Annual General Meeting 2018/Minutes

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Meeting information

  • Location: 535 Viger Avenue East, Montreal, Quebec



Wikimedia Canada currently has 75 active members. 15 members are present. Quorum is met.


  1. The members of Wikimedia Canada move to accept the minutes of the 2017 AGM.
    • Motion adopted.
  2. The members of Wikimedia Canada move to accept the 2017 Financial Report.
    • Motion adopted.
  3. The following people are elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation for 2-year terms:
    • Charlotte Badin
    • Ha-Loan Phan
    • Gabriel Arsenault
    • Michael David Miller
    • Benoit Rochon
  4. The following person is elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation for a 1-year term:
    • Jean-François Pilon
  5. The members of Wikimedia Canada move to adjourn the meeting.
    • Motion adopted.