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Report number JINR-E2-2003-128
Title Integral NucleusvNucleus Cross-Sections
Author(s) Barashenkov, V S ; Kumawat, H
Affiliation (Laboratory of Information Technologies, Dubna)
Publication 2003
Imprint 2 Jul 2003
Number of pages 16
Subject category General Theoretical Physics
Abstract Expressions approximating the experimental integral cross-sections for elastic and inelastic interactions of light and heavy nuclei at the energies up to several GeV/nucleon are presented. The calculated cross-sections are inside the corridor of experimental errors or very close to it. Described in detail FORTRAN code and a numerical example of the cross-section approximation are also presented.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Запись создана 2003-10-21, последняя модификация 2007-05-05

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