CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title $\beta$ - decay asymmetry in mirror nuclei: A = 9
Author(s) Prezado alonso, Yinstitute ; Axelsson, L Einstitute ; Smedberg, Minstitute
Experiment IS361
Greybook See IS361 experiment
Approved 12 June 1997
Status Finished
Collaboration ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract Investigations of light nuclei close to the drip lines have revealed new and intriguing features of the nuclear structure. The occurrence of halo structures in loosely bound systems has had a great impact on the nuclear physics research in the last years. As intriguing but not yet solved is the nature of transitions with very large $\beta$ - strength.

We report here on the investigation of this latter feature by an accurate measurement of the $\beta$ - decay asymmetry between the mirror nuclei in the A=9 mass chain.

The possible asymmetry for the decay to the states around 12 MeV is interesting not only due to the fact that the individual B$_{GT}$ values are large (with large overlap in wave-functions, an unambiguous interpretation is much easier made), but also due to the special role played by this transition for the $^{9}$Li decay. It seems to belong to a class of high-B$_{GT}$ transitions observed at the neutron drip line and has been suggested to be due either to a lowering of the giant Gamow-Teller resonance or to the occurrence of "two-neutron $\rightarrow$ deuteron" transitions. Knowing whether the mirror transition on the proton rich side has a similar strength would help greatly in identifying what causes the large transition strengths. This type of "superallowed" transition has been observed in other light nuclei as $^{6}$He, $^{8}$He and $^{11}$Li but their mirror partners $^{6}$Be, $^{8}$C and $^{11}$O respectively are particle unbound. This makes the decay $^{9}$C $\stackrel{\beta}{\to}$ $^{9}$B* the unique case to study the preservation of superallowed GT-transition in mirror nuclei.

The $^{9}$C ions, produced by proton bombardment of a MgO-target at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, were stopped in a thin C-foil and the $^{9}$B* decay products were registered by two Double Sided Si Strip Detectors (DSSSD) (5 x 5 cm$^{2}$, 16 + 16 strips), triggered by a annular Si-detector measuring $\beta$-particles from the decay of $^{9}$C. To detect the high energy protons the two DSSSD (500 and 300 $\mu$m thick) detectors were complemented by a 700 $\mu$m thick 2000 mm$^{2}$ Si-detector and a 1000 $\mu$m thick 5 x 5 cm$^{2}$ Si-PAD detector respectively (see figure). The energies and angles of all fragments are thus measured in order to obtain the proton + $\alpha$ + $\alpha$ - correlations. The sum of the three measured energies will directly give us the excitation energy in $^{9}$B.
Related document(s) CERN-ISC-97-2  (ISC-P-88-Rev.)
Contact: Martel, B
Contact: Jading, Y
Contact: Nilsson, T

 Journalen skapades 2000-11-07, och modifierades senast 2020-11-19

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