CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Report number AIDA-2020-PUB-2018-005
Title First Measurements of Beam Backgrounds at SuperKEKB
Author(s) Vahsen, S.E. (University of Hawaii) ; Lewis, P.M. (University of Hawaii) ; Jaegle, I. (University of Florida) ; Nakayama, H. (KEK) ; Aloisio, A. (University of Naples Federico II & INFN Napoli) ; Ameli, F. (INFN Roma) ; Barrett, M. (Wayne State University) ; Beaulieu, A. (University of Victoria) ; Bosisio, L. (University of Trieste & INFN) ; Branchini, P. (INFN Roma) ; Browder, T.E. (University of Hawaii) ; Budano, A. (INFN Roma) ; Cautero, G. (Elettra) ; Cecchi, C. (INFN Perugia) ; Chen, Y.-T. (National Taiwan University) ; Chu, K.-N. (National Taiwan University) ; Cinabro, D. (Wayne State University) ; Cristaudo, P. (University of Trieste & INFN) ; de Jong, S. (University of Victoria) ; de Sangro, R. (INFN Frascati) ; Finocchiaro, G. (INFN Frascati) ; Flanagan, J. (KEK) ; Funakoshi, Y. (KEK) ; Gabriel, M. (MPP) ; Giordano, R. (University of Naples Federico II & INFN Napoli) ; Giuressi, D. (Elettra) ; Hedges, M. T. (University of Hawaii) ; Honkanen, N. (University of Victoria) ; Ikeda, H. (KEK) ; Ishibashi, T. (KEK) ; Kaji, H. (KEK) ; Kanazawa, K. (KEK) ; Kiesling, C. (MPP) ; Koirala, S. (National Taiwan University) ; Križan, P. (JSI) ; La Licata, C. (University of Trieste & INFN) ; Lanceri, L. (University of Trieste & INFN) ; Liau, J.-J. (National Taiwan University) ; Lin, F.-H. (National Taiwan University) ; Lin, J.-C. (National Taiwan University) ; Liptak, Z. (University of Hawaii) ; Longo, S. (University of Victoria) ; Manoni, E. (INFN Perugia) ; Marinas, C. (University of Bonn) ; Miyabayashi, K. (Nara Women's University) ; Mulyani, E. (SOKENDAI) ; Morita, A. (KEK) ; Nakao, M. (KEK) ; Nayak, M. (Wayne State University) ; Ohnishi, Y. (KEK) ; Passeri, A. (INFN Roma) ; Poffenberger, P. (University of Victoria) ; Ritzert, M. (Heidelberg University) ; Roney, J M. (University of Victoria) ; Rossi, A. (INFN Perugia) ; Röder, T. (MPP) ; Seddon, R.M. (McGill University) ; Seong, I.S. (University of Hawaii) ; Shiu, J.-G. (National Taiwan University) ; Simon, F. (MPP) ; Soloviev, Y. (DESY) ; Suetsugu, Y. (KEK) ; Szalay, M. (MPP) ; Terui, S. (KEK) ; Tortone, G. (University of Naples Federico II & INFN Napoli) ; van der Kolk, N. (MPP) ; Vitale, L. (University of Trieste) ; Wang, M.Z. (National Taiwan University) ; Windel, H. (MPP) ; Yokoyama, S. (Nara Women's University)
Publication 2018
Imprint 2018-02-05
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques ; 14: Infrastructure for advanced calorimeters
Abstract The high design luminosity of the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider is expected to result in challenging levels of beam-induced backgrounds in the interaction region. Properly simulating and mitigating these backgrounds is critical to the success of the Belle II experiment. We report on measurements performed with a suite of dedicated beam background detectors, collectively known as BEAST II, during the so-called Phase 1 commissioning run of SuperKEKB in 2016, which involved operation of both the high energy ring (HER) of 7 GeV electrons as well as the low energy ring (LER) of 4 GeV positrons. We describe the BEAST II detector systems, the simulation of beam backgrounds, and the measurements performed. The measurements include standard ones of dose rates versus accelerator conditions, and more novel investigations, such as bunch-by-bunch measurements of injection backgrounds and measurements sensitive to the energy spectrum and angular distribution of fast neutrons. We observe beam-gas, Touschek, beam-dust, and injection backgrounds. We do not observe significant synchrotron radiation, as expected. Measured LER beam-gas backgrounds and Touschek backgrounds in both rings are slightly elevated, on average three times larger than the levels predicted by simulation. HER beam-gas backgrounds are on on average two orders of magnitude larger than predicted. Systematic uncertainties and channel-to-channel variations are large, so that these excesses constitute only 1-2 sigma level effects. Neutron background rates are higher than predicted and should be studied further. We will measure the remaining beam background processes, due to colliding beams, in the imminent commissioning Phase 2. These backgrounds are expected to be the most critical for Belle II, to the point of necessitating replacement of detector components during the Phase 3 (full-luminosity) operation of SuperKEB.

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Email contact: [email protected]

 Registre creat el 2018-05-30, darrera modificació el 2018-05-30

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