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Report number CERN-PBC-Notes-2023-005
Title TT20 unsplit beam optics for dedicated ECN3 operation
Author(s) Ramjiawan, Rebecca Louise (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco Maria (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN)
Publication 2023
Imprint 2023-06-24
Number of pages 10
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Study Physics Beyond Colliders
Project General
Keywords North Area, TT20, ECN3, P42, beam optics
Abstract The Transfer Tunnel 20 (TT20) in the CERN North Area (NA) contains transfer lines TT21-25 to transport beam extracted from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). The beam is shared between three primary production targets simultaneously using two sets of Lamberston septa magnets. Proposals for a future facility in the ECN3 underground cavern might require new optics in the TT20 transfer lines to provide high-intensity, `unsplit' beam directly to future NA experiment(s). Here, we present an optics to transmit an unsplit beam through the splitter magnets without collimation and through the transfer lines without losses. The T4 target is unsuitable for high beam intensity and a closed magnetic orbit bump is proposed to bypass the target.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Zapis kreiran 2023-07-24, zadnja izmjena 2023-07-24

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