CERN Accelerating science

Reconstructed energy spectra of \piminus events in data (left) and FTFP\_BERT\_HP (right) for \SI{4}{\GeV/c} events (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} events (bottom) at different steps of the applied event selection.
Reconstructed energy spectra of \piminus events in data (left) and FTFP\_BERT\_HP (right) for \SI{4}{\GeV/c} events (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} events (bottom) at different steps of the applied event selection.
Reconstructed energy resolution as a function of beam momentum in data and different simulation physics lists for standard and software compensation reconstruction (left), as well as the resolution improvement from the software compensation reconstruction (right). All plotted values are given in \autoref{table:pion_reso_values}.
Single pion energy resolutions with standard and software compensation reconstruction from the combined ScECAL+AHCAL+TCMT system compared to resolutions obtained from AHCAL+TCMT in \cite{SCPaper}.
Reconstructed energy spectra from data samples using the standard and software compensation reconstruction.
Averaged energy sum per hit energy bin per event for data and simulated events in the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) in \SI{4}{\GeV/c} (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} (bottom) events. For most entries the statistical error is smaller than the used markers.
Hit energy spectra of the ScECAL (left) and the AHCAL (right) for 15\,GeV/c \piminus~data. Colours are assigned to hits reconstructed on the primary pion track and by software compensation bin.
Estimations of remaining beam contaminations after the pion selection. Fraction of the total event energy reconstructed in the ScECAL in the 4\,GeV/c pion data sample, including a fit consisting of templates for the pion fraction and electron fraction (left). Reconstructed energy spectrum of the 32\,GeV/c pion data sample, including simple signal and contamination models fitted to the data distribution (right).
Average longitudinal shower profiles for 12\,GeV/c (top) and 32\,GeV/c (bottom) \piminus\ events in data and different simulation physics lists for showers starting in ScECAL layer 5--16 (left) and AHCAL layer 0--10 (right). Energy deposits are plotted as function of distance to reconstructed FHI layer.
Hit energy bin weights as a function of estimated particle energy for data events and different simulations. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Average longitudinal shower profiles for 12\,GeV/c (top) and 32\,GeV/c (bottom) \piminus\ events in data and different simulation physics lists for showers starting in ScECAL layer 5--16 (left) and AHCAL layer 0--10 (right). Energy deposits are plotted as function of distance to reconstructed FHI layer.
Averaged energy sum per hit energy bin per event for data and simulated events in the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) in \SI{4}{\GeV/c} (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} (bottom) events. For most entries the statistical error is smaller than the used markers.
Software compensation weights for the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) optimised from data. The upper row shows the weights for each hit energy bin as a function of the estimated particle energy. The bottom row shows vertical slices through the weights shown in the upper plots. The hit energy dependent weights of the first two bins correspond to a $\nicefrac{1}{E}$ dependence and thus a counting of hits in these bins. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Software compensation weights for the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) optimised from data. The upper row shows the weights for each hit energy bin as a function of the estimated particle energy. The bottom row shows vertical slices through the weights shown in the upper plots. The hit energy dependent weights of the first two bins correspond to a $\nicefrac{1}{E}$ dependence and thus a counting of hits in these bins. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Hit energy bin weights as a function of estimated particle energy for data events and different simulations. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Average longitudinal shower profile for 32\,GeV/c \piminus\ events in data and different simulation physics lists. Energy deposits in the ScECAL are shown in layers 1 to 30, the layers 31 to 68 belong to the AHCAL.
Reconstructed energy resolution (left) and linearity (right) for the data sample when using software compensation weights derived from data and simulation (QGSP\_BERT\_HP in Geant\,4 10.2p1) for energy reconstruction.
Hit energy spectra of the ScECAL (left) and the AHCAL (right) for 15\,GeV/c \piminus~data. Colours are assigned to hits reconstructed on the primary pion track and by software compensation bin.
Reconstructed energy spectra from data samples using the standard and software compensation reconstruction.
Average longitudinal shower profiles for 12\,GeV/c (top) and 32\,GeV/c (bottom) \piminus\ events in data and different simulation physics lists for showers starting in ScECAL layer 5--16 (left) and AHCAL layer 0--10 (right). Energy deposits are plotted as function of distance to reconstructed FHI layer.
Average longitudinal shower profiles for 12\,GeV/c (top) and 32\,GeV/c (bottom) \piminus\ events in data and different simulation physics lists for showers starting in ScECAL layer 5--16 (left) and AHCAL layer 0--10 (right). Energy deposits are plotted as function of distance to reconstructed FHI layer.
Reconstructed energy resolution (left) and linearity (right) for the data sample when using software compensation weights derived from data and simulation (QGSP\_BERT\_HP in Geant\,4 10.2p1) for energy reconstruction.
