CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1410.4204
Title Global Bayesian Analysis of the Higgs-boson Couplings
Author(s) de Blas, Jorge (INFN, Rome) ; Ciuchini, Marco (INFN, Rome3) ; Franco, Enrico (INFN, Rome) ; Ghosh, Diptimoy (INFN, Rome) ; Mishima, Satoshi (Rome U. ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Pierini, Maurizio (CERN) ; Reina, Laura (Florida State U.) ; Silvestrini, Luca (INFN, Rome)
Publication 2016-06-02
Imprint 2014-10-15
Number of pages 7
Note Comments: Based on a talk given by Diptimoy Ghosh in ICHEP 2014, Valencia
Based on a talk given by Diptimoy Ghosh in ICHEP 2014, Valencia
In: Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 273-275 (2016) 834-840
In: 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Valencia, Spain, 2 - 9 Jul 2014, pp.834-840
DOI 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.09.128
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology ; hep-ph
Abstract We present preliminary results of a bayesian fit to the Wilson coefficients of the Standard Model gauge invariant dimension-6 operators involving one or more Higgs fields, using data on electroweak precision observables and Higgs boson signal strengths.
Copyright/License Elsevier B.V. (Licenses: arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0, CC-BY-4.0)

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