ; Göbel, K. ; Heftrich, T. ; Heil, M. ; Koloczek, A. ; Langer, C. ; Plag, R. ; Pohl, M. ; Sonnabend, K. et al.
The nucleosynthesis of elements beyond iron is dominated by neutron captures in the s and r processes. However, 32 stable, proton-rich isotopes cannot be formed during those processes, because they are shielded from the s-process flow and r-process beta-decay chains. [...]
arXiv:1310.1632.- 2016-01-05 - 12 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 665 (2016) 012044 Fulltext: pdf - PDF; 10.1088_1742-6596_665_1_012044 - PDF; arXiv:1310.1632 - PDF; External link: Preprint
Resonant proton scattering of $^{ 22}$Mg and $^{21}$Na / Cederkall, J (Lund U.) ; Jansson, K (Lund U.) ; DiJulio, D (Lund U.) ; Fahlander, C (Lund U.) ; Forsberg, U (Lund U.) ; Gellanki, J (Lund U.) ; Golubev, P (Lund U.) ; Rudolph, D (Lund U.) ; Fynbo, H (Aarhus U.) ; Nilsson, T (Chalmers U. Tech.) et al.
CERN-INTC-2011-007 ; INTC-P-292.
- 2011.
Transfer reactions and multiple Coulomb excitation in the $^{100}$Sn region / Cederkall, J (Lund) ; DiJulio, D (Lund) ; Hoischen, R (Lund) ; Gellanki, J (Lund) ; Golubev, P (Lund) ; Rudolph, D (Lund) ; Siem, S (Oslo) ; Goergen, A (Oslo) ; Tveten, G (Oslo) ; Butler, PA (Liverpool) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-020 ; INTC-I-089.
- 2010.

CERN Document Server : 16 notices trouvées   1 - 10suivant  aller vers la notice:
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6 Golubev, P I
1 Golubev, P.
1 Golubev, Pavel
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