Hit energy bin weights as a function of estimated particle energy for data events and different simulations. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Estimations of remaining beam contaminations after the pion selection. Fraction of the total event energy reconstructed in the ScECAL in the 4\,GeV/c pion data sample, including a fit consisting of templates for the pion fraction and electron fraction (left). Reconstructed energy spectrum of the 32\,GeV/c pion data sample, including simple signal and contamination models fitted to the data distribution (right).
Residual of mean fitted reconstructed energy over beam momentum in data and different simulation physics lists using the standard reconstruction (left) and software compensation reconstruction (right). The given residual is defined as $\frac{E_\text{rec}-E_\text{beam}}{E_\text{beam}} \times \SI{100}{\percent}$.
Standard energy reconstruction weights obtained from data and simulations. Weights are optimised for single beam momenta individually (markers) or for all beam momenta simultaneously (lines). Square markers indicate the ratio between the ScECAL and AHCAL+TCMT weights. All statistical uncertainties are smaller than the used markers.
Reconstructed energy spectra from data samples using the standard and software compensation reconstruction.
Averaged energy sum per hit energy bin per event for data and simulated events in the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) in \SI{4}{\GeV/c} (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} (bottom) events. For most entries the statistical error is smaller than the used markers.
Reconstructed energy spectra of \piminus events in data (left) and FTFP\_BERT\_HP (right) for \SI{4}{\GeV/c} events (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} events (bottom) at different steps of the applied event selection.
Distribution of the reconstructed FHI layer for 32\,GeV/c \piminus events in data and different simulation physics lists. Energy deposits in the ScECAL are shown in layers 1 to 30, the layers 31 to 68 belong to the AHCAL.
Residual of mean fitted reconstructed energy over beam momentum in data and different simulation physics lists using the standard reconstruction (left) and software compensation reconstruction (right). The given residual is defined as $\frac{E_\text{rec}-E_\text{beam}}{E_\text{beam}} \times \SI{100}{\percent}$.
Comparison of MIP-like particles in data and simulation. Normalised hit energy spectrum of a single ScECAL cell from MIP-like tracks deposited by \SI{32}{\GeV/c}~\piminus~(left). Distribution of most probable values of the MIP spectra in single ScECAL cells from \SI{32}{\GeV/c}~\muminus~(right).
Reconstructed energy spectra from data samples using the standard and software compensation reconstruction.
Comparison of MIP-like particles in data and simulation. Normalised hit energy spectrum of a single ScECAL cell from MIP-like tracks deposited by \SI{32}{\GeV/c}~\piminus~(left). Distribution of most probable values of the MIP spectra in single ScECAL cells from \SI{32}{\GeV/c}~\muminus~(right).
Reconstructed energy distributions from standard and software compensation reconstructions for the 32\,GeV/c~\piminus data. The black markers in the correlation plot show the profile of the mean software compensation reconstructed energy for bins of the standard reconstruction energy (right). The black dashed lines in the correlation plot indicate the beam energy of the sample.
Software compensation weights for the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) optimised from data. The upper row shows the weights for each hit energy bin as a function of the estimated particle energy. The bottom row shows vertical slices through the weights shown in the upper plots. The hit energy dependent weights of the first two bins correspond to a $\nicefrac{1}{E}$ dependence and thus a counting of hits in these bins. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Hit energy bin weights as a function of estimated particle energy for data events and different simulations. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Reconstructed energy spectra of \piminus events in data (left) and FTFP\_BERT\_HP (right) for \SI{4}{\GeV/c} events (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} events (bottom) at different steps of the applied event selection.
Software compensation weights for the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) optimised from data. The upper row shows the weights for each hit energy bin as a function of the estimated particle energy. The bottom row shows vertical slices through the weights shown in the upper plots. The hit energy dependent weights of the first two bins correspond to a $\nicefrac{1}{E}$ dependence and thus a counting of hits in these bins. The width of each line indicates the weight uncertainty propagated from the parameter errors.
Reconstructed energy distributions from standard and software compensation reconstructions for the 32\,GeV/c~\piminus data. The black markers in the correlation plot show the profile of the mean software compensation reconstructed energy for bins of the standard reconstruction energy (right). The black dashed lines in the correlation plot indicate the beam energy of the sample.
Averaged energy sum per hit energy bin per event for data and simulated events in the ScECAL (left) and AHCAL (right) in \SI{4}{\GeV/c} (top) and \SI{32}{\GeV/c} (bottom) events. For most entries the statistical error is smaller than the used markers.
Reconstructed energy resolution as a function of beam momentum in data and different simulation physics lists for standard and software compensation reconstruction (left), as well as the resolution improvement from the software compensation reconstruction (right). All plotted values are given in \autoref{table:pion_reso_values}.