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Report number gr-qc/0509104 ; CERN-PH-TH-2005-178 ; CERN-PH-TH-2005-178
Title Can the cosmological constant undergo abrupt changes?
Author(s) Cabo, Alejandro (CERN ; Havana, ICIMAF) ; Garcia-Chung, Alejandro (Oriente U., Cuba) ; Rosabal, Alejandro (Granma U., Cuba)
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2005
Imprint 27 Sep 2005
Number of pages 10
Subject category General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract The existence of a simple spherically symmetric and static solution of the Einstein equations in the presence of a cosmological constant vanishing outside a definite value of the radial distance is investigated. A particular succession of field configurations, which are solutions of the Einstein equations in the presence of the considered cosmological term and auxiliary external sources, is constructed. Then, it is shown that the associated succession of external sources tend to zero in the sense of the generalized functions. The type of weak solution that is found becomes the deSitter homogeneous space-time for the interior region, and the Schwartzschild space in the outside zone.
Other source Inspire

 Element opprettet 2005-09-29, sist endret 2023-03-14

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