Board resolutions/2019

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2019 Board resolutions

2019-001 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Executive Committee resolved to pay the invoice for March 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 1,195.74 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 15 April 2019.

2019-002 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Board resolved to pay the invoice for April 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 3,725.19 CAD.

Resolved by the Board on 6 May 2019.

2019-004 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Executive Committee resolved to pay the invoice for May 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 5,656.77 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 10 June 2019.

2019-005 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Executive Committee resolved to pay the invoice for June 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 2,437.47 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 8 July 2019.

2019-006 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Board resolved to pay the invoice for July 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 1,011.78 CAD.

Resolved by the Board on 5 August 2019.

2019-007 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Executive Committee resolved to pay the invoice for August 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 3,081.33 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 16 September 2019.

2019-008 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Board resolved to pay the invoice for September 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 4,116.11 CAD.

Resolved by the Board on 7 October 2019.

2019-009 Change of signatories of RBC bank account


The Board resolved to remove Jean-Philippe Béland and Guillaume Lafrance as signatories of the RBC bank account.

Resolved by the Board on 7 October 2019.

2019-010 Elections of officers


The following Board members have been acclaimed as officers of WMCA:

  • President: Lëa-Kim Chateauneuf
  • Vice President: Michael David Miller
  • Secretary: Amber Berson

The following Board member have been appointed as officer of WMCA:

  • Treasurer: Guillaume Lafrance

Resolved by the Board on 4 November 2019.

2019-011 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Board resolved to pay the invoice for October 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 8,213.15 CAD.

Resolved by the Board on 4 November 2019.

2019-012 Payment for the Institutional Advancement Manager Contractor


The Executive Committee resolved to pay the invoice for November 2019 from Jean-Philippe Béland as independant contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager for a total of 5,357.84 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 12 December 2019.

2019-013 Payment for the Project Weather Observations of the Meteorological Service of Canada in Wikimedia Projects Executant Contractor


The Executive Committee resolved to pay the invoice for October and November 2019 from Pierre Choffet as independant contractor as executant for the Project Weather Observations of the Meteorological Service of Canada in Wikimedia Projects for a total of 6,232.83 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 12 December 2019.

2019-014 Payment for the IT Support Contractor


The Executive Committee resolved to pay the invoice for October 2019 from Pierre Choffet as independant contractor for IT Support for a total of 80,00 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 12 December 2019.

2019-015 Hiring the services of an external firm for fundraising


Te Executive Committee resolved to hire the services of Atypic as an external firm to develop a fundraising plan for Wikimedia Canada for a contract for a total of 20,000.00 CAD.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 12 December 2019.

2019-016 Changes to the Annual Plan Grant 2020's Budget


Te Executive Committee resolved to approve the changes to the Annual Plan Grant (APG) 2020's Budget as proposed in order to adjust it to the reduction of the total APG 2020 budget decided by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Resolved by the Executive Committee on 12 December 2019.