CERN Accelerating science

Report number FERMILAB-PUB-22-145-CMS-PPD
Title Detector Simulation Challenges for Future Accelerator Experiments
Author(s) Apostolakis, John (CERN) ; Bandieramonte, Marilena (Pittsburgh U.) ; Banerjee, Sunanda (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Bartosik, Nazir (INFN, Turin) ; Corti, Gloria (CERN) ; Cosmo, Gabriele (CERN) ; Elvira, V Daniel (Fermilab) ; Evans, Thomas (ORNL, Oak Ridge (main)) ; Gheata, Andrei (CERN) ; Pagan Griso, Simone (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Ivantchenko, Vladimir (CERN) ; Jones, Christopher (Fermilab) ; Klute, Markus (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Leggett, Charles (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Morgan, Ben (Warwick U.) ; Novak, Tadej (DESY) ; Pedro, Kevin (Fermilab) ; Paganetti, Harald (Massachusetts General Hospital)
Publication 2022
Imprint 2022
Number of pages 20
In: Front. Phys. 10 (2022) 913510
DOI 10.3389/fphy.2022.913510
Subject category Computing and Computers ; Particle Physics - Experiment
Abstract Detector simulation is a key component for studies on prospective future high-energy colliders, the design, optimization, testing and operation of particle physics experiments, and the analysis of the data collected to perform physics measurements. This review starts from the current state of the art technology applied to detector simulation in high-energy physics and elaborates on the evolution of software tools developed to address the challenges posed by future accelerator programs beyond the HL-LHC era, into the 2030-2050 period. New accelerator, detector, and computing technologies set the stage for an exercise in how detector simulation will serve the needs of the high-energy physics programs of the mid 21$^{st}$ century, and its potential impact on other research domains.
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 Record creato 2022-08-12, modificato l'ultima volta il 2022-08-17

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