CERN Accelerating science

DRDC - Detector Research & Development Committee

DRDC - Detector Research & Development Committee Sök i 280 journaler efter:  föregående11 - 20nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.62 sekunder. 
Optoelectronic analogue signal transfer for LHC detectors, 1991, suppl. . - Suppl. / Dowell, John D ; Hattersley, P M ; Homer, R James (et al.)
CERN-DRDC-91-42 ; DRDC-S-31.
- 1991.
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Study of an optical trigger to be used for beauty search in fixed target mode at the LHC / Charpak, Georges ; Giomataris, Ioanis ; Joseph, C L (et al.)
We propose research and development of an "Optical trigger" to be used for B-meson selection in an LHC fixed target experiment. [...]
CERN-DRDC-91-32 ; DRDC-30 ; DRDC-P-30.
- 1991. - 9 p.
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A proposal to test beam extraction by crystal channeling at the SPS : a first step towards a LHC extracted beam / Bellazzini, R ; Brez, A ; Busso, L
CERN-DRDC-91-26 ; CERN-PPE-91-26 [sic!] ; DRDC-S-29 ; DRCD-S-29 [sic!].
- 1991.
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A digital Front-End and Readout MIcrosystem for Calorimetry at LHC, pt. 2, 1990 / Goggi, Giorgio V ; Löfstedt, B ; Vanuxem, J P (et al.)
CERN-DRDC-90-75 ; DRDC-S-19.
- 1990.
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Readout system test benches
CERN-DRDC-90-63 ; DRDC-S-15.
- 1990.
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R&D proposal : liquid argon calorimetry with LHC-performance specifications / Aubert, Bernard ; Beaugiraud, B ; Cavanna, F (et al.)
CERN-DRDC-90-32 ; DRDC-S-5.
- 1990.
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Scintillating fibre calorimetry at the LHC / Wigmans, R
CERN-DRDC-90-24 ; DRDC-S-1.
- 1990.
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Integrated high-rate transition radiation detector and tracking chamber for the LHC
The development of an integrated transition radiation detector (TRD) and charged-particle tracker for use in an LHC detector is proposed. [...]
CERN-DRDC-90-38 ; DRDC-P-8.
- 1990. - 33 p.
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R&D proposal for a fast and radiation hard crystal calorimeter at LHC
CERN-DRDC-90-54 ; CERN-DRDC-90-33 [sic!] ; DRDC-P-2-Add-2.
- 1990. - 14 p.
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Memorandum : test beam requests
CERN-DRDC-91-31 ; DRDC-M-10.
- 1991.
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DRDC - Detector Research & Development Committee : Sök i 280 journaler efter:   föregående11 - 20nästaslut  gå till journal:
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