CERN Accelerating science

Report number CARE-Report-07-014-PHIN ; CARE-Report-2007-014-PHIN
Title Report on the development of a radio-frequency photo electron source with superconducting niobium cavity (SRF gun realization)
Author(s) Teichert, J ; Arnold, A ; Büttig, H ; Hempel, R ; Janssen, D ; Lehnert, U ; Michel, P ; Möller, K ; Murcek, P ; Schneider, C ; Schurig, R ; Staufenbiel, F ; Xiang, R ; Kamps, T ; Lipka, D ; Stephan, J ; Lehmann, W D ; Klemz, G ; Will, I
Publication CARE, 2007 - mult..
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

 Record created 2008-02-14, last modified 2017-02-20

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