CERN Accelerating science

Probabilities of RICH identification of $\pi^+$, K$^+$ and p as a $\pi^+$ versus momentum for the smaller $\theta$ bin $10\,\mrad <\theta<40\,\mrad$. Statistical uncertainties are lower than the size of the symbols.
Correction due to diffractive $\rho^0$ contamination, shown for negative-pion multiplicities as a function of $z$ for three $Q^2$ bins
Positive pion multiplicities versus $z$ for nine $x$ bins and five $y$ bins (for clarity staggered vertically by $\alpha$). Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The curves correspond to the COMPASS LO fit (see Section~\ref{sec:fragmentation}). (Coloured version online)
Same as Fig.~\ref{res1} for negative pions. (Coloured version online)
Positive (closed) and negative (open) pion multiplicities versus $z$ for nine $x$ bins. The bands correspond to the total systematic uncertainties.
Same as Fig.~\ref{res3} for charged unidentified hadrons.
Left: Sum of ${\mathscr M}^{\pi^{+}}$ and ${\mathscr M}^{\pi^{-}}$ versus $x$. The COMPASS data (closed circles) are compared to HERMES results (open circles); Right: Sum of ${\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{+}}$ and ${\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{-}}$ versus $x$. The COMPASS data (closed circles) are compared to EMC results (open circles). The systematic uncertainties are shown as bands at the bottom.
Left: Sum of ${\mathscr M}^{\pi^{+}}$ and ${\mathscr M}^{\pi^{-}}$ versus $x$. The COMPASS data (closed circles) are compared to HERMES results (open circles); Right: Sum of ${\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{+}}$ and ${\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{-}}$ versus $x$. The COMPASS data (closed circles) are compared to EMC results (open circles). The systematic uncertainties are shown as bands at the bottom.
Left: Ratio ${\mathscr M}^{\pi^{+}}/{\mathscr M}^{\pi^{-}}$ versus $x$ from COMPASS (closed points), HERMES (open circles) and JLab (open squares). Right: Ratio ${\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{+}}/{\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{-}}$ versus $x$ for COMPASS (closed circles) and EMC (open circles) results. The systematic uncertainties are shown as bands at the bottom.
Left: Ratio ${\mathscr M}^{\pi^{+}}/{\mathscr M}^{\pi^{-}}$ versus $x$ from COMPASS (closed points), HERMES (open circles) and JLab (open squares). Right: Ratio ${\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{+}}/{\mathscr M}^{{\rm h}^{-}}$ versus $x$ for COMPASS (closed circles) and EMC (open circles) results. The systematic uncertainties are shown as bands at the bottom.
Favoured (top) and unfavoured (middle) quark-to-pion FFs and the ratio $D^{\pi}_{\rm unf}/D^{\pi}_{\rm fav}$ (bottom), as obtained from the COMPASS LO fit, compared to the DSEHS, HKNS and LSS fits at NLO. The bands represent the total uncertainties for the FFs and the total statistical uncertainty for the ratio (see text). (Coloured version online)
Favoured (top) and unfavoured (middle) quark-to-pion FFs and the ratio $D^{\pi}_{\rm unf}/D^{\pi}_{\rm fav}$ (bottom), as obtained from the COMPASS LO fit, compared to the DSEHS, HKNS and LSS fits at NLO. The bands represent the total uncertainties for the FFs and the total statistical uncertainty for the ratio (see text). (Coloured version online)
Favoured (top) and unfavoured (middle) quark-to-pion FFs and the ratio $D^{\pi}_{\rm unf}/D^{\pi}_{\rm fav}$ (bottom), as obtained from the COMPASS LO fit, compared to the DSEHS, HKNS and LSS fits at NLO. The bands represent the total uncertainties for the FFs and the total statistical uncertainty for the ratio (see text). (Coloured version online)
The $z$ dependence of the favoured (closed symbols) and unfavoured (open symbols) quark-to-pion fragmentation functions, $zD_{\rm fav}^{\pi}$ and $zD_{\rm unf}^{\pi}$, extracted directly from pion multiplicities for the bin $0.04