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Report number Dapnia-SPhN-93-19
Title Tensor polarization in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum transfer range $3.8 \leq q \leq 4.6 fm^{-1}$
Author(s) Garçon, M ; Arvieux, Jacques ; Beck, D H ; Beise, E J ; Boudard, A ; Cairns, E B ; Cameron, J M ; Dodson, G W ; Dow, K A ; Farkhondeh, M M ; Fielding, H W ; Flanz, J B ; Goloskie, R ; Høibraten, S ; Jourdan, J ; Kowalski, S ; Lapointe, C ; McDonald, W J ; Ni, B ; Pham, L D ; Redwine, R P ; Rodning, N L ; Roy, G ; Schulze, M E ; Souder, P A ; Soukup, J ; Turchinetz, W E ; Williamson, C F ; Wilson, K E ; Wood, S A ; Ziegler, W
Publication 1993
Imprint Apr 1993
Number of pages 62
Published in: Phys. Rev. C
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Other source Inspire


 Záznam vytvorený 1993-12-06, zmenený 2014-12-16