CERN Accelerating science

Report number hep-th/9803235 ; UPR-797T ; PUPT-1782 ; CERN-TH-98-98 ; IMPERIAL-TP-97-98-35 ; CERN-TH-98-098 ; IMPERIAL-TP-97-98-35 ; PUPT-1782 ; UPR-797-T
Title The Universe as a Domain Wall
Author(s) Lukas, Andre (Pennsylvania U.) ; Ovrut, Burt A. (Pennsylvania U.) ; Stelle, K.S. (Imperial Coll., London ; CERN) ; Waldram, Daniel (Princeton U.)
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 1999
Imprint 30 Mar 1998
Number of pages 17
In: Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 086001
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.59.086001
Subject category Particle Physics - Theory
Abstract It is shown that the effective five-dimensional theory of the strongly coupled heterotic string is a gauged version of N=1 five-dimensional supergravity with four-dimensional boundaries. For the universal supermultiplets, this theory is explicitly constructed by a generalized dimensional reduction procedure on a Calabi-Yau manifold. A crucial ingredient in the reduction is the retention of a "non-zero mode" of the four-form field strength, leading to the gauging of the universal hypermultiplet by the graviphoton. We show that this theory has an exact three-brane domain wall solution which reduces to Witten's "deformed" Calabi-Yau background upon linearization. This solution consists of two parallel three-branes with sources provided by the four-dimensional boundary theories and constitutes the appropriate background for a reduction to four dimensions. Four-dimensional space-time is then identified with the three-brane worldvolume.

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 Record created 1998-03-30, last modified 2023-03-21

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