CERN Accelerating science

Resistive Plate Chamber Digitization in a Hadronic Shower Environment - Deng, Z. et al - arXiv:1604.04550CALICE-PUB-2016-004CALICE Analysis Note CAN-053CALICE-CAN-2016-002
A schematic cross-section of a SDHCAL active layer (not to scale).
(a): Length of steps in~mm as a function of $\Delta_z$ in~mm. This figure is zoomed on the short steps region to show that most of the short steps are located at the detector's boundaries ($|\Delta_z|\simeq$ 0.6~mm). (b): Measured SDHCAL layer ASIC efficiency map example. Each bin corresponds to the mean efficiency measured in one ASIC which corresponds to $8\times8$ readout pads.
(a): Length of steps in~mm as a function of $\Delta_z$ in~mm. This figure is zoomed on the short steps region to show that most of the short steps are located at the detector's boundaries ($|\Delta_z|\simeq$ 0.6~mm). (b): Measured SDHCAL layer ASIC efficiency map example. Each bin corresponds to the mean efficiency measured in one ASIC which corresponds to $8\times8$ readout pads.
Threshold scan results: average efficiency as a function of threshold for data~(a) and for simulation~(b).
Threshold scan results: average efficiency as a function of threshold for data~(a) and for simulation~(b).
Efficiency (left) and multiplicity (right) per layer with black circles and red squares for beam muon ($\cos\theta\geq0.9$) data and simulation respectively. The lines indicate the average values.
Efficiency (left) and multiplicity (right) per layer with black circles and red squares for beam muon ($\cos\theta\geq0.9$) data and simulation respectively. The lines indicate the average values.
Average pad multiplicity as a function of $\cos\theta$ with black circles and red squares for data and simulation respectively. (a): without digitizer length correction; (b): with digitizer length correction.
Average pad multiplicity as a function of $\cos\theta$ with black circles and red squares for data and simulation respectively. (a): without digitizer length correction; (b): with digitizer length correction.
Efficiency per layer for threshold 2 (a) and 3 (b) with black circles and red squares for beam muon ($\cos\theta\geq0.9$) data and simulation respectively.
Efficiency per layer for threshold 2 (a) and 3 (b) with black circles and red squares for beam muon ($\cos\theta\geq0.9$) data and simulation respectively.
Average number of hits as a function of spill time for a 20~GeV electron run before (a) and after (b) the time calibration. The red curve is the result of the fit.
Average number of hits as a function of spill time for a 20~GeV electron run before (a) and after (b) the time calibration. The red curve is the result of the fit.
Distribution of number of hits without time correction for 20~GeV (left) and 50~GeV (right) electron runs. Black lines show the hit distributions before selection, red lines show the hit distributions after electron selection and blue lines show the hit distributions after pion selection.
Distribution of number of hits without time correction for 20~GeV (left) and 50~GeV (right) electron runs. Black lines show the hit distributions before selection, red lines show the hit distributions after electron selection and blue lines show the hit distributions after pion selection.
Number of hits distribution for 20 (left), and 50~GeV (right) electron runs. Data are represented by black circles and simulation by red filled histogram.
Number of hits distribution for 20 (left), and 50~GeV (right) electron runs. Data are represented by black circles and simulation by red filled histogram.
Average number of hits as a function of the beam energy for electron runs. Data are represented by black crosses, simulations are represented by red circles and open blue squares for FTFP\_BERT\_HP and QGSP\_BERT\_HP physics lists respectively. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{hit}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Distribution of number of hits without time correction for 20~GeV (left) and 50~GeV (right) pion runs. Black lines show the hit distributions before selection, red lines show the hit distributions after electron selection.
Distribution of number of hits without time correction for 20~GeV (left) and 50~GeV (right) pion runs. Black lines show the hit distributions before selection, red lines show the hit distributions after electron selection.
Number of hits distribution for 20, 40, 60 and 80~GeV pion runs. Data are represented by black circles and simulation by red filled histogram.
Number of hits distribution for 20, 40, 60 and 80~GeV pion runs. Data are represented by black circles and simulation by red filled histogram.
Number of hits distribution for 20, 40, 60 and 80~GeV pion runs. Data are represented by black circles and simulation by red filled histogram.
Number of hits distribution for 20, 40, 60 and 80~GeV pion runs. Data are represented by black circles and simulation by red filled histogram.
Average number of hits as a function of the beam energy for pion runs. Data are represented by black crosses, simulations are represented by red circles and open blue squares for FTFP\_BERT\_HP and QGSP\_BERT\_HP physics lists respectively. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{hit}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Average number of hits as a function of the beam energy for data, pion simulations and proton simulations. Comparison is shown for both physic lists FTFP\_BERT\_HP~(a) and QGSP\_BERT\_HP~(b). Data are represented by black crosses, pion simulations is represented by red circles and proton simulations by green triangles. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{hit}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Average number of hits as a function of the beam energy for data, pion simulations and proton simulations. Comparison is shown for both physic lists FTFP\_BERT\_HP~(a) and QGSP\_BERT\_HP~(b). Data are represented by black crosses, pion simulations is represented by red circles and proton simulations by green triangles. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{hit}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Average number of reconstructed clusters for pion runs as a function of the beam energy. Data are represented by black crosses, simulations are represented by red circles and open blue squares for FTFP\_BERT\_HP and QGSP\_BERT\_HP physics lists respectively. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{cluster}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Average number of hits for threshold 1 (a), 2 (b) and 3 (c) for pion runs as a function of the beam energy. Data are represented by black crosses, simulations are represented by red circles and open blue squares for FTFP\_BERT\_HP and QGSP\_BERT\_HP physics lists respectively. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{hit,i}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Average number of hits for threshold 1 (a), 2 (b) and 3 (c) for pion runs as a function of the beam energy. Data are represented by black crosses, simulations are represented by red circles and open blue squares for FTFP\_BERT\_HP and QGSP\_BERT\_HP physics lists respectively. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{hit,i}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Average number of hits for threshold 1 (a), 2 (b) and 3 (c) for pion runs as a function of the beam energy. Data are represented by black crosses, simulations are represented by red circles and open blue squares for FTFP\_BERT\_HP and QGSP\_BERT\_HP physics lists respectively. Relative deviations $\Delta N_{hit,i}/\langle N_{data} \rangle$ are also presented (see text for details).
Radial shower profile for both data and simulation at 20 (left) and 70~GeV (right).
Radial shower profile for both data and simulation at 20 (left) and 70~GeV (right).
Mean value of the radial shower profile for pion runs as a function of the beam energy. Data are represented by black crosses, simulations are represented by red circles and open blue squares for FTFP\_BERT\_HP and QGSP\_BERT\_HP physics lists respectively. Relative deviations $\Delta R/ R$ are also presented (see text for details).