CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 163 записа  1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.48 секунди. 
How to Commission, Operate and Maintain a Large Future Accelerator Complex From Far Remote Sites / Czarapata, P C (FNAL) ; Hartill, D L (Cornell) ; Myers, S (CERN) ; Peggs, S (Brookhaven) ; Phinney, N (SLAC) ; Serio, M (INFN) ; Toge, N (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Willeke, F (DESY) ; Zhang, C (IHEP, Beijing)
A study on future large accelerators [1] has considered a facility, which is designed, built and operated by a worldwide collaboration of equal partner institutions, and which is remote from most of these institutions. The full range of operation was considered including commissioning, machine development, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. [...]
cs/0110029.- 2001 - 5 p. External link: Preprint
In : 8th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, San José, CA, USA, 27 - 30 Nov 2001, pp.e-proc.FRBI001
Operation of a Fast Digital Transverse Feedback System in CESR / Rogers, J T ; Billing, M G ; Dobbins, J A ; Dunnam, C R ; Hartill, D L ; Holmquist, T ; McDaniel, B D ; Pelaia, T A ; Pisharody, M ; Sikora, J P et al.
1996 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 16th Biennial Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Dallas, TX, USA, 1 - 5 May 1995, pp.2426
The CESR Magnet Power Supply System / Hartill, D L ; Rice, D H
1979 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 8th Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 12 - 14 Mar 1979, pp.4078
Limits on charmed meson production in e+e annihilation at 4.8 Gev center-of-mass energy / Boyarski, A M ; Abrams, G S ; Breidenbach, M ; Briggs, D D ; Bulos, F ; Chinowsky, W ; Dakin, J T ; Feldman, G J ; Friedberg, C E ; Fryberger, D et al.
- 1975. - 11 p.
Observation of a resonance at 4.4 GeV and additional structure near 4.1 GeV in e+e- annihilation / Siegrist, J L ; Abrams, G S ; Boyarski, A M ; Breidenbach, M ; Bulos, F ; Chinowsky, W ; Feldman, G J ; Friedberg, C E ; Fryberger, D ; Goldhaber, G et al.
- 1976. - 10 p.
Production of $4\pi^{\pm}$ and $6\pi^{\pm}$ by e+e- annihilation between 2.4 GeV and 7.4 GeV / Jean-Marie, B ; Abrams, G S ; Boyarski, A M ; Breidenbach, M ; Bulos, F ; Chinowsky, W ; Feldman, G J ; Friedberg, C E ; Fryberger, D ; Goldhaber, G et al.
SLAC-PUB-1711 ; LBL-4672.
- 1976. - 9 p.
First RF test at 4.2K of a 200MHz Superconducting NB-CU Cavity / Geng, R (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Barnes, P (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Hartill, D L (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Padamsee, H (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Sears, J (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Calatroni, S (CERN) ; Chiaveri, Enrico (CERN) ; Losito, R (CERN) ; Preis, H (CERN)
SFR-030520-13; SFR-2003-13.- Geneva : CERN, 2003 - 3 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 20th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 12 - 16 May 2003, pp.1309
200MHz Superconducting RF Cavity Development for RLAs / Geng, R L (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Padamsee, H (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Hartill, D L (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Barnes, P (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Sears, J (LEPP, Cornell Univ.) ; Losito, R (CERN) ; Chiaveri, Enrico (CERN) ; Preis, H (CERN) ; Calatroni, S (CERN)
SFR-030702-16; SFR-2003-16.- Geneva : CERN, 2004 - 4 p. - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 721 (2004) 445-448 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: Access to fulltext document
In : 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams, New York, NY, USA, 5 - 11 Jun 2003, pp.445-448
Correlated inclusive $\Lambda \overline{Lambda}$ production in $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilations at $\sqrt{s~}$10.5 GeV / Metreveli, Z V ; Seth, K K ; Tomaradze, A G ; Zweber, P ; Ahmed, S ; Alam, M S ; Jian, L ; Saleem, M ; Wappler, F ; Eckhart, E et al.
Using a 13.7 fb/sup -1/ sample of continuum two-jet e/sup +/e/sup -/ to qq events collected with the CLEO detector, we have searched for correlations between Lambda and Lambda particles, specifically in cases where the opening angle between the two particles is large and each has momentum >1 GeV/c. Such correlations may indicate the presence of baryon number conservation at the primary quark level. [...]
2002 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 052002/1-11
Longitudinal Wake Potential Measurement on the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring / Holtzapple, R ; Billing, M G ; Hartill, D L
- 2001.
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