CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-THESIS-2018-483
Title Estudios de la estructura nuclear de núcleos exóticos: los casos del $^{31}$Ar y $^{33}$Ar
Translation of title Nuclear structure studies of exotic nuclei: the cases of $^{31}$Ar and $^{33}$Ar
Author(s) Marroquin Alonso, Irene (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia)
Publication 234.
Thesis note PhD : Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia : 2018
Thesis supervisor(s) Tengblad, Olof ; Nácher, Enrique
Note Presented 23 Nov 2018
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN ISOLDE ; IS577
Abstract This thesis presents the results of the design, commissioning, measurement and analysis of the results of the IS577 experiment carried out at ISOLDE-CERN. In this experiment, the decays of two exotic atomic nuclei were measured: $^{31}$Ar and $^{33}$Ar. They are nuclei far from the valley of stability and they are de-excited by the emission of protons (after beta decay), a phenomenon that only occurs in neutron-deficient nuclei in this case with Z>N, highly unstable. The energy window for beta emission is large and the proton separation energy is very low; as a consequence, many decay channels are open, and bound and unbound levels are populated in the daughter nucleus allowing for the proton emission process. Our objective is to study, by means of proton and gamma radiation spectroscopy, the mechanisms by which these emissions are produced, as well as to study the nuclear structure of the chlorine nuclei populated in the beta decay of $^{31}$Ar and $^{33}$Ar.

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 Record created 2020-12-21, last modified 2021-06-28

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