Página principal > CERN R&D Projects > CERN Detector R&D Projects > CALICE > CALICE Papers > Electromagnetic response of a highly granular hadronic calorimeter > Gráficos |
Single photoelectron peak spectrum taken with a SiPM in the AHCAL detector. |
The SiPM response function (left) and the saturation correction function, $f_{\rm{sat}}$, applied in the data calibration chain (right). |
Ratio of maximum number of fired pixels, $N_{\rm tot}$(mounted), measured with SiPM mounted on a tile to $N_{\rm tot}$(bare) measured directly with bare SiPMs. |
Top view of the CERN beam test setup. The plot shows the instrumentation in 2007. The beam enters from the left side. See text for explanations of the components. |
Hit energy spectrum for 40\,GeV positron showers compared to that of 40\,GeV and 80\,GeV pion showers from a {\sc Geant}4 simulation. |
Reconstructed energy of a 10\,GeV positrons for data (black dots) and for Monte Carlo (filled yellow histogram), as well as a Gaussian fit to data (blue line). |
Transverse profile of a 15 GeV positron shower. The energy density is shown in 10 mm wide concentric rings centered around the shower axis. |
Mean (left) and RMS (right) of the transverse shower distribution as a function of beam energy. Black dots correspond to data and red open triangles correspond to Monte Carlo. |
Mean (left) and RMS (right) of the transverse shower distribution as a function of beam energy. Black dots correspond to data and red open triangles correspond to Monte Carlo. |
Picture of the scintillating tile (left). Effect of the AHCAL scintillator tile structure on the energy measurement (summed over the entire calorimeter) for 10 GeV electromagnetic showers (right). |
Picture of the scintillating tile (left). Effect of the AHCAL scintillator tile structure on the energy measurement (summed over the entire calorimeter) for 10 GeV electromagnetic showers (right). |