CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Report number AIDA-2020-PUB-2017-005
Title Status of HVCMOS Developments for ATLAS
Author(s) Peric, Ivan (KIT) ; Blanco, Roberto (KIT) ; Casanova Mohr, Raimon (IFAE) ; Ehrler, Felix (KIT) ; Guezzi Messaoud, Fadoua (UNIGE) ; Kramer, Christian (KIT) ; Leys, Richard (KIT) ; Prathapan, Mridula (KIT) ; Schimassek, Rudolf (KIT) ; Schoning, Andre (UHEI) ; Vilella Figueras, Eva (UNILIV) ; Weber, Alena (KIT) ; Zhang, Hui (KIT)
Publication 2017
Imprint 2017-02-10
In: JINST 12 (2017) C02030
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/12/02/C02030
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques ; 6: Novel high voltage and resistive CMOS sensors
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Abstract This paper describes the status of the developments made by ATLAS HVCMOS and HVMAPS collaborations. We have proposed two HVCMOS sensor concepts for ATLAS pixels—the capacitive coupled pixel detector (CCPD) and the monolithic detector. The sensors have been implemented in three semiconductor processes AMS H18, AMS H35 and LFoundry LFA15. Efficiency of 99.7% after neutron irradiation to 1015 neq/cm2W has been measured with the small area CCPD prototype in AMS H18 technology. About 84% of the particles are detected with a time resolution better than 25 ns. The sensor was implemented on a low resistivity substrate. The large area demonstrator sensor in AMS H35 process has been designed, produced and successfully tested. The sensor has been produced on different high resistivity substrates ranging from 80 Ωcm to more than 1 kΩ. Monolithic- and hybrid readout are both possible. In August 2016, six different monolithic pixel matrices for ATLAS with a total area of 1 cm2 have been submitted in LFoundry LFA15 process. The matrices implement column drain and triggered readout as well as waveform sampling capability on pixel level. Design details will be presented.

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 Datensatz erzeugt am 2017-10-23, letzte Änderung am 2018-09-04

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