Report number
| hep-ph/0205145 ; US-FT-20-02 ; US-FT-2002-02 |
| Aspects of the unitarized soft multipomeron approach in DIS and diffraction |
Related title | Aspects of the unitarized soft multipomeron approach in DIS and diffraction.
| Ferreiro, E.G. (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Gay Ducati, M.B. (Rio Grande do Sul U.) ; Machado, M.V.T. (Rio Grande do Sul U.) ; Salgado, C.A. (CERN) |
| 2002 |
| 14 May 2002 |
Number of pages
| 4 |
| 4 pages, latex, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the XXXVIIth Rencontres de Moriond Report-no: US-FT-2002 |
| 37th Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, 16 - 23 Mar 2002, pp.279-282 |
Subject category
| Particle Physics - Phenomenology |
| We study in detail the main features of the unitarized Regge model (CFKS), recently proposed to describe the small-Q2 domain. It takes into account a two-component description with two types of unitarized contributions: one is the multiple Pomeron exchanges contribution, interacting with the large dipole size configurations, and the other one consists on a unitarized dipole cross section, describing the interaction with the small size dipoles. We compare the resulting dipole cross section to that from the saturation model (GBW). |