| High voltage (HV) generators are used in multiple industrial and scientific facilities. Recent publications have demonstrated that triggering industrial thyristors (relatively slow switching devices) in overvoltage mode, also called impact ionization mode, significantly enhances their dU/dt and dI/dt characteristics. This novel triggering methodology necessitates the application of substantial overvoltage between the thyristor’s anode and cathode, delivered with a swift slew rate exceeding 1 kV/ns. The adoption of compact pulse generators constructed from commercially available off-the-shelf components (COTS) opens up avenues for deploying this technology across various domains, including the implementation of high-speed kicker generators in particle accelerators. In our methodology, we employed commercially available high-voltage SiC MOSFETs along with a custom-designed fast gate driver. This driver was conceptualized based on the recent development of gate boosting techniques, featuring a driving voltage exceeding 600 V. The gate driver for these MOSFETs comprises three key components: a level-shifter with NMOS and PMOS transistors, a compact Marx generator with two avalanche transistors, and a GaN HEMT in a high input and low output impedance configuration. The proposed gate-boosting driver achieves a slew rate exceeding 1 kV/ns for the driving pulse. Furthermore, we demonstrate that with this driver, a kV rated SiC MOSFET can produce an output pulse of kV and a maximum slew rate of ≈ kV/ns. This gate-boosting driver aims to minimize commutation times, achieves a slew rate of over 1 kV/ns, and handle higher loads, making it ideal for impact ionization triggering of industrial thyristors. |