CERN Accelerating science

Title JAERI 10kW High Power ERL-FEL and Its Applications in Nuclear Energy Industries
Author(s) Minehara, E J ; Hajima, R ; Iijima, H ; Kikuzawa, N ; Nagai, R ; Nishimori, N ; Nishitani, T ; Sawamura, M ; Yamauchi, T
Affiliation (JAEA/FEL, Ibaraki-ken)
Publication 2005
In: 27th International Conference on Free Electron Lasers, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 21 - 26 Aug 2005, pp.305
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The JAERI high power ERL-FEL has been extended to the more powerful and efficient free-electron laser (FEL) than 10kW for nuclear energy industries, and other heavy industries like defense, shipbuilding, chemical industries, environmental sciences, space-debris, and power beaming and so on. In order to realize such a tunable, highly-efficient, high average power, high peak power and ultra-short pulse FEL, we need the efficient and powerful FEL driven by the JAERI compact, stand-alone and zero boil-off super-conducting RF linac with an energy-recovery geometry. Our discussions on the ERL-FEL will cover the current status of the 10kW upgrading and its applications of non-thermal peeling, cutting, and drilling to decommission the nuclear power plants, and to demonstrate successfully the proof of principle prevention of cold-worked stress-corrosion cracking failures in nuclear power reactors under routine operation using small cubic low-Carbon stainless steel samples.

 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 2006-01-31, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2024-02-23

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