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Report number arXiv:2309.05933 ; FERMILAB-CONF-23-464-PPD ; CALT-TH-2023-036
Title Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL
Author(s) Corrodi, S. (Argonne) ; Oksuzian, Y. (Argonne) ; Edmonds, A. (Boston U.) ; Miller, J. (Boston U.) ; Tran, H.N. (Boston U.) ; Bonventre, R. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Brown, D.N. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Méot, F. (Brookhaven) ; Singh, V. (UC, Berkeley) ; Kolomensky, Y. (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Tripathy, S. (UC, Davis) ; Borrel, L. (Caltech) ; Bub, M. (Caltech) ; Echenard, B. (Caltech) ; Hitlin, D.G. (Caltech) ; Jafree, H. (Caltech) ; Middleton, S. (Caltech) ; Plestid, R. (Caltech) ; Porter, F.C. (Caltech) ; Zhu, R.Y. (Caltech) ; Bottura, L. (CERN) ; Pinsard, E. (LPC, Clermont-Ferrand) ; Teixeira, A.M. (LPC, Clermont-Ferrand) ; Carelli, C. (ENEA, Frascati) ; Ambrose, D. (Fermilab) ; Badgley, K. (Fermilab) ; Bautista, G.D. (Fermilab) ; Bernstein, R.H. (Fermilab) ; Boi, S. (Fermilab) ; Crnkovic, J. (Fermilab) ; Eldred, J. (Fermilab) ; Gaponenko, A. (Fermilab) ; Johnstone, C. (Fermilab) ; Kiburg, B. (Fermilab) ; Kutschke, R. (Fermilab) ; Lynch, K. (Fermilab) ; Mukherjee, A. (Fermilab) ; Neuffer, D. (Fermilab) ; Pellemoine, F. (Fermilab) ; Pronskikh, V. (Fermilab) ; Rakness, G. (Fermilab) ; Tang, J. (Fermilab) ; Tschirhart, R. (Fermilab) ; Yucel, M. (Fermilab) ; Zettlemoyer, J. (Fermilab) ; Simons, B. (Fermilab ; Northern Illinois U.) ; Redigolo, D. (INFN, Florence) ; Diociaiuti, E. (Barcelona, Autonoma U. ; Frascati) ; Giovannella, S. (Barcelona, Autonoma U. ; Frascati) ; Miscetti, S. (Barcelona, Autonoma U. ; Frascati) ; Sarra, I. (Barcelona, Autonoma U. ; Frascati) ; Müller, S.E. (HZDR, Dresden) ; Ootani, W. (Tokyo U., ICEPP) ; Yucel, E.B. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Kaplan, D.M. (IIT, Chicago) ; Phillips, T.J. (IIT, Chicago) ; Pasternak, J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Zettlemoyer, J. (Boston U. ; Indiana U.) ; Palo, D. (UC, Irvine) ; Davydov, Y. (Dubna, JINR) ; Brown, D. (Western Kentucky U.) ; Banerjee, S. (Louisville U.) ; Kawall, D. (Massachusetts U., Amherst) ; Hartwig, Z. (MIT) ; Davidson, S. (U. Montpellier 2, LUPM) ; Abrams, R. (MUONS Inc., Batavia) ; Kampa, C. (Northwestern U.) ; Mackenzie, M. (Northern Illinois U.) ; Schmitt, M. (Northern Illinois U.) ; Piot, P. (Northern Illinois U.) ; Simons, B. (Boston U. ; Northern Illinois U.) ; Lee, Y.J. (Oak Ridge) ; Morozov, V. (Oak Ridge) ; Sato, A. (Osaka U.) ; Di Falco, S. (INFN, Pisa) ; Gioiosa, A. (INFN, Pisa) ; Morescalchi, L. (INFN, Pisa) ; Papa, A. (PSI, Villigen) ; Hedges, M.T. (Purdue U.) ; Renga, F. (INFN, Rome) ; Lagrange, J.-B. (Rutherford) ; Rogers, C. (Rutherford) ; Wilcox, D. (Rutherford) ; Petrov, A. (South Carolina U.) ; Tang, J. (Boston U. ; Zhongshan U.) ; Zhao, S. (Zhongshan U.) ; Dukes, E.C. (Virginia U.) ; Erlich, R. (Virginia U.) ; Group, R.C. (Virginia U.) ; Heeck, J. (Virginia U.) ; Pezzullo, G. (Yale U.) ; Nguyen, T. (City Coll., N.Y.) ; Popp, J.L. (City Coll., N.Y.)
Imprint 2023-09-11
Number of pages 68
Note 68 pages, 36 figures
Subject category physics.acc-ph ; Accelerators and Storage Rings ; hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment
Abstract The Snowmass report on rare processes and precision measurements recommended Mu2e-II and a next generation muon facility at Fermilab (Advanced Muon Facility) as priorities for the frontier. The Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL was held in March 2023 to discuss design studies for Mu2e-II, organizing efforts for the next generation muon facility, and identify synergies with other efforts (e.g., muon collider). Topics included high-power targetry, status of R&D; for Mu2e-II, development of compressor rings, FFA and concepts for muon experiments (conversion, decays, muonium and other opportunities) at AMF. This document summarizes the workshop discussions with a focus on future R&D; tasks needed to realize these concepts.
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