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Annual General Meeting 2017

From Wikimedia Canada
Annual General Meeting 2017
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Annual General Meeting 2017

12 August 2017
Province [1] Time zone
British Columbia 16:00 PDT
Alberta 17:00 MDT
Saskatchewan 17:00 CST
Manitoba 18:00 CDT
Ontario, Quebec 19:00 EDT
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island
20:00 ADT
Newfoundland and Labrador 20:30 NDT


  1. Registrations and confirmation of voting rights
  2. Opening of the meeting
  3. Motion to allow observers at the meeting pursuant to section 21 of the General Bylaws.
  4. Address from the President
  5. Ordinary business
    1. Motion to accept the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
    2. Motion to accept the 2015 and 2016 Annual Budget Reports
  6. Special business
    1. Motion to accept the proposed amendments to the Articles of Continuance
    2. Motion to accept the proposed amendments to General Bylaw
    3. Motion to accept the new Membership Policy
    4. Motion to set a fixed number of directors to 11 and allow the number to be varied by the Board
  7. Election of new directors (see below)
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment of the meeting
  10. Invitation to a meet and greet

Election of new board members




Currently, the board of directors has 9 members, 7 of them have been elected at the last AGM while 2 of them have been elected by the Board itself during the year. 6 board member's terms, including the 2 elected by the Board, are expiring at this AGM. 3 board members (Benoit Rochon, Jean-Philippe Béland and Ha-Loan Phan)'s term will expire at the AGM in 2018 because they have been elected for a two-year term at the last AGM.

If the members agree to fix the number directors at 11, 8 new directors will be elected at the AGM. In order to stagger election dates, two will be elected for 1 year-terms and six for 2-years terms.


  1. An "election president" will be elected by the members.
  2. The election president will name scrutineers to fill the physical ballots of members attending the meeting electronically.
  3. The election president will open the election.
  4. Each nomination will be presented (see the eligibility criteria below) by the election president.
  5. The election president will ask if there are any nominations from the floor.
  6. The election president will ask members permission to run elections for 1-year and 2-year terms concurrently, notwithstanding section 28 of the Bylaws. (If members do not allow concurrent elections, there will be two rounds of voting, first for the 2-year seats and then for the 1-year seats.)
  7. Members will cast votes. All members can vote for up to 8 candidates.
  8. The votes will be counted. The 6 candidates with the most votes will be elected to 2-year terms. The 2 candidates with the 7th and 8th most votes will be elected to 1-year terms.
  9. The election president will close the election.

Candidates eligibility


To be eligible to be a candidate to become a board member:

  • All candidates should be a member in good standing for at least 1 month prior to the AGM (no later than 12 July 2017). They must be a member in good standing prior to the beginning of the AGM.
  • All candidates should add their nomination to the list below no later than 29 July 2017
  • All candidates should have a presentation and motivation page on this wiki linked below, it should be completed at least 7 days prior to the AGM (no later than 5 August 2017)[2]
  • All candidates must have signatures by not less than 5% of members entitled to vote at the meeting prior to the beginning of the meeting for the candidature to be valid. Those signatures should be on the motivation pages in order to allow verification by the Secretary.



Add your name and a link to your motivation page (must be on this wiki) below. Make sure to include a section "support" on your page where members can add their support signatures on your motivation page. Your page can be in English or French (or both).


Elected for 2 years
  • Antoine Beaubien
  • Lëa-Kim Chateauneuf
  • Guillaume Lafrance
  • Marie D. Martel
Elected for 1 year
  • Charlotte Badin
  • Philippe-Olivier Daniel




  1. Please note that the provinces in this table are for guidance only, since some have two time zones (e.g., The Magdalen Islands and the south-eastern part of British Columbia are not in the same time zone as their provinces). Please refer to your time zone instead of your province.
  2. The presentation and motivation page should be a sub-page of your user page. It should state your full name and your username on Wikimedia projects, your experience with the Wikimedia movement and with nonprofit organizations, your motivations to become a director of Wikimedia Canada and any other relevant information you want to share. It must include a section "support" where members can add their support by signing with their username.