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Report number CERN-SHiP-NOTE-2015-007
Title Radiation protection studies for the SHiP facility
Author(s) Strabel, Claudia Christina (CERN) ; Vincke, Heinz (CERN) ; Vincke, Helmut (CERN)
Publication 2015
Collaboration SHiP collaboration
Imprint 2015-04-07
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; SHiP
Keywords SHiP, radiation, protection, health
Abstract The enlarged scope of the recently proposed experiment to search for Heavy Neutral Leptons, SPSC-EOI-010, is a general purpose fixed target facility which in the initial phase is aimed at a general Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) as well as tau neutrino physics. This report summarizes radiation protection considerations for the SHiP facility and the primary beam extraction for SHiP.
Submitted by [email protected]



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