CERN Accelerating science

Transverse momentum versus momentum distribution of muons, as generated by Pythia~\cite{Pythia8, Pythia6}.
Cross section at y=0 shows the principle of magnetic shielding. The magnetic field is along the y-axis, and its polarity is indicated by the blue/green color of the iron poles of the magnets. The trajectories of a 350 GeV/c muon and 50 GeV/c muon are shown with a full and dashed line, respectively.
A view in the x-y plane of the two magnet configurations. In configuration a) the air-gap is large enough anywhere along y to place a coil. Configuration b) has an air-gap close to 2 cm at y=0, and hence the program will create large enough air-gaps at the top and bottom of the magnet to accommodate the coils.
Geometric view of the optimized muon shield, showing at the top, the z-y plane view, and at the bottom, the z-x plane view. SHiP defines the origin of the coordinate system to be in the center of the decay vessel. Color shading is used to enhance the contrast between different magnetic field orientations.