CERN Accelerating science

Report number hep-ph/0410238 ; BU-HEPP-04-07 ; BU-HEPP-2004-07
Title The Virtual Correction to Bremsstrahlung in High-Energy e+ e- Annihilation: Comparison of Exact Results
Related titleThe virtual correction to bremsstrahlung in high-energy e+ e- annihilation: Comparison of exact results.
Author(s) Yost, S.A. (Baylor U.) ; Glosser, C. (Southern Illinois U., Edwardsville) ; Jadach, S. (Cracow, INP ; CERN) ; Ward, B.F.L. (Baylor U.)
Publication 2004
Imprint 15 Oct 2004
Number of pages 7
Note 7 pages, 2 figures. Presented by S.A. Yost at ICHEP 2004, International Conference on High Energy Physics, Beijing, August 16-22, 2004
In: 32nd International Conference on High-energy Physics, pp.478-481
DOI 10.1142/9789812702227_0074
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract We have compared the virtual corrections to single hard bremsstrahlung as calculated by S. Jadach, M. Melles, B.F.L. Ward and S.A. Yost to several other expressions. The most recent of these comparisons is to the leptonic tensor calculated by J.H. Kuhn and G. Rodrigo for radiative return. Agreement is found to within a part in 10^5 or better, as a fraction of the Born cross section, for most of the range of photon energies. The massless limits have been shown to agree analytically to NLL order.

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 Record created 2004-10-20, last modified 2023-03-14

